  • Hekate
  • Hekate
  • Hekate
  • Hekate
  • Hekate ist ein mittelgroßes Sonnensystem mit vier . Voraussetzung: Sternenkarte von Baria Frontiers (Mass Effect 2) Voraussetzung: Priorität: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3)
  • Asteria est la première planète orbitant autour de l'étoile Hekate. Article principal: Asteria Note: Seulement présent dans Mass Effect 3.
  • Luminosity N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Hades Nexus / Hekate Hekate is a medium system with four . Prerequisite: Star Chart from Baria Frontiers store (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3) It is a gateway system. Hekate may be named after a goddess of the paranormal and magic in the Greek mythology.
  • 200px|right Hekate ist eine Göttin, die von einem Hexenkult in Moreton Harwood verehrt wird. Hekate ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Göttin der Magie, der Theurgie, der Nekromantie und des Gespensterspuks. Sie ist die Göttin der Wegkreuzungen, Schwellen und Übergänge, die Wächterin der Tore zwischen den Welten. Am 20. Dezember 1981 opfert der Kult beinahe Brendan Richards. Sarah Jane Smith und K9 können dieses jedoch verhindern. George und die anderen Mitglieder des Kultes werden von der Polizei in Gewahrsam genommen. Zuvor hat der Kult 1891 einen Menschen geopfert. (A Girl's Best Friend)
  • Hecate is the goddess of magic, crossroads, ghosts, the moon, necromancy, and witchcraft. She lived in the Underworld and sometimes a cave when she was on Earth. She was one of the main gods worshiped in Athenian households as a protective goddess and one who bestowed prosperity and daily blessings on the family. Her name comes from the Ancient Greek word for will.
  • Hekate to demon wyższej hierarchii, którą może zabić tylko magiczny sztylet. Hekate uważała się za królową podziemia. Hekate widzimy tylko w jednym odcinku. Jest królową podziemia, czyli żoną Źródła Hecate human form.jpg|Hekate w ludzkiej postaci (Jade). 00_41_15_1.JPG 00_41_20.JPG 00_30_11.JPG|Szpony Hekate. 00_37_21.JPG|Poddane Hekate. . Ludzie zawierają z nią pakt, aby spełniła ich życzenie w zamian za rękę ich syna. Jest jednym z niewielu demonów, które nie zostały pokonane przez Czarodziejki.
  • Hekate is the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft and crossroads. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it].
  • Hekate was a first-generation Elder whose life was inter-weaved with was the ancient Yggdrasil tree that she nurtured and grew inside her own Shadowrealm. Hekate was the Elder that Awakened Sophie Newman's powers. Hekate grows and ages throughout the course of a day, starting young in the morning and growing older as the day progresses, only to be renewed again the next morning. She was a powerful elder until John Dee turned her into ice and shattered her with the ancient and mythical Sword of Ice, Excalibur. She was once Odin's lover. Also, while she is young and old, she does not have all her knowledge. The early afternoon is the time when she has all her knowledge.
  • During fall 2006, she was the Alphas' queen to match her boyfriend Don Sebastiano's king. In other words, she is a horribly evil witch who puts nasty curses on anyone who crosses her. At some point she tried to turn Stormwolf into a monster wolf, but her spell, which among other things required a substantial sacrifice to a minor demon, failed without any apparent effect on him and destroyed a valuable spellbook in the backlash. Conjure and Spellbinder are her devoted lackeys.
  • Hekate’s benefits can be used offensively or defensively, making her a popular choice for Atlantean players. The Lampades can turn enemy units neutral, which is useful for fighting off weakened soldiers or turning powerful myth units against their former allies. Lampades can also be upgraded with Asper Blood, making their deaths less punishing when defending or invading. All Myth Units can be granted faster training speed and regeneration with the Celerity and Mythic Rejuvenation technologies respectively, making it easier for players to mass them. This can be used to either counter a surprise attack or overwhelm the enemy while increasing the longevity of Myth Units without relying on a Caladria. The Tartarian Gate God Power on the other hand is purely offensive as casting it near the pla
Aura Colour
  • Green
  • Hekate
Row 4 info
  • Paired torches, dogs, serpents, keys, polecat, and daggers
  • première
  • quatrième
  • seconde
  • troisième
  • G
Row 1 info
  • Fireball, Telepathic Sweep, Stunner, Shadow Step
Row 4 title
  • Symbol
Row 2 info
  • magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts and necromancy
Row 1 title
  • Family
Row 5 info
  • Trivia
  • 4
Row 2 title
  • Goddess of
Row 5 title
  • Roman Equivalent
Row 3 info
  • Hermes
  • Nexus d'Hadès
Row 3 title
  • Consort
  • 1
Box Title
  • Hecate
  • Pośrednia bogini
  • 22
  • Unknown; at least 10,000
  • magia, tworzenie, wiedza, zło
  • sztylet
  • Titan Goddess of Witchcraft
  • Asteria
  • Ker
  • Bothros
  • Hekate
  • Triodia
  • Hekate
  • Ker
  • Asteria
  • Triodia
  • Bothros
  • Hekate
  • Milchstraße
  • Exemplar 3, WIZ 3, PSI 3
  • System View
  • Systemansicht
  • Hekate jako kobieta o lśniących czarnych włosach
  • Female
  • Unknown
  • Hades Nexus
  • Hades-Nexus
Major Gods
  • 22
Myth Unit
  • 22
  • 2006-12-12
  • 1
  • 100
  • Bogini Ciemności Księżyca, Bogi Rozdroży, Straszna Bogini Nocy
Image size
  • 214
  • Hekate
  • Hekate
  • G
  • G
  • 22
  • 2012-05-31
  • zachodzący księżyc
  • Asteria
  • Bothros
  • Hekate
  • Ker
  • Triodia
  • Arborea/Olimp; Szare Pustkowia/Pluton/Aeaea
  • 4
  • first
  • second
  • dritte
  • erste
  • fourth
  • third
  • vierte
  • zweite
  • Myth Units
Image File
  • Hecate Chiaramonti Inv1922.jpg
  • #0b7389
Other Relatives
  • Bastet Mars Ultor Zephaniah Amenhotep Odin Hel, Scathach, Aoife, Morrigan, Macha, Badb Anubis, Aten, Romulus, Remus
  • księżyc, magia, obfitość, nieumarli
  • Perses Asteria
  • 2
  • #39a5bc
  • black
God Power
  • 22
  • 2
Aliases & Nicknames
  • Trivia , Three-Faced Goddess
Aura Scent
  • Apples Pomegranite Lime
  • Alphas
  • Hekate ist ein mittelgroßes Sonnensystem mit vier . Voraussetzung: Sternenkarte von Baria Frontiers (Mass Effect 2) Voraussetzung: Priorität: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3)
  • Asteria est la première planète orbitant autour de l'étoile Hekate. Article principal: Asteria Note: Seulement présent dans Mass Effect 3.
  • Hekate’s benefits can be used offensively or defensively, making her a popular choice for Atlantean players. The Lampades can turn enemy units neutral, which is useful for fighting off weakened soldiers or turning powerful myth units against their former allies. Lampades can also be upgraded with Asper Blood, making their deaths less punishing when defending or invading. All Myth Units can be granted faster training speed and regeneration with the Celerity and Mythic Rejuvenation technologies respectively, making it easier for players to mass them. This can be used to either counter a surprise attack or overwhelm the enemy while increasing the longevity of Myth Units without relying on a Caladria. The Tartarian Gate God Power on the other hand is purely offensive as casting it near the player’s base puts them at risk of being attacked by the Tartarian Spawns. Instead, it is best used to destroy a handful of buildings and pester the enemy while the player’s own army is being assembled for the final push. Gaia worshipers have the additional advantage of casting a gate that can regenerate HP.
  • Luminosity N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Hades Nexus / Hekate Hekate is a medium system with four . Prerequisite: Star Chart from Baria Frontiers store (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3) It is a gateway system. Hekate may be named after a goddess of the paranormal and magic in the Greek mythology.
  • 200px|right Hekate ist eine Göttin, die von einem Hexenkult in Moreton Harwood verehrt wird. Hekate ist in der griechischen Mythologie die Göttin der Magie, der Theurgie, der Nekromantie und des Gespensterspuks. Sie ist die Göttin der Wegkreuzungen, Schwellen und Übergänge, die Wächterin der Tore zwischen den Welten. Am 20. Dezember 1981 opfert der Kult beinahe Brendan Richards. Sarah Jane Smith und K9 können dieses jedoch verhindern. George und die anderen Mitglieder des Kultes werden von der Polizei in Gewahrsam genommen. Zuvor hat der Kult 1891 einen Menschen geopfert. (A Girl's Best Friend)
  • Hecate is the goddess of magic, crossroads, ghosts, the moon, necromancy, and witchcraft. She lived in the Underworld and sometimes a cave when she was on Earth. She was one of the main gods worshiped in Athenian households as a protective goddess and one who bestowed prosperity and daily blessings on the family. Her name comes from the Ancient Greek word for will.
  • Hekate to demon wyższej hierarchii, którą może zabić tylko magiczny sztylet. Hekate uważała się za królową podziemia. Hekate widzimy tylko w jednym odcinku. Jest królową podziemia, czyli żoną Źródła Hecate human form.jpg|Hekate w ludzkiej postaci (Jade). 00_41_15_1.JPG 00_41_20.JPG 00_30_11.JPG|Szpony Hekate. 00_37_21.JPG|Poddane Hekate. . Ludzie zawierają z nią pakt, aby spełniła ich życzenie w zamian za rękę ich syna. Jest jednym z niewielu demonów, które nie zostały pokonane przez Czarodziejki.
  • Hekate is the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft and crossroads. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it].
  • During fall 2006, she was the Alphas' queen to match her boyfriend Don Sebastiano's king. In other words, she is a horribly evil witch who puts nasty curses on anyone who crosses her. At some point she tried to turn Stormwolf into a monster wolf, but her spell, which among other things required a substantial sacrifice to a minor demon, failed without any apparent effect on him and destroyed a valuable spellbook in the backlash. Conjure and Spellbinder are her devoted lackeys. She put a mind-slave spell, taught to her by her unnamed mentor, on Cavalier and Skybolt winter break of 2005. The fear this inspired kept the Don and Hekate at the top of the Alphas. During winter break of 2006, Hekate tried to both renew the spell and add Fey to it, which turned out to be a phenomenally bad idea, resulting in Fey cursing her to feel three times the evil she had done, forcing Hekate to take refuge with the Necromancer. She was also expelled from Whateley, and Mrs. Carson deduced the existence of her mentor.
  • Hekate was a first-generation Elder whose life was inter-weaved with was the ancient Yggdrasil tree that she nurtured and grew inside her own Shadowrealm. Hekate was the Elder that Awakened Sophie Newman's powers. Hekate grows and ages throughout the course of a day, starting young in the morning and growing older as the day progresses, only to be renewed again the next morning. She was a powerful elder until John Dee turned her into ice and shattered her with the ancient and mythical Sword of Ice, Excalibur. She was once Odin's lover. Also, while she is young and old, she does not have all her knowledge. The early afternoon is the time when she has all her knowledge.
is Age/God of
is Creator(s) of
is Mentor of
is Other Relatives of