  • Cosmetic override
  • Cosmetic override skins are different from physical items itself due to the omission of its own inventory icon as it does not exist in a physical state. Most skins are not related to what is actually equipped, with the exception of weapons, which can only override physical weapons of the same class. As such, most skins do not show in player-versus-player situations. After an update, retro replica equipment can be displayed in player-versus-player, with the condition of having the equivalent equipment equipped. In the case of Elite Void Knight equipment, the matching colour (Guardian, Justiciar, or Executioner) must also be selected.
  • Cosmetic override skins are different from physical items itself due to the omission of its own inventory icon as it does not exist in a physical state. Most skins are not related to what is actually equipped, with the exception of weapons, which can only override physical weapons of the same class. As such, most skins do not show in player-versus-player situations. After an update, retro replica equipment can be displayed in player-versus-player, with the condition of having the equivalent equipment equipped. In the case of Elite Void Knight equipment, the matching colour (Guardian, Justiciar, or Executioner) must also be selected. Cosmetic override animations are only played when the corresponding skill is being performed. They do not provide any extra benefits despite the animation played are usually much more dramatic. Overrides usually have no bearing on actual gameplay, although a few exceptions exist. The New Varrock cultist robes and Zombie outfit (New Varrock), when applied, enable the wearer to progress through the Dimension of Disaster quest without using their physical item counterparts. The Dulcin armour allows entry to the Black Knights' Fortress. Having any override active in the head slot prevents the player from obtaining the Sword Artist title, and a similar situation occurs when attempting a makeover with Thessalia.