  • Custom Rights
  • Right now, there are 4 member ranks in the brawl stars. They are member, elder, co leader, leader (accending order), instead of adding a rank between elder and co leader which is still inflexible, so how about a co leader+ can select which right that member can have by selecting individual rights that are selected below in a checkbox fashion, meaning that that player will have given the checkboxed rights that the coleader+ gives to that player.
  • Right now, there are 4 member ranks in the brawl stars. They are member, elder, co leader, leader (accending order), instead of adding a rank between elder and co leader which is still inflexible, so how about a co leader+ can select which right that member can have by selecting individual rights that are selected below in a checkbox fashion, meaning that that player will have given the checkboxed rights that the coleader+ gives to that player. This is what this article exactly states: i want to give this player the right to kick the 100th whenever the band is full but i dont want to give this player the right to modify the band yet. So he/she ticks all the boxes that is elder+ and also ticks the box "no cooldown" without ticking the "changing Band description, icon, join requirements" box. This makes that promoted player to have the elder role and also to be able to kick "rapidly", isint this feature cool? Players are able to view rights given to that person by visiting on that profile and can see which checkbox is checked or unchecked. The player who are given the custom rights via the checkboxing will display rank title as custom beside the player name, or it can be displayed as extended elder for example. There are also the co leader checkbox and the elder checkbox above the custom rights checkbox lists (which is saperated by a line avobe the custom rights list), by ticking the elder checkbox all the (elder+) rights boxes will be automatically ticked, and by ticking the co leader checkbox all the (co leader+) rights boxes will be automatically ticked, so that the managing person can decide which rights to add or deduct when they measured the base rights of the elder and co leader.