  • Dennis Chimelis
  • Dennis Chimelis was the chief medical officer aboard the USS Musashi. In 2376, Doctor Chimelis was the winner of the Bentman Prize in 2376, beating out fellow nominees Julian Bashir and Elizabeth Lense. (SCE eBook: Security) Chimelis was killed in 2379 when the runabout USS Tsavo was destroyed in a Tezwan terrorist attack. (ST novels: A Time to Heal, Articles of the Federation)
  • Dennis Chimelis was the chief medical officer aboard the USS Musashi. In 2376, Doctor Chimelis was the winner of the Bentman Prize in 2376, beating out fellow nominees Julian Bashir and Elizabeth Lense. (SCE eBook: Security) Chimelis was killed in 2379 when the runabout USS Tsavo was destroyed in a Tezwan terrorist attack. (ST novels: A Time to Heal, Articles of the Federation)