  • The Defeat of Francis Bluehawk
  • It was a cold, January night. The wind was blowing, and the townsfolk were all snuggled in their beds. A large War Sloop sailed out of the dark mist, and into the port of Tortuga. The owner, King John Breasly, disembarked the beach. He had heard of a revolution starting. His soldiers scowered the island, while he waited in the King's Arm. Finally, tired, and ready to head to Kingshead for a hot meal and warm bed, John left the tavern.
  • It was a cold, January night. The wind was blowing, and the townsfolk were all snuggled in their beds. A large War Sloop sailed out of the dark mist, and into the port of Tortuga. The owner, King John Breasly, disembarked the beach. He had heard of a revolution starting. His soldiers scowered the island, while he waited in the King's Arm. Finally, tired, and ready to head to Kingshead for a hot meal and warm bed, John left the tavern. He walked down the dock with his good friend, King Shadow Sail. There, at the end of the dock, was exactly who they came for. Francis Bluehawk was on the dock with his guard William Daggerhawk. John and Shadow approached him and questioned him. Soon it became a shouting match. After several moments, a figure appeared at the foot of the dock. He slowly walked down, until he was able to be seen by the light of the lantern of the fishmaster. It was Matthew Darkskull. Francis saw this oppritunity to get Matthew on his side, knowing Matthew was a powerful man. John watched in horror as his son Matthew fell to Francis' persuasion. As Shadow ran for help, knowing a battle was to come, John spotted a mischevious glint in Matthew's eye. He knew Matthew was lying to Francis. Knowing escape couldn't come, they made eye contact for a brief second, and attacked. John took William Daggerhawk's blade from it's sheath and hit him in the eye with the hilt. Matthew pushed Francis into the water. Together, they jumped aboard Matthew's War Sloop.