  • Banana plantation
  • Banana Plantation
  • Luthas' banana plantation is across from Zambo's bar. Players can collect bananas for Luthas and put them in the box outside his hut. When they've filled the box with 10 bananas, Luthas will pay them 30 coins. Luthas is useful if a player forgets their money and cannot go back from the island. There are 33 banana trees in the plantation, each with 5 bananas on each tree. This is a rival money making method to making stew for the guard in a tree in Draynor, although it is better to collect the bananas and sell at the Grand Exchange for a much higher price.
  • The one large banana tree becomes four smaller banana trees. No other changes occur.
  • The Banana plantation can be found on Musa Point on Karamja. It is filled with banana trees, from which players can pick bananas. The plantation is owned by Luthas, who will offer a job to the player of picking bananas to store in the crate outside his house for shipment.
  • This building can be found under Agriculture. It takes up 15 acres, and has a Workspace of 120. Banana Plantation costs $1000 and 250 Clay to build. It has the following Productivity Rates on available Land Types. River: 0% Lake: 0% Shallows: 0% Sea: 0% Ocean: 0% Pasture: 10% Grassland: 0% Meadow: 0% Steppe: 0% Plains: 13% Prairie: 0% Highlands: 0% Hills: 0% Mountains: 0% Woodlands: 15% Savannah: 0% Forest: 0% Jungle: 100% Swamp: 33% Marsh: 27% Bog: 56% Desert: 0% Banana Plantation has the following Productivity Rates for available Races.
Row 4 info
  • $2295 , $2700 , $2915 , $3240
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  • Appearances
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  • Price with all previous upgrades
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  • 2
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  • Upgraded from
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  • Grows 13 bananas each round.
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  • Upgrade #
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  • First appearance
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  • BTD5 description
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  • $1190 , $1400 , $1510 , $1680
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  • Price
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Box Title
  • Banana Plantation
  • 70
  • Luthas' banana plantation is across from Zambo's bar. Players can collect bananas for Luthas and put them in the box outside his hut. When they've filled the box with 10 bananas, Luthas will pay them 30 coins. Luthas is useful if a player forgets their money and cannot go back from the island. There are 33 banana trees in the plantation, each with 5 bananas on each tree. This is a rival money making method to making stew for the guard in a tree in Draynor, although it is better to collect the bananas and sell at the Grand Exchange for a much higher price.
  • This building can be found under Agriculture. It takes up 15 acres, and has a Workspace of 120. Banana Plantation costs $1000 and 250 Clay to build. It has the following Productivity Rates on available Land Types. River: 0% Lake: 0% Shallows: 0% Sea: 0% Ocean: 0% Pasture: 10% Grassland: 0% Meadow: 0% Steppe: 0% Plains: 13% Prairie: 0% Highlands: 0% Hills: 0% Mountains: 0% Woodlands: 15% Savannah: 0% Forest: 0% Jungle: 100% Swamp: 33% Marsh: 27% Bog: 56% Desert: 0% Banana Plantation has the following Productivity Rates for available Races. Dwarves: 100% Elves: 100% Fairies: 100% Giants: 100% Gnomes: 100% Goblins: 100% Gremlins: 100% Hobgoblins: 100% Humans: 100% Ogres: 100% Orcs: 100% Trolls: 100% Banana Plantation has the following Happiness Rates for available Races. Dwarves: 1 Elves: 1 Fairies: 1 Giants: 1 Gnomes: 1 Goblins: 1 Gremlins: 1 Hobgoblins: 1 Humans: 1 Ogres: 1 Orcs: 1 Trolls: 1
  • The one large banana tree becomes four smaller banana trees. No other changes occur.
  • The Banana plantation can be found on Musa Point on Karamja. It is filled with banana trees, from which players can pick bananas. The plantation is owned by Luthas, who will offer a job to the player of picking bananas to store in the crate outside his house for shipment.
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