  • Fall of Kumogakure: Tsuki no AI moves
  • It has to my attention.. that Kumogakaure had decided not to give us their resources and align with us... This will have dire consequence for them.. and as such I am sending a team in for their Immediate destruction.. Fa' rao said calming showing no pleasure in this action... Saikuron and Suraisa.. its your show... Yes my lord... Saikuon said bowing... Tear them to the ground Tsukiari said as her anger and contempt for Kumogakure caused her emotions to overflowed from her.. We will.. Ill burn them into the ground.. Suraisa said grinning with nothing short of evil intentions.....
  • It has to my attention.. that Kumogakaure had decided not to give us their resources and align with us... This will have dire consequence for them.. and as such I am sending a team in for their Immediate destruction.. Fa' rao said calming showing no pleasure in this action... Saikuron and Suraisa.. its your show... Yes my lord... Saikuon said bowing... Tear them to the ground Tsukiari said as her anger and contempt for Kumogakure caused her emotions to overflowed from her.. We will.. Ill burn them into the ground.. Suraisa said grinning with nothing short of evil intentions..... The two put on their cloak and mask and traveled to The Land Hidden in The Clouds