  • Boomla
  • Boomla is a pink Bomb-omb partner in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 2. She looks very similar to Bombette in Paper Mario and claims to be her twin sister. She was originally living in the Fahr Outpost, running the inn. She had payed a visit to Admiral Bobbery in Rougeport, and Mario happened ot be there. He had requested help from him to save the world. He said that he couldn't because he had to sail out in a day. Boomla accepted in his place.
  • Boomla is a pink Bomb-omb partner in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door 2. She looks very similar to Bombette in Paper Mario and claims to be her twin sister. She was originally living in the Fahr Outpost, running the inn. She had payed a visit to Admiral Bobbery in Rougeport, and Mario happened ot be there. He had requested help from him to save the world. He said that he couldn't because he had to sail out in a day. Boomla accepted in his place.
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