  • No-brainer
  • No-brainer (noun) is the problem-solving solution preferred by The Greatest President. The no-brainer can be reached by evaluating any question with the first available evidence, then choosing the most obvious solution. Synonym: Slam Dunk Remember: if you use your gut the no-brainer will follow. Alternatives to the no-brainer include debate, compromise or pussy-footing. These methods are often used by gays, communists and traitors to further their Hate America First agendas.
  • No-brainer (noun) is the problem-solving solution preferred by The Greatest President. The no-brainer can be reached by evaluating any question with the first available evidence, then choosing the most obvious solution. Synonym: Slam Dunk Remember: if you use your gut the no-brainer will follow. Alternatives to the no-brainer include debate, compromise or pussy-footing. These methods are often used by gays, communists and traitors to further their Hate America First agendas.