  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • [[Kategorie:Jahr (. Jahrhundert)|#]] [[Kategorie:| ]]
  • The following are known to have been born in : The following passed away in the year :
  • Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1887 stattgefunden haben:
  • W roku 1887 wydarzyło się: [[Plik:3x14-Cole.jpg|thumb|Cole Turner]]
  • This is a list of various things that took place in 1887.
  • 1887 was a year in the 19th century.
  • Events of the year 1887 AD.
  • The following are the baseball events of the year 1887 throughout the world.
  • In the Year of 1887 :-
  • En la sanktega jaro 1887 post Kristo, la jaro plej grava en la historio, aperis ne nur Esperanto sed ankaŭ Sherlock Holmes kaj la unua tempomaŝino kaj okazis, interalie: 200px|right
  • These events occured in 1887 in the world of hockey:
  • The 1887 is a shotgun that appears in Far Cry 3. This weapon will become free after deactivating 4 Radio Towers. The 1887 has a significantly tighter spread than other shotguns, making it more effective at medium ranges. However, it is still not effective at long range and has a lengthy reload time. It is recommended to use cover between shots to maximize damage while minimising exposure.
  • Wydarzenia z roku 1887: * okrycie tabliczk klinowych w Archiwum w Tell el-Amarna
  • 1887 was the eighth year of the 1880s and the eighty-seventh year of the nineteenth century. By this time, Sherlock Holmes was most likely active as a consulting detective in London, England. His partner was Doctor John Watson, who served as both his surgeon and sidekick.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] Prior to 28 June, Julia Hardwick, a young woman from the early 21st century, was transported to 1887 by the Weeping Angels. (WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas) On 28 June, Julia Hardwick, still recovering from her temporal displacement, tried to convince people that she was from the future. Her story caught the attention of a local newspaper in Hull, which published a story about her on this date. The article noted that her claims were being taken seriously. (WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas)
  • Chinese triads the Big Sword Society and the Shangtung-based White Lotus Society are suspected of instigating attacks on Christian missionaries (including Chinese converts) and foreigners. By the end of the decade they have more than 1,000 followers carrying out attacks on isolated missions and trading posts. Gaspar Milazzo boss of Detroit Crime Family.
  • Mit Jennys Versprechen im Rücken, dass sie beim Contest-Finale trotz seiner Tablettensucht auf ihn setzt, stößt Lukas Julia schwer vor den Kopf. Doch dann erfährt das Ministerium von Lukas' Sucht und schließt ihn vom Finale aus. Jenny suspendiert Lukas und der steht plötzlich vor dem Nichts. Nun ist Julia wieder gut genug und er bittet sie um seine Hilfe. Um ihren Job beim RSV behalten zu können, braucht Katja eine Lizenz, die sie sich nicht leisten kann. Alternativ könnte sie sich bei ihrer Mutter in Oberstdorf weiterbilden - doch monatelang auf Katja zu verzichten, kommt für Can nicht in Frage. Er hat die 'geniale' Idee, das Geld bei Sportwetten zu gewinnen und weiß auch schon wie: Es gilt, ein Spiel des RSVs zu manipulieren. Als Isabelle erfährt, dass ihre Mutter Richard verführen wollt
  • 1886
  • 50
Folgen Nummer
  • 1887
  • 1886
  • I
  • Extended Magazine
  • Red Dot Sight
  • Reflex Sight
  • Night Sight
  • 1888
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 7032014
  • 1887
  • 1888
  • 1
  • 1886
Current Year
  • Shotgun
  • DC golden age logo.png
  • 1887
  • 130.0
  • Shotgun Shells
  • 250
  • 1888
  • 7
  • 1887
  • 1887
  • 22074
  • 9721
  • 7876
  • 4421
  • 12155
  • 3004
  • 8758
  • 2454
  • 1015
  • [[Kategorie:Jahr (. Jahrhundert)|#]] [[Kategorie:| ]]
  • The following are known to have been born in : The following passed away in the year :
  • Chinese triads the Big Sword Society and the Shangtung-based White Lotus Society are suspected of instigating attacks on Christian missionaries (including Chinese converts) and foreigners. By the end of the decade they have more than 1,000 followers carrying out attacks on isolated missions and trading posts. August 13 - Daniel Lyons, who succeeded Danny Driscoll as leader of the Whyos, suffers a gunshot wound to the head by saloon keeper David Murphy and died the following day while at Chambers Street Hospital. Lyons, not to be confused with former leader Danny Lyons, had been tearing up Murphy's saloon along with the nephew of Jerry Hartigan when Murphy shot him. Although immediately turning himself over to police claiming self-defense, he was held in custody at The Tombs. Gaspar Milazzo boss of Detroit Crime Family.
  • Mit Jennys Versprechen im Rücken, dass sie beim Contest-Finale trotz seiner Tablettensucht auf ihn setzt, stößt Lukas Julia schwer vor den Kopf. Doch dann erfährt das Ministerium von Lukas' Sucht und schließt ihn vom Finale aus. Jenny suspendiert Lukas und der steht plötzlich vor dem Nichts. Nun ist Julia wieder gut genug und er bittet sie um seine Hilfe. Um ihren Job beim RSV behalten zu können, braucht Katja eine Lizenz, die sie sich nicht leisten kann. Alternativ könnte sie sich bei ihrer Mutter in Oberstdorf weiterbilden - doch monatelang auf Katja zu verzichten, kommt für Can nicht in Frage. Er hat die 'geniale' Idee, das Geld bei Sportwetten zu gewinnen und weiß auch schon wie: Es gilt, ein Spiel des RSVs zu manipulieren. Als Isabelle erfährt, dass ihre Mutter Richard verführen wollte, schmeißt sie Helena sofort aus dem Penthouse. Helena fordert im Gegenzug die ihr zustehenden Zentrumsanteile, um sie meistbietend zu verscherbeln. Richard fürchtet, dass sein geliebtes Zentrum in fremde Hände fällt.
  • Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1887 stattgefunden haben:
  • W roku 1887 wydarzyło się: [[Plik:3x14-Cole.jpg|thumb|Cole Turner]]
  • This is a list of various things that took place in 1887.
  • 1887 was a year in the 19th century.
  • Events of the year 1887 AD.
  • The following are the baseball events of the year 1887 throughout the world.
  • In the Year of 1887 :-
  • En la sanktega jaro 1887 post Kristo, la jaro plej grava en la historio, aperis ne nur Esperanto sed ankaŭ Sherlock Holmes kaj la unua tempomaŝino kaj okazis, interalie: 200px|right
  • These events occured in 1887 in the world of hockey:
  • The 1887 is a shotgun that appears in Far Cry 3. This weapon will become free after deactivating 4 Radio Towers. The 1887 has a significantly tighter spread than other shotguns, making it more effective at medium ranges. However, it is still not effective at long range and has a lengthy reload time. It is recommended to use cover between shots to maximize damage while minimising exposure.
  • Wydarzenia z roku 1887: * okrycie tabliczk klinowych w Archiwum w Tell el-Amarna
  • 1887 was the eighth year of the 1880s and the eighty-seventh year of the nineteenth century. By this time, Sherlock Holmes was most likely active as a consulting detective in London, England. His partner was Doctor John Watson, who served as both his surgeon and sidekick.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] Prior to 28 June, Julia Hardwick, a young woman from the early 21st century, was transported to 1887 by the Weeping Angels. (WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas) On 28 June, Julia Hardwick, still recovering from her temporal displacement, tried to convince people that she was from the future. Her story caught the attention of a local newspaper in Hull, which published a story about her on this date. The article noted that her claims were being taken seriously. (WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas) On 14 August, George Nevil and his fiancée Mary Elizabeth Reilly were killed in a freak snowstorm in Brighton. The music hall performer and astrologer Gypsy Nancy Lee seemingly predicted this event three days before it happened. (AUDIO: Jago in Love) On 10 November, American gunfighter Doc Holliday died, but not before giving Ned Buntline a detailed account of an aspect of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral on 26 October 1881, which was not generally recorded in the history books, involving another Doctor. (PROSE: The Gunfighters) Arthur Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet, the first story to feature Sherlock Holmes, was published. Doyle had been commissioned to ghost write fictionalised accounts of the cases of a real consulting detective and his physician assistant, called in the stories, "Dr. Watson." Doyle's fictional version of the detective was inspired by the Fourth Doctor, whom he had met several years earlier. The real detectives on whom Holmes and Watson were based on also had their own adventure with the Seventh Doctor. (PROSE: Evolution, All-Consuming Fire) Esperanto was invented by Zamenhof to become a universal language of peace. (PROSE: Legacy of the Daleks) During the Bloody Sunday demonstration on the Trafalgar Square three protesters were killed by the police and loads of more were injured. After these Events Joseph Montague shut down his factory. (AUDIO: Children of Steel)