  • Kor Phaeron
  • Legends speak of a fiery comet smashing into the foremost temple of the Covenant which was the gestation capsule bearing the infant Primarch, whilst another tale tells of the arrival of a strange, golden-skinned child at the doors of the Covenant's largest temple, requesting to be schooled in their ways. It was Kor Phaeron, one of the Covenant's numerous priests, who helped shape the growing demigod in ways his true father, the Emperor, had not. The young Primarch came to value Phaeron's counsel above all others. When visions of the Emperor's imminent arrival on Colchis plagued the young Primarch, it was Kor Phaeron who pressed him to take his prophecies to the people. Soon the Covenant split into two factions, each deeply opposed to the others' beliefs. A holy war of horrific proportions
  • Legends speak of a fiery comet smashing into the foremost temple of the Covenant which was the gestation capsule bearing the infant Primarch, whilst another tale tells of the arrival of a strange, golden-skinned child at the doors of the Covenant's largest temple, requesting to be schooled in their ways. It was Kor Phaeron, one of the Covenant's numerous priests, who helped shape the growing demigod in ways his true father, the Emperor, had not. The young Primarch came to value Phaeron's counsel above all others. When visions of the Emperor's imminent arrival on Colchis plagued the young Primarch, it was Kor Phaeron who pressed him to take his prophecies to the people. Soon the Covenant split into two factions, each deeply opposed to the others' beliefs. A holy war of horrific proportions soon erupted across the face of the world. Lorgar and Phaeron stood together through six years of sacrifice and revolution, through the holy wars that threatened to tear Colchis apart before it was reunited under the benevolent theocratic rule of Lorgar. When the Emperor of Mankind finally came to Colchis, alongside an Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade, to offer Lorgar command of the XVIIth Space Marine Legion (at that time known as the "Imperial Heralds") as had been foreseen in Lorgar's visions, Kor Phaeron had been far too old to receive the gene-seed organ implantations and prepubescent genetic manipulations necessary to grow into one of the Astartes. Instead, through rejuvenat surgery, the surgical insertion of costly bionics and limited gene-forging, Kor Phaeron was exalted above humanity as a sign of the value placed in him by his Primarch and was granted the rank of First Captain within the Legion. Many within the renamed Word Bearers Legion came to hate the First Captain, and believed him to be a false Asartes who was impure, a pinnacle of genetic compromise. Despite having become far more than human, Kor Phaeron had not ascended to the ranks of the true Astartes. But nevertheless, Kor Phaeron was considered first amongst Lorgar's followers and served as both the Primarch's second-in-command and the Captain of the elite 1st Company of the Word Bearer's Legion. Even in a Legion defined by its religious zealotry, Kor Phaeron stood out. Phaeron led the warriors under his command with a ferocity unmatched by any of their fellow brethren. Since Kor Phaeron also served as a Chaplain for the Legion, he advanced quickly through the ranks of the Word Bearers' Reclusiam, assimilating the holy words of their Primarch which were to be brought to all of the peoples brought back into the God-Emperor's fold in the course of the Great Crusade.