  • Allok (species)
  • The Allok were a sentient species from the planet, Allok. The males were built with a burly torso and upper body, but small, lanky legs. Their legs, though had no bone and were completely hardened muscle in order to hold their body weight. Females were built the opposite, with large legs and a skinny torso. They had little intelligence, but were still cunning, acting mostly on instinct.
  • The Allok were a sentient species from the planet, Allok. The males were built with a burly torso and upper body, but small, lanky legs. Their legs, though had no bone and were completely hardened muscle in order to hold their body weight. Females were built the opposite, with large legs and a skinny torso. They had little intelligence, but were still cunning, acting mostly on instinct.