  • Stock market
  • Stock Market
  • Stock Market
  • The Stock market was a trading facility that existed on Tynna. Boba Fett was known to use the stock market.
  • I remember the day that the Stock Market crashed. The start of the Great Depression. The end of the Roaring '20s. For the Star Fleet, the market crash affected us all. In recent months, the Star Fleet had been relying on stocks to stay in business. Now, it was the stocks that could potentially put us out of business. "I tell ya," said Ten Cents. "If the m
  • Description: The Stock Market is where you can invest your own MP in any of the Shops through out Marada. The share price of each shop changes throughout the day, depending on the level of stock, number of customers, profit and other various factors. You can only buy shares in a company with a share price of 100MP or above. You can only buy a total of 2,500 shares.
  • The Stock Market is a scale by which the productivity and commerce of an economy (or economies) are evaluated. Markets are measured in Stockos, a unit explained by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert DFA in the episode of December 2, 2008Episode #485 . On that day, the Dow Jones went up 200-some-odd Stockos, which was better than December 1, when it dropped almost 750 Stockos.
  • The Stock Market was once a place in Sector 3 where you could buy and sell stocks to try to earn some extra Credits. However some time in 2015, the Stock Market was removed, due to it's complexity and being in sparce use, making it a legacy feature of Sector 3.
  • A stock market is a market for buying and selling of equity stocks of companies. Apart from trading of equity stocks, the stock market may also trade into derivatives of equity stocks, as also indices.
  • A stock market is an economic system where portions of company ownership and commodities are bought and sold. On planet Zarta, computers began making all decisions on the planet's stock market. This was considered a milestone in the eventual dominance of machines over the population. (TOS comic: "Invasion of the City Builders")
  • Agatha Caraway constantly monitored the stock market with her ticker tape.
  • E' un edificio dove si comprano e vendono azioni. Le azioni sono una "quota di possesso" della città e sono limitate. Si, ad esempio appena una nuova città apre vengono messe a disposizione 23000 azioni e difficilmente vengono aumentate o diminuite. Basta andare al Town Hall della città desiderata, cliccare sul pulsante Fund e guardare a fianco della scritta Total Number of Stock Issued. Almasha Se vuoi vendere azioni di Almasha c'è una richiesta per 20 azioni a 10000[M] l'una. Se invece le vuoi comprare c'è una offerta di 25 azioni a 20000[M] l'una. Si, ci sono 2 modi:
  • In CnR the stock market is affected by the sale and purchase of goods and property as well as a few other factors. With businesses coming soon, the stock market expands upon the CnR economy system! Buy and sell shares of different business types and all real businesses throughout CnR and San Andreas. Markets fluctuate through real in game supply and demand factors (ex: purchases at 24/7 help the 24/7 market). Visit City Hall or any Bank to access the stock market. Use /shares to see the shares you own. You can own up to 100,000 shares of each company.
  • Economy +25%, Influence +5%
  • Increases economy.
  • Normal Project
  • A stock market will significantly improve our economic output on this planet.
  • 120
  • Stock Market
  • The Stock market was a trading facility that existed on Tynna. Boba Fett was known to use the stock market.
  • I remember the day that the Stock Market crashed. The start of the Great Depression. The end of the Roaring '20s. For the Star Fleet, the market crash affected us all. In recent months, the Star Fleet had been relying on stocks to stay in business. Now, it was the stocks that could potentially put us out of business. "I tell ya," said Ten Cents. "If the m
  • Description: The Stock Market is where you can invest your own MP in any of the Shops through out Marada. The share price of each shop changes throughout the day, depending on the level of stock, number of customers, profit and other various factors. You can only buy shares in a company with a share price of 100MP or above. You can only buy a total of 2,500 shares.
  • E' un edificio dove si comprano e vendono azioni. Le azioni sono una "quota di possesso" della città e sono limitate. Si, ad esempio appena una nuova città apre vengono messe a disposizione 23000 azioni e difficilmente vengono aumentate o diminuite. Basta andare al Town Hall della città desiderata, cliccare sul pulsante Fund e guardare a fianco della scritta Total Number of Stock Issued. Basta cliccare sull'edificio Stock Market e - nella sezione Sales - trovare la scritta in piccolo Stock e cercare la città di cui si desidera comprare o vendere le azioni nella lista a discesa. Nei due panelli Buy list e Sell list appariranno le richieste di acquisto e di vendita per le azioni della città selezionata. Almasha Se vuoi vendere azioni di Almasha c'è una richiesta per 20 azioni a 10000[M] l'una. Se invece le vuoi comprare c'è una offerta di 25 azioni a 20000[M] l'una. Se si accettano queste condizioni, basta mettere la quantità desiderata "Qty" e il prezzo "Prize" dell'offerta e cliccare il pulsante Sell o Purchase a seconda che si voglia vendere o acquistare. Si, certo, basta fare lo stesso procedimento e applicare Qty 50 e Prize 140000[M] e attendere il venditore ovviamente :) Cosa faccio se ho azioni? Una parte dei guadagni della città ti viene rimborsata sottoforma di dividendi allo scadere di ogni anno di gioco (12 giorni reali). Inoltre, ed è la cosa più importante, puoi votare il sindaco della città se sei nella lista degli azionisti (shareholders) del Town Hall! Si si, lista! Basta andare al Town Hall e selezionare la sezione "shareholder meeting": se sei nella lista puoi votare, altrimenti no! Sono soldi destinati agli azionisti calcolati in base ai profitti di un anno di GoonZu che sarebbero 12 giorni reali. E' il sindaco che decide quanti fondi destinare agli azionisti e quanti ai semplici cittadini. Si, ci sono 2 modi: 1. * Nel Town Hall andare nella sezione Fund e cercare l'ultima data, es. y58 m12 d30 e vedere la voce Div per Share. 2. * Nelle Game Info premere su Town Info, aprire la tendina in alto, cercare la voce "Dividends in Previous Year" e leggere la cifra riportata accanto al nome della città. Si, certo, sono un investimento a lungo termine. Certo: per prima cosa le azioni sono limitate, cioè non puoi mettere in paragone il cibo con le azioni perchè il cibo si puo costruire sempre mentre le azioni no. Seconda cosa molto determinante al rialzo dei prezzi è che col tempo i venditori tenderanno a diminuirlo e ci sara più offerta e il prezzo salira molto. Da ricordare che nel comprare azioni il Town Hall non si prende commissioni, mentre nel vendere si! Certo, lì ci sono sempre un compratore e un venditore ed è molto difficile che il prezzo salga sempre, ci saranno sicuramente alti e bassi!
  • The Stock Market is a scale by which the productivity and commerce of an economy (or economies) are evaluated. Markets are measured in Stockos, a unit explained by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert DFA in the episode of December 2, 2008Episode #485 . On that day, the Dow Jones went up 200-some-odd Stockos, which was better than December 1, when it dropped almost 750 Stockos.
  • The Stock Market was once a place in Sector 3 where you could buy and sell stocks to try to earn some extra Credits. However some time in 2015, the Stock Market was removed, due to it's complexity and being in sparce use, making it a legacy feature of Sector 3.
  • In CnR the stock market is affected by the sale and purchase of goods and property as well as a few other factors. With businesses coming soon, the stock market expands upon the CnR economy system! Buy and sell shares of different business types and all real businesses throughout CnR and San Andreas. Markets fluctuate through real in game supply and demand factors (ex: purchases at 24/7 help the 24/7 market). Visit City Hall or any Bank to access the stock market. Use /shares to see the shares you own. You can own up to 100,000 shares of each company. The stock market opens at 7:00 and closes at 19:00 in-game time. Outside of that timeframe, the prices of stocks remain the same because the stock market is closed. As of right now, there are a total of 19 different stocks you can choose from. They are listed below.
  • A stock market is a market for buying and selling of equity stocks of companies. Apart from trading of equity stocks, the stock market may also trade into derivatives of equity stocks, as also indices.
  • A stock market is an economic system where portions of company ownership and commodities are bought and sold. On planet Zarta, computers began making all decisions on the planet's stock market. This was considered a milestone in the eventual dominance of machines over the population. (TOS comic: "Invasion of the City Builders")
  • Agatha Caraway constantly monitored the stock market with her ticker tape.