  • Homework
  • Homework
  • Homework
  • Homework is the conspiracy of actually having hard labor to do at home, when you should just be able to simply relax and be glad that you are home and not at school, which makes home feel like heaven (or something). Homework is often degrading to some people, and this results in the sanest of the sane people who go to school to kill/murder their teachers, traditionally and usually with a knife, even though on some occasions they have used guns, torpedoes, missiles, bombs, grenades, and miniguns, too.
  • Homework is usually assigned to students at the end of classes or at the end of the school term, and is usually completed by students in the Study Hall, Study Area, Library, Gryffindor Tower Reading Room or Common Room. A Homework Planner can be used to help students to keep track of all their homework assignments and tells the students to complete the homework when it is opened. If a student fails to complete the homework or is late in handing it in he/she could be given a detention as a punishment.
  • Homework ist die vierzehnte Kurzgeschichte der Anthologie Short Trips: Defining Patterns. Sie wurde von Michael Coen geschrieben. Der Zweite Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon und Zoe Heriot traten darin auf. Die Kurzgeschichte wurde auch in Short Trips: How the Doctor Changed My Life veröffentlicht.
  • Homework is the 5th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
  • Homework (宿題 Shukudai?) is a duet sung by Coco and Natts.
  • You can see all homeworks from that subject.
  • Homework is one of the four songs presented in the episode "Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival". It was sung by Buster and Mr. Ratburn. The song talks about the homework given by Mr. Ratburn. Hence the song's name. The song is sung in the style of classic rock and roll of the 1950s, particularly doo-wop.
  • In The Sims 2, The Sims Stories, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, children and teens get homework on school days. Failing to complete homework generally results in bad grades.
  • Homework is man's most hideous invention. Disguised as a scholarly exercise meant to exercise the brain and promote the retention of knowledge, homework's true purpose is to prevent women aged 18-30 from roleplaying gay men and robot-zombie sex on the Internets.
  • “There is no evidence that any amount of homework improves the academic performance of elementary students.” This statement, by homework research guru Harris Cooper, of Duke University, is startling to hear, no matter which side of the homework debate you’re on. Can it be true that the hours of lost playtime, power struggles and tears are all for naught? That millions of families go through a nightly ritual that doesn’t help? Homework is such an accepted practice, it’s hard for most adults to even question its value.
  • Homework was work assigned by a teacher to a student at a school. Such work was usually assigned to supplement classroom instruction. It was to be accomplished on the student's own time, usually at their home or residence. The instruction page would be on the computer, accessible with a PADD. Failing to complete the homework would usually result in no grade.
  • Homework is an unfortunately common species of work, closely related to schoolwork. It is the natural enemy of everyone who isn't a dork. It is commonly found at the bottom of pupils' bags, scrunched up alongside sweet wrappers, broken pencils and squished bananas. Despite this, homework is far from being an endangered species as teachers regularly produce more of it, and inflict it on innocent students. If the homework is not finished and given back to the teacher, the teacher gets very stressed and shouts a lot. In rare cases, teachers have been know to spontaneously combust for this reason, much to the delight of their students.
  • On Gallifrey, Anzor forced the young First Doctor to do his navigational homework. (AUDIO: Mission to Magnus) In Farringham, 1913, Hutchinson similarly forced Tim Latimer to do his homework for him. (TV: Human Nature) While rambling about how time never affected him, the Eleventh Doctor claimed he could help Rose Tyler with her homework. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) In the early 21st century, Janie used Graphon Narmolis, disguised as a pencil, to write her homework on the Solar System. (COMIC: Pencil Pusher) File:StubTab.png
  • BBC Books
  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
  • The Devil Like a Bear
  • Homework
  • Feb 14, 2009
  • Thomas BangalterGuy-Manuel de Homem-Christo
  • Homework
  • 1970
  • Mr. Ratburn gives lots of Homework to Students.
  • Two Child Sims completing their homework.
  • 2008-06-05
  • 5
  • 250
  • 2
  • 4433.0
  • 2001
  • 250
  • --01-20
  • --03-25
  • 1993
  • (Daft House )
  • Ikaros Arc
  • Homework.jpg
Abenteuer davor
  • The Krotons
Abenteuer danach
  • The Seeds of Death
  • "Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival"
  • Arthur and Friends: The First Almost Real Not Live CD (or Tape)
  • 1997
  • On Gallifrey, Anzor forced the young First Doctor to do his navigational homework. (AUDIO: Mission to Magnus) In Farringham, 1913, Hutchinson similarly forced Tim Latimer to do his homework for him. (TV: Human Nature) While rambling about how time never affected him, the Eleventh Doctor claimed he could help Rose Tyler with her homework. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) In 2005, Sally Sparrow wrote an essay about her Christmas holiday and her conversation with the Ninth Doctor, who already had read the finished essay, through a video cassette recorded in 1985. (PROSE: What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow) In the early 21st century, Janie used Graphon Narmolis, disguised as a pencil, to write her homework on the Solar System. (COMIC: Pencil Pusher) In the early 21st century, the Twelfth Doctor helped Evie Hubbard, a Year Seven student at Coal Hill School, with her homework, which was to write an "imaginary" interview with Winston Churchill. The Doctor had cheated, and the interview he helped with wasn't imaginary. (TV: The Woman Who Lived) File:StubTab.png
  • Homework is the conspiracy of actually having hard labor to do at home, when you should just be able to simply relax and be glad that you are home and not at school, which makes home feel like heaven (or something). Homework is often degrading to some people, and this results in the sanest of the sane people who go to school to kill/murder their teachers, traditionally and usually with a knife, even though on some occasions they have used guns, torpedoes, missiles, bombs, grenades, and miniguns, too.
  • Homework is usually assigned to students at the end of classes or at the end of the school term, and is usually completed by students in the Study Hall, Study Area, Library, Gryffindor Tower Reading Room or Common Room. A Homework Planner can be used to help students to keep track of all their homework assignments and tells the students to complete the homework when it is opened. If a student fails to complete the homework or is late in handing it in he/she could be given a detention as a punishment.
  • Homework ist die vierzehnte Kurzgeschichte der Anthologie Short Trips: Defining Patterns. Sie wurde von Michael Coen geschrieben. Der Zweite Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon und Zoe Heriot traten darin auf. Die Kurzgeschichte wurde auch in Short Trips: How the Doctor Changed My Life veröffentlicht.
  • Homework is the 5th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
  • Homework (宿題 Shukudai?) is a duet sung by Coco and Natts.
  • You can see all homeworks from that subject.
  • “There is no evidence that any amount of homework improves the academic performance of elementary students.” This statement, by homework research guru Harris Cooper, of Duke University, is startling to hear, no matter which side of the homework debate you’re on. Can it be true that the hours of lost playtime, power struggles and tears are all for naught? That millions of families go through a nightly ritual that doesn’t help? Homework is such an accepted practice, it’s hard for most adults to even question its value. When you look at the facts, however, here’s what you find: Homework has benefits, but its benefits are age dependent. For elementary-aged children, research suggests that studying in class gets superior learning results, while extra schoolwork at home is just . . . extra work. Even in middle school, the relationship between homework and academic success is minimal at best. By the time kids reach high school, homework provides academic benefit, but only in moderation. More than two hours per night is the limit. After that amount, the benefits taper off. “The research is very clear,” agrees Etta Kralovec, education professor at the University of Arizona. “There’s no benefit at the elementary school level.” Before going further, let’s dispel the myth that these research results are due to a handful of poorly constructed studies. In fact, it’s the opposite. Cooper compiled 120 studies in 1989 and another 60 studies in 2006. This comprehensive analysis of multiple research studies found no evidence of academic benefit at the elementary level. It did, however, find a negative impact on children’s attitudes toward school. This is what’s worrying. Homework does have an impact on young students, but it’s not a good one. A child just beginning school deserves the chance to develop a love of learning. Instead, homework at a young age causes many kids to turn against school, future homework and academic learning. And it’s a long road. A child in kindergarten is facing 13 years of homework ahead of her. Then there’s the damage to personal relationships. In thousands of homes across the country, families battle over homework nightly. Parents nag and cajole. Overtired children protest and cry. Instead of connecting and supporting each other at the end of the day, too many families find themselves locked in the “did you do your homework?” cycle. When homework comes prematurely, it’s hard for children to cope with assignments independently—they need adult help to remember assignments and figure out how to do the work. Kids slide into the habit of relying on adults to help with homework or, in many cases, do their homework. Parents often assume the role of Homework Patrol Cop. Being chief nag is a nasty, unwanted job, but this role frequently lingers through the high school years. Besides the constant conflict, having a Homework Patrol Cop in the house undermines one of the purported purposes of homework: responsibility. Homework supporters say homework teaches responsibility, reinforces lessons taught in school, and creates a home-school link with parents. However, involved parents can see what’s coming home in a child’s backpack and initiate sharing about school work–they don’t need to monitor their child’s progress with assigned homework. Responsibility is taught daily in multiple ways; that’s what pets and chores are for. It takes responsibility for a 6-year-old to remember to bring her hat and lunchbox home. It takes responsibility for an 8-year-old to get dressed, make his bed and get out the door every morning. As for reinforcement, that’s an important factor, but it’s only one factor in learning. Non-academic priorities (good sleep, family relationships and active playtime) are vital for balance and well-being. They also directly impact a child’s memory, focus, behavior and learning potential. Elementary lessons are reinforced every day in school. After-school time is precious for the rest of the child. What works better than traditional homework at the elementary level is simply reading at home. This can mean parents reading aloud to children as well as children reading. The key is to make sure it’s joyous. If a child doesn’t want to practice her reading skills after a long school day, let her listen instead. Any other projects that come home should be optional and occasional. If the assignment does not promote greater love of school and interest in learning, then it has no place in an elementary school-aged child’s day. Elementary school kids deserve a ban on homework. This can be achieved at the family, classroom or school level. Families can opt out, teachers can set a culture of no homework (or rare, optional homework), and schools can take time to read the research and rekindle joy in learning. Homework has no place in a young child’s life. With no academic benefit, there are simply better uses for after-school hours. Heather Shumaker’s new book It’s OK to Go Up the Slide (book) (Tarcher/Penguin Random House) is to be published March 8, 2016.
  • Homework was work assigned by a teacher to a student at a school. Such work was usually assigned to supplement classroom instruction. It was to be accomplished on the student's own time, usually at their home or residence. The instruction page would be on the computer, accessible with a PADD. Failing to complete the homework would usually result in no grade. Homework was considered by students unpleasant to accomplish but necessary. While doing homework, Jake Sisko's imagination of Buck Bokai became reality. Bokai tried to win Jake for a baseball game but Jake refused and concentrated back on his homework. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses") In case there were no school, any person responsible for instruction could give the student homework. So aboard the USS Voyager, Naomi Wildman received an education from members of the crew including homework. (VOY: "Infinite Regress", "Blink of an Eye", "Memorial" et al)
  • Homework is one of the four songs presented in the episode "Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival". It was sung by Buster and Mr. Ratburn. The song talks about the homework given by Mr. Ratburn. Hence the song's name. The song is sung in the style of classic rock and roll of the 1950s, particularly doo-wop.
  • In The Sims 2, The Sims Stories, The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, children and teens get homework on school days. Failing to complete homework generally results in bad grades.
  • Homework is an unfortunately common species of work, closely related to schoolwork. It is the natural enemy of everyone who isn't a dork. It is commonly found at the bottom of pupils' bags, scrunched up alongside sweet wrappers, broken pencils and squished bananas. Despite this, homework is far from being an endangered species as teachers regularly produce more of it, and inflict it on innocent students. If the homework is not finished and given back to the teacher, the teacher gets very stressed and shouts a lot. In rare cases, teachers have been know to spontaneously combust for this reason, much to the delight of their students. Homework's main purpose is so that the teacher can pretend to teach you without actually doing anything. Due to its time consuming nature, homework ensures that youngsters have no time for Facebook, posting Mudkips on the internet or have any variety of fun that evening. Homework is something that rarely ever gets done even after prowling the internet for hours looking for answers on your four page math worksheet. Slender is a better form of education for you younglings, especially those who aspire to be serial killers. Homework is also used by the school to get a sample of your handwriting and fingerprints so that they can forge illegal documents. Chances are that if you are reading this, homework is what you are actually meant to be doing.
  • Homework is man's most hideous invention. Disguised as a scholarly exercise meant to exercise the brain and promote the retention of knowledge, homework's true purpose is to prevent women aged 18-30 from roleplaying gay men and robot-zombie sex on the Internets.
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