  • Like Like
  • Like Like
  • Like Like
  • Like Likes (ライクライク Raiku Raiku?) are recurring enemies in the Legend of Zelda series. They are cylindrical monsters with the ability to suck in creatures the size of a human and consume items that their prey carries. Most shields or tunics Link is wearing will be devoured, though they will, for the most part, leave the devoured item if killed shortly after eating it. Like Likes are generally yellowish in color and dissolve into a puddle when killed; some come in different colors, and sometimes they simply disappear when killed. Typically, they are unable to swallow the strongest shield available to Link in a game.
  • Like Likes normally range from being brownish yellow to a pinkish color, with more vibrant colors for its oceanic relatives. Their bodies consist of circular, gelatinous layers covered in slimy rubbery skin. The most notable feature of these creatures is that their inward facing rows of teeth often snag on shields and loose items, causing them to be ingested and giving the Like Like its pension for eating shields.
  • Like Likes are wiggling, tubular, leech-like enemies within The Legend of Zelda series. They suck Link up and take his tunics and shield. Lost items can be reacquired by killing the Like Like quickly.
  • Like Like er en fiende som går igjen i flere av zelda spillene.
  • Like Like is an enemy from the Hyrule universe. It appears in the Adventure Mode Underground Maze level. Like Likes attack by swallowing a nearby character. The character is then spat out and damage is taken. Attacking the Like Like will kill it when it accumulates enough damage. They can also be picked up with the "Z" button and thrown at opponents for damage. For every Like Like KO, 500 points are added to the Like Like KO bonus.
  • Los Like-like (ライクライク, Raiku Raiku ?) son enemigos recurrentes en la saga The Legend of Zelda. Son enemigos que tienen la forma de tubo hecho de una sustancias gelatinosa con un orificio en la parte superior con la capacidad de engullir criaturas del tamaño de un humano y quitarle los objetos que lleva consigo, principalmente Escudos, Túnicas, Rupias, entre otros. Es posible recuperar los preciados objetos robados derrotando a la criatura rápidamente, aunque en algunos juegos, una vez robados los objetos no se pueden recuperar de ninguna manera. Generalmente son de color amarillo y se disuelven en un charco al ser derrotados, aunque algunos vienen en otras gamas de colores y simplemente desaparecen al ser derrotados. Normalmente no pueden devorar el Escudo más poderoso del juego en un jue
comentario imagen
  • Artwork de un Like Like
  • Arrows
  • Bombs
  • Swords
  • Like Like
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Four Swords Adventures
  • Link's Awakening
  • Majora's Mask
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Spirit Tracks
  • A Link to the Past
  • Oracle of Ages
  • Oracle of Seasons
  • The Minish Cap
  • Phantom Hourglass
  • ''A Link Between Worlds
  • Swallowing Link
  • Like Like
  • Species
  • A Like Like in the Underground Maze.
  • Artwork of a Like Like from The Legend of Zelda
  • A Like Like from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • 500
  • Muchos Lugares
  • D
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • 180
armas que dispone
  • Absorción
  • Robo de Objetos
armas efectivas
  • Like Likes (ライクライク Raiku Raiku?) are recurring enemies in the Legend of Zelda series. They are cylindrical monsters with the ability to suck in creatures the size of a human and consume items that their prey carries. Most shields or tunics Link is wearing will be devoured, though they will, for the most part, leave the devoured item if killed shortly after eating it. Like Likes are generally yellowish in color and dissolve into a puddle when killed; some come in different colors, and sometimes they simply disappear when killed. Typically, they are unable to swallow the strongest shield available to Link in a game.
  • Like Likes normally range from being brownish yellow to a pinkish color, with more vibrant colors for its oceanic relatives. Their bodies consist of circular, gelatinous layers covered in slimy rubbery skin. The most notable feature of these creatures is that their inward facing rows of teeth often snag on shields and loose items, causing them to be ingested and giving the Like Like its pension for eating shields.
  • Like Likes are wiggling, tubular, leech-like enemies within The Legend of Zelda series. They suck Link up and take his tunics and shield. Lost items can be reacquired by killing the Like Like quickly.
  • Like Like er en fiende som går igjen i flere av zelda spillene.
  • Like Like is an enemy from the Hyrule universe. It appears in the Adventure Mode Underground Maze level. Like Likes attack by swallowing a nearby character. The character is then spat out and damage is taken. Attacking the Like Like will kill it when it accumulates enough damage. They can also be picked up with the "Z" button and thrown at opponents for damage. For every Like Like KO, 500 points are added to the Like Like KO bonus.
  • Los Like-like (ライクライク, Raiku Raiku ?) son enemigos recurrentes en la saga The Legend of Zelda. Son enemigos que tienen la forma de tubo hecho de una sustancias gelatinosa con un orificio en la parte superior con la capacidad de engullir criaturas del tamaño de un humano y quitarle los objetos que lleva consigo, principalmente Escudos, Túnicas, Rupias, entre otros. Es posible recuperar los preciados objetos robados derrotando a la criatura rápidamente, aunque en algunos juegos, una vez robados los objetos no se pueden recuperar de ninguna manera. Generalmente son de color amarillo y se disuelven en un charco al ser derrotados, aunque algunos vienen en otras gamas de colores y simplemente desaparecen al ser derrotados. Normalmente no pueden devorar el Escudo más poderoso del juego en un juego, pues por obvias razones este suele ser único e imposible de recuperar. Los Like Like se encuentran fácilmente entre las criaturas más versátiles de toda la saga. Son conocidos por aparecer en muchos lugares diferentes, desde cuevas, bosques y mazmorras. En Majora's Mask incluso tienen la capacidad de moverse bajo el agua. De The Minish Cap en adelante pueden esconderse bajo la tierra para emboscar a sus presas cuando se acerquen. En Spirit Tracks se pueden esconder dentro de barriles, jarrones y cofres, esperando por aventuraros desprevenidos. En la versión de GBA de A Link to the Past pueden volar por el aire para escapar cuando han engullido un Escudo. También existen una variedad de Like Likes llamadas Rupientes, que roban Rupias y se esconden bajo la tierra poniendo una rupia en la superficie como señuelo, y una variedad llamada Life Like, que drenan vida y se esconden bajo la tierra poniendo un corazón en la superficie como señuelo.
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