  • White Rhino
  • Lucas Kintebe, an accomplished thief, stole a legendary white rhino idol that would change his life forever. The idol transformed Lucas into a manimal: half-rhino and half-man. He as since become the "White Rhino," which allows him to undertake much more dangerous heists. His only opposition are the many heroes that dare to stop him.
  • Super-strong African villain who can transform into a "rhino-man."
  • by: Green House Seed Company White Rhino is a strong, fast-growing, near-pure Indica with ancestry in the same lineage as her more famous relative, White Widow. As the name suggests, this plant is tough and sturdy, with a thick skin for high temperatures as well as cold nights. This strain delivers a knockout, medicinal-grade Indica stone. 2nd Prize, High Times Cannabis Cup 1996, Bio Category. 2nd Prize Champions Cup, Madrid 2005.
  • Lucas Kintebe, an accomplished thief, stole a legendary white rhino idol that would change his life forever. The idol transformed Lucas into a manimal: half-rhino and half-man. He as since become the "White Rhino," which allows him to undertake much more dangerous heists. His only opposition are the many heroes that dare to stop him.
  • by: Green House Seed Company White Rhino is a strong, fast-growing, near-pure Indica with ancestry in the same lineage as her more famous relative, White Widow. As the name suggests, this plant is tough and sturdy, with a thick skin for high temperatures as well as cold nights. This strain delivers a knockout, medicinal-grade Indica stone. White Rhino adapts well to any environment, and is known for her massive yields, especially in hydro grows. Green House recommends starting her with a medium-low pH (5.7 hydro / 5.8 soil) that is slowly increased until it reaches 6.5 at the end of flowering. EC levels should be kept under 2.4 in hydro and 2.0 in soil. Plants ripen in 9 weeks, or early October. To really see the rhino's "white", let her ripen one extra week. While these plants flourish in SOG or SCROG systems, they can also be grown in larger containers and allowed to vegetate into bushes. The White Rhino plant has a typical short squat stature, with short, thick branches and extremely compact internodes. She is a smart choice for indoor gardeners with space limitations, or indoor growers looking for a shorter plant. Plants grown in 5-gallon containers will finish at 4-5 feet if allowed to grow vegetatively for at least two weeks. With less veg time, or in small containers, plants stay at about 3 feet tall. Even plants with no root limitations finish no taller than 6 feet. When White Rhino is allowed to grow big, pruning is necessary to allow light and air to penetrate the inner and lower areas of the plant. The leaves on White Rhino are huge, full, and midnight green, and her stalks are very thick. her calyxes are small, round and super dense, forming rock hard colas While not terrible odoriferous while growing, the White Rhino harvest will have a pleasantly sweet smell. The toke is also sweetened with indica berry flavor, followed by a sharp aftertaste and sometimes a bout of coughing. White Rhino delivers a full-throttle indica stone. The buzz goes straight to the body, giving a rubbery, relaxed feeling that is nearly narcotic. It is a down-tempo smoke that endures, ideal for slow-paced recreation. White Rhino is prized in the medical community for effective relief of chronic pain. 2nd Prize, High Times Cannabis Cup 1996, Bio Category. 2nd Prize Champions Cup, Madrid 2005.
  • Super-strong African villain who can transform into a "rhino-man."