  • Hogger
  • Hogger
  • Hogger
  • Hogger war der Anführer der Flusspfoten, einem Gnollstamm welcher im Wald von Elwynn sowie in Westfall sein Unwesen treibt. Nach seiner Festnahme durch General Hammond Clay landete er im Verlies von Sturmwind, wo er für einen neuerlichen Aufstand verantwortlich sein soll.
  • Hogger is a boss in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. He is considered by nearly everyone in the WoW universe as the hardest boss in the entire game. Hogger made the Summer 2008 Contest and survived a close first round match, barely edging Ramza and Laharl to advance with Dante to round two. There, he was blown away by Dante, Leon Kennedy, and Riku.
  • Hogger ist ein Level-11 Elite Gnoll im süd-westlichen Wald von Elwynn. In der Weststrom-Garnison, nahe der Grenze zu Westfall, kann man eine Quest erhalten, in deren Verlauf man Hogger töten soll. Hogger hat Verbindungen zur Defias-Bruderschaft.
  • Hogger ist der Führer der Gnolle der Flusspfoten und wahrscheinlich der bekannteste Vertreter seiner Rasse auf Azeroth. Diese fürchterliche Landplage ist ebenso der Anführer der gewalttätigen Gnollbande im Verlies von Sturmwind.
  • Storywise Hogger is simply an abnormally large and powerful gnoll, a type of hyena/human hybrid and has been terrorising the Alliance sufficiently for Stormwind to put a bounty on his head - allowing brave groups of adventurers to go forth and hunt the monster down in order to strike a blow not only to him but his band of piratical followers that are causing problems as well.
  • Hogger is a Tier 1 Rare Monster located in Tuvale Forest. There is a 10% chance it will spawn from Wild Boar.
  • Hogger es un gnoll de nivel 11 (élite) líder de los gnolls Zarparrío, localizado cerca del Linde del Bosque, en Elwynn. Existe una misión que ofrece una recompensa por matarlo, y que proviene del Cuartel de Arroyoeste, cerca al límite con Páramos de Poniente. Hogger es un agente indirecto de la Hermandad Defias junto con el resto de su tribu.
  • Hogger is a level 11 elite named Riverpaw gnoll chieftain in Southern Elwynn Forest. A quest exists offering a reward for his killing from the Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest, near the border with Westfall. He is an indirect agent of the Defias Brotherhood along with the rest of his Riverpaw tribe. He was one of a very few old-world elite mobs who kept his elite status after Patch 2.3. For Alliance players, Hogger is the equivalent of Flat Tusk, the quilboar which Horde players encounter in Durotar.
  • 11
  • männlich
  • 5
  • 5
  • 20
  • Feindlich
  • 15
  • Stufe 11
  • Combat
  • 25
  • Weltboss
  • Questgegner
  • Lebend
  • Defeatable; Alive
  • Hogger
  • Datei:Kampf 32.png Hogger
  • Hogger
  • Elite
  • Rare Monster
  • 666
  • 95
  • Verlies
  • 1
  • The Scourge of Elwynn
  • 30
  • 25
  • Leader of the Riverpaw pack
  • 448
  • 100
  • Führer der Flußpfoten
  • 120
  • 666
  • 10
  • Hogger war der Anführer der Flusspfoten, einem Gnollstamm welcher im Wald von Elwynn sowie in Westfall sein Unwesen treibt. Nach seiner Festnahme durch General Hammond Clay landete er im Verlies von Sturmwind, wo er für einen neuerlichen Aufstand verantwortlich sein soll.
  • Hogger is a boss in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. He is considered by nearly everyone in the WoW universe as the hardest boss in the entire game. Hogger made the Summer 2008 Contest and survived a close first round match, barely edging Ramza and Laharl to advance with Dante to round two. There, he was blown away by Dante, Leon Kennedy, and Riku.
  • Hogger ist ein Level-11 Elite Gnoll im süd-westlichen Wald von Elwynn. In der Weststrom-Garnison, nahe der Grenze zu Westfall, kann man eine Quest erhalten, in deren Verlauf man Hogger töten soll. Hogger hat Verbindungen zur Defias-Bruderschaft.
  • Hogger ist der Führer der Gnolle der Flusspfoten und wahrscheinlich der bekannteste Vertreter seiner Rasse auf Azeroth. Diese fürchterliche Landplage ist ebenso der Anführer der gewalttätigen Gnollbande im Verlies von Sturmwind.
  • Storywise Hogger is simply an abnormally large and powerful gnoll, a type of hyena/human hybrid and has been terrorising the Alliance sufficiently for Stormwind to put a bounty on his head - allowing brave groups of adventurers to go forth and hunt the monster down in order to strike a blow not only to him but his band of piratical followers that are causing problems as well.
  • Hogger es un gnoll de nivel 11 (élite) líder de los gnolls Zarparrío, localizado cerca del Linde del Bosque, en Elwynn. Existe una misión que ofrece una recompensa por matarlo, y que proviene del Cuartel de Arroyoeste, cerca al límite con Páramos de Poniente. Hogger es un agente indirecto de la Hermandad Defias junto con el resto de su tribu. Hogger tiene la reputación de un enemigo muy peligroso, principalmente porque es uno de los primeros mobs de tipo élite que los humanos conocen. De esta forma, los jugadores novatos que aún no conocen que siginifica ser de etiqueta élite, lo subestiman demasiado, terminando esto en graves consecuencias. Para varias clases, se puede matar a Hogger fácilmente aproximadamente de desde nivel 14. Los que se encuentren bajo dicho nivel, usualmente requieren de uno o dos compañeros más para acabar con él. Los jugadores muy habilidosos, pueden derrotarlo ya sea con druidas, cazadores, guerreros, pícaros, brujos, paladines, o sacerdotes en nivel 11. Otra forma, más fácil pero poco razonable, es captar la furiosa atención de Hogger y correr hacia los dos guardias cercanos para que éstos ayuden a matarlo; se debe causar el máximo daño posible a Hogger, si no es así, no se podrá despojar nada de él. A los llamados "casteadores" que usan tela (magos, sacerdotes, brujos), les es recomendable ir en grupo pues Hogger es demasiado duro frente a armaduras de tela. Se debe vigilar a que no haya gnolls cercanos que puedan estorbar en pleno combate contra Hogger.
  • Hogger is a Tier 1 Rare Monster located in Tuvale Forest. There is a 10% chance it will spawn from Wild Boar.
  • Hogger is a level 11 elite named Riverpaw gnoll chieftain in Southern Elwynn Forest. A quest exists offering a reward for his killing from the Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest, near the border with Westfall. He is an indirect agent of the Defias Brotherhood along with the rest of his Riverpaw tribe. Hogger has a reputation as a particularly dangerous foe, primarily due to him being one of the first elite mobs a human character will run into. Thus, new players will sometimes, ignorant of what the gold dragon portrait indicates, horribly underestimate him and get themselves killed rather quickly by engaging him. For most classes he can be soloed relatively easily from level 14 onward, although a level 9/10 hunter or warlock can easily solo him using their pet and voidwalker to tank. Adventurers below that level are advised to find some friends before attempting to slay him. Strategies to solo him with the various classes is shown below. Another way to solo him is by kiting him to the nearby tower and let the two guards kill him for you. You must be sure to do most of the damage, however, because if you don't do enough damage on your own before the guards get him, you will not get loot rights for his corpse. Mages and other cloth wearers should usually find a group to fight him, because Hogger hits fairly hard on cloth wearers. You should also watch out for any Gnoll mobs nearby that he might accidentally aggro on to you, and add to the difficulty in killing Hogger. He was one of a very few old-world elite mobs who kept his elite status after Patch 2.3. For Alliance players, Hogger is the equivalent of Flat Tusk, the quilboar which Horde players encounter in Durotar.
is Leader of
is Führer of
is Anführer of
is Endboss of