  • Qi
  • Qi
  • QI
  • QI
  • QI
  • Qi
  • Qi
  • Qi
  • Qi
  • His hair is in a topknot.
  • Qi is a female 1/3 scale BJD from Divinity Doll.
  • Qi is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Despotic Monarchy.
  • Il QI è una parola con due lettere (indicato con -> <-) ed è la somma del...di qualcosa che riguarda l'intelligenza. Esso viene misurato con il test del QI, una serie di domande che misurano la capacità di un individuo di rispondere a quella serie di domande.
  • The show is produced by the BBC and was created by John Lloyd. In Britain, episodes have aired on BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Four and Dave (which airs solely reruns). It began in 2003 and has continued through to the present; the M Series has been recorded but not aired yet (as of June 2015). Series are assigned letters of the alphabet; each question in an episode will either have a theme relating to the series' letter, or be part of an episode's overlying theme (and the theme begins with the series' letter).
  • QI (from the French quolibets intolérables, meaning "intolerable taunts") is a British television quiz show hosted by the inimitable Jeeves Stephen Fry. The basic gameplay format is highly conventional for a celebrity panel quiz show: panellists are supplied with buzzers, with which they may buzz in to answer. The questions, however, treat the celebrities like contestants on a real quiz show, unlike Celebrity Jeopardy! questions. There was once the idea of creating a spin-off show called Quite Unnecessary (QU). However, Jo Brand pointed out that there would be no difference between QI and QU.
  • In traditional Chinese culture, qi (more precisely qì, also chi, ch'i or ki) is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is frequently translated as "natural energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. The literal translation of "qi" is "breath", "air", or "gas".
  • Le Quotient Intellectuel ou QI est un score censé évaluer la fourchette (plus ou moins 3%) dans laquelle se trouve l'intelligence d'un individu par rapport au reste de la population. Autrement dit, quand vous changez de population, vous devenez plus ou moins con. Voilà qui va vous expliquer enfin pourquoi votre belle-sœur s'est exilé aux USA.
  • El qì o ki es el término empleado para referirse a la bioenergía o energía biológica según la tradición de China y otros países de Extremo Oriente (Japón, Corea). De acuerdo a la medicina tradicional china, el qì es una energía que fluye naturalmente por la Naturaleza, y la interrupción de su libre flujo en el cuerpo es la base de los trastornos físicos y psicológicos.
  • Most of the questions are extremely obscure, making it unlikely that the correct answer will be given. To compensate, points are awarded not only for right answers, but also for interesting ones, regardless of whether they are right or even relate to the original question.
  • khì
  • khí
  • Chi
  • QIC
  • Alive
  • Lan Mandragoran
  • Qi
  • 250
  • khjɨ̀j
  • ลมปราณ
  • ch'i
  • ch'i4
  • Chinese
  • 180
  • tom
  • Qi
  • ki
  • Qi 3 forms.jpg
  • Confucian
  • Soldier
  • hei
  • hei3
  • N/A
  • Male
  • ki
  • gi
  • Shandong
  • Shienaran
  • His hair is in a topknot.
  • In traditional Chinese culture, qi (more precisely qì, also chi, ch'i or ki) is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is frequently translated as "natural energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. The literal translation of "qi" is "breath", "air", or "gas". Concepts similar to qi can be found in many cultures, for example, prana in the Hindu religion, pneuma in ancient Greece, mana in Hawaiian culture, lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, ruah in Hebrew culture, and vital energy in Western philosophy. Some elements of qi can be understood in the term energy when used by writers and practitioners of various esoteric forms of spirituality and alternative medicine. Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars. Notions in the West of energeia, élan vital, or "vitalism" are purported to be similar.
  • Most of the questions are extremely obscure, making it unlikely that the correct answer will be given. To compensate, points are awarded not only for right answers, but also for interesting ones, regardless of whether they are right or even relate to the original question. Conversely, points are deducted from a panellist who gives "answers which are not only wrong, but pathetically obvious", typically answers that are generally believed to be true but in fact are not. Points are also often deducted if an obvious joke answer is given. In addition, bonus points are often awarded or deducted for various challenges or incorrect references to a certain thing or place, varying from show to show.updated categories.
  • Le Quotient Intellectuel ou QI est un score censé évaluer la fourchette (plus ou moins 3%) dans laquelle se trouve l'intelligence d'un individu par rapport au reste de la population. Autrement dit, quand vous changez de population, vous devenez plus ou moins con. Voilà qui va vous expliquer enfin pourquoi votre belle-sœur s'est exilé aux USA. C'est aussi un formidable gagne-pain pour les psychologues, vous savez, les gens qui ont le droit d'enfermer d'autres gens après avoir fait des études, contrairement aux gardiens de prison qui, eux, enferment des gens sans avoir fait d'études, ce qui, à défaut de rendre l'acte excusable, en atténue tout de même la gravité.
  • Qi is a female 1/3 scale BJD from Divinity Doll.
  • QI (from the French quolibets intolérables, meaning "intolerable taunts") is a British television quiz show hosted by the inimitable Jeeves Stephen Fry. The basic gameplay format is highly conventional for a celebrity panel quiz show: panellists are supplied with buzzers, with which they may buzz in to answer. The questions, however, treat the celebrities like contestants on a real quiz show, unlike Celebrity Jeopardy! questions. Creator John Lloyd's concept for the show was for QI to be "the world's first non-boring encyclopedia." Conveniently ignoring the existence of Uncyclopedia, he pushed through with this allegedly original format to have a show commissioned on BBC Two, and later moved to BBC One. In keeping with the encyclopaedic metaphor, each series is designated by a letter of the alphabet, starting with Series A, and each series' episodes cover a topic beginning with that letter. After all letters are used, the show is expected to move on to numerals, computer keys, musical notes, and—should the show still be around—Wingdings. There was once the idea of creating a spin-off show called Quite Unnecessary (QU). However, Jo Brand pointed out that there would be no difference between QI and QU.
  • The show is produced by the BBC and was created by John Lloyd. In Britain, episodes have aired on BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Four and Dave (which airs solely reruns). It began in 2003 and has continued through to the present; the M Series has been recorded but not aired yet (as of June 2015). Series are assigned letters of the alphabet; each question in an episode will either have a theme relating to the series' letter, or be part of an episode's overlying theme (and the theme begins with the series' letter). Quite Interesting Limited is the company which does research for QI, along with other media based on the show. QI has spawned various books (e.g. The Book of General Ignorance), international shows (e.g. Intresseklubben) and columns in The Daily Telegraph. Internationally, QI is broadcast in the US (on BBC America), Australia, New Zealand, South American and countries where BBC Entertainment is available.
  • Qi is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Despotic Monarchy.
  • Il QI è una parola con due lettere (indicato con -> <-) ed è la somma del...di qualcosa che riguarda l'intelligenza. Esso viene misurato con il test del QI, una serie di domande che misurano la capacità di un individuo di rispondere a quella serie di domande.
  • El qì o ki es el término empleado para referirse a la bioenergía o energía biológica según la tradición de China y otros países de Extremo Oriente (Japón, Corea). De acuerdo a la medicina tradicional china, el qì es una energía que fluye naturalmente por la Naturaleza, y la interrupción de su libre flujo en el cuerpo es la base de los trastornos físicos y psicológicos. Los practicantes de ciertas disciplinas afirman que el ser humano puede controlar y utilizar esta energía, a través de diversas técnicas, acrecentándola, acumulándola y distribuyéndola por todo el cuerpo o usarla en forma concentrada, como en el Tàijíquán, el Aikido u otras artes marciales. Otros afirman poder curar cierto número de enfermedades y otros efectos liberando el libre flujo del qì por el cuerpo humano. Éste es el caso de medicinas alternativas como el reiki, la acupuntura la digitopuntura y de algunas disciplinas como el qìgōng. La ciencia occidental no admite el concepto de qì como descripción de algo real, aunque se constatan beneficios y logros de las medicinas basadas en ello. La controversia en torno al qì está relacionada con la explicación de su operatividad como resultado de la intervención del qì como un fluido inmaterial (energía). Algunos maestros de qìgōng proclaman que pueden detectar y manipular de forma directa el qì e incluso operar con el mismo a distancia. Muchos científicos, biólogos y físicos, se muestran escépticos con esta explicación y no ven ninguna razón para creer que el qì sea algo de esta naturaleza, si no puede ser medido e identificado por métodos científicos ortodoxos. Otros, incluyendo algunos maestros de qìgōng tradicionales, creen que el qì puede ser visto como una explicación de los procesos biológicos y que la efectividad del qì puede ser explicada en términos más familiares para la medicina occidental.