  • Dream Interpretation
  • Dream interpretation
  • Characters with this skill can unravel the secret meaning of dreams, which can sometimes be insights into the future or messages from the gods. See Divining for more detail on divinations possible with Dream Interpretation.
  • The interpretation of dreams is an ancient art. In early cultures, dreams were usually associated with revelations by god(s), and their interpretations were usually revealed by some kind of oracle or soothsayer. In fact, many kings used to have their dreams interpreted, in hopes of finding advice and knowledge.
  • Dream interpretation, also known as oneiromancy, is a method of Divination that involves analysing dreams. The word oneiromancy comes from the Greek root oneiros, meaning "dream," and mancy, meaning "prophecy". Long ago, it was thought that dreams contained important information, and/ or predict the future which sometimes they did (but often in a hidden form, like the riddle form prophecies take). Dream interpreters were hired for royalty to interpret their dreams. It is one of the oldest forms of divination. It is covered at Hogwarts in the fifth year Divination class and was most likely part of O.W.L. teachings. The textbook for this subject was The Dream Oracle by Inigo Imago. Professor Sybill Trelawney considered dream interpretation to be "a most important means of divining the future
  • The interpretation of dreams is an ancient art. In early cultures, dreams were usually associated with revelations by god(s), and their interpretations were usually revealed by some kind of oracle or soothsayer. In fact, many kings used to have their dreams interpreted, in hopes of finding advice and knowledge. In modern times, that kind of dream interpretation is still present, but not as prevalent: with the advancement of science, especially the empirical advancement of psychology, dreams can be analyzed and explained. Some consider interpreting dreams for anything other than their face value to be naive or foolish. Still, dream interpretation is not necessarily incorrect. As stated above, issues we deal with daily can easily influece what we dream. That way, the content of our dreams can be analysed, in order to find possible problems that have been occupying our thoughts, changing our beliefs, increasing our fears fears, and many more.
  • Dream interpretation, also known as oneiromancy, is a method of Divination that involves analysing dreams. The word oneiromancy comes from the Greek root oneiros, meaning "dream," and mancy, meaning "prophecy". Long ago, it was thought that dreams contained important information, and/ or predict the future which sometimes they did (but often in a hidden form, like the riddle form prophecies take). Dream interpreters were hired for royalty to interpret their dreams. It is one of the oldest forms of divination. It is covered at Hogwarts in the fifth year Divination class and was most likely part of O.W.L. teachings. The textbook for this subject was The Dream Oracle by Inigo Imago. Professor Sybill Trelawney considered dream interpretation to be "a most important means of divining the future." However, Harry Potter didn't seem to think it was particularly useful, as he usually made up dreams in the classes and also thought dream interpretation couldn't tell him what his dreams meant. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, on the other hand, appeared to consider this particular subject very useful, and were seen discussing their dreams very seriously in the first class they had on this subject. This is not surprising, though, as Divination is their favourite class and they are usually the most diligent students in it.
  • Characters with this skill can unravel the secret meaning of dreams, which can sometimes be insights into the future or messages from the gods. See Divining for more detail on divinations possible with Dream Interpretation.