  • Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg
  • Gettysburg was a town in the state of Pennsylvania on Earth. It was the site of a battle waged during the American Civil War. In 2376, Captain Janeway believed that although memorials such as the fields of Gettysburg were commemorating events of the past, it did not mean they should not be honored any less than those of the present. (VOY: "Memorial") The USS Gettysburg was named for this town.
  • Gettysburg ist eine Stadt im Bundesstaat Pennsylvania in den USA. Im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg fand hier eine große Schlacht statt. 2376 meint Captain Kathryn Janeway, dass Mahnmale, wie die Schlachtfelder von Gettysburg, es verdienen, dass man sich an sie erinnert, auch wenn diese Ereignisse nicht direkt etwas mit den Personen des 24. Jahrhunderts zu tun haben. (VOY: ) Die USS Gettysburg wurde nach dieser Stadt benannt.
  • Name: Gettysburg Run Time: 1:18 Year: 2001
  • Gettysburg was a town in Pennsylvania on Earth near which the Battle of Gettysburg took place during the American Civil War. In 2156, Jonathan Archer compared the table after dinner at the Lotus Blossom to the battle of Gettysburg. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
  • Gettysburg era un paese della Pennsylvania sulla Terra. Fu il luogo di un conflitto della Guerra Civile Americana. Nel 2376, il Capitano Janeway riteneva che, sebbene memoriali, come i campi di Gettysburg erano commemorare eventi del passato, non significa che devono essere onorati meno degli eventi del presente. (VOY: "Monumento") Informazioni di retroscenaLa USS Gettysburg venne chiamata come l'omonimo paese.
  • Shortly after the battle, President Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address. The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister watched the speech on the Time-Space Visualiser. (TV: The Chase)
  • Gettysburg était une ville située dans l'état de Pennsylvanie, USA, sur Terre. Les 3 premiers jours de juillet 1863, au cours de la Guerre de Sécession, elle fut le théâtre d'une grande bataille. Première véritable défaite du Sud, celle-ci fut le tournant de la guerre. En 2376, le Capitaine Janeway indiqua que les mémoriaux commémorant les évènements du passé, comme les prairies de Gettysburg, ne devaient pas être moins honorés que ceux du présent. (VOY: "Memorial") L'USS Gettysburg fut nommé d'après cette ville.
  • "Gettysburg" is the eighth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 160th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 17, 2011. It was written by Robert Padnick and directed by Jeffrey Blitz.
  • Gettysburg was een stad in Pennsylvania in de voormalige Verenigde Staten van Amerika op Aarde. In deze plaats werd een belangrijke slag uitgevochten tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Captain Janeway was in 2376 van mening dat deze herdenkingsplaatsen weliswaar over gebeurtenissen in het verleden gingen, maar dat ze niet minder belangrijk waren dan die uit het heden. (VOY: "Memorial") De USS Gettysburg is naar deze stad genoemd. Categorie:VS nederzettingen en:Gettysburg fr:Gettysburg it:Gettysburg
  • The Gettysburg is a large ship in the Space Navy that is present at Sanctuary after the invasion of Planet-P.
  • 8
  • 2011-11-17
  • Gettysburg
  • 8008
  • 8
  • Gettysburg was a town in the state of Pennsylvania on Earth. It was the site of a battle waged during the American Civil War. In 2376, Captain Janeway believed that although memorials such as the fields of Gettysburg were commemorating events of the past, it did not mean they should not be honored any less than those of the present. (VOY: "Memorial") The USS Gettysburg was named for this town.
  • Gettysburg ist eine Stadt im Bundesstaat Pennsylvania in den USA. Im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg fand hier eine große Schlacht statt. 2376 meint Captain Kathryn Janeway, dass Mahnmale, wie die Schlachtfelder von Gettysburg, es verdienen, dass man sich an sie erinnert, auch wenn diese Ereignisse nicht direkt etwas mit den Personen des 24. Jahrhunderts zu tun haben. (VOY: ) Die USS Gettysburg wurde nach dieser Stadt benannt.
  • Name: Gettysburg Run Time: 1:18 Year: 2001
  • Gettysburg was a town in Pennsylvania on Earth near which the Battle of Gettysburg took place during the American Civil War. In 2156, Jonathan Archer compared the table after dinner at the Lotus Blossom to the battle of Gettysburg. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
  • Gettysburg era un paese della Pennsylvania sulla Terra. Fu il luogo di un conflitto della Guerra Civile Americana. Nel 2376, il Capitano Janeway riteneva che, sebbene memoriali, come i campi di Gettysburg erano commemorare eventi del passato, non significa che devono essere onorati meno degli eventi del presente. (VOY: "Monumento") Informazioni di retroscenaLa USS Gettysburg venne chiamata come l'omonimo paese.
  • Shortly after the battle, President Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address. The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister watched the speech on the Time-Space Visualiser. (TV: The Chase)
  • Gettysburg était une ville située dans l'état de Pennsylvanie, USA, sur Terre. Les 3 premiers jours de juillet 1863, au cours de la Guerre de Sécession, elle fut le théâtre d'une grande bataille. Première véritable défaite du Sud, celle-ci fut le tournant de la guerre. En 2376, le Capitaine Janeway indiqua que les mémoriaux commémorant les évènements du passé, comme les prairies de Gettysburg, ne devaient pas être moins honorés que ceux du présent. (VOY: "Memorial") L'USS Gettysburg fut nommé d'après cette ville.
  • "Gettysburg" is the eighth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 160th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 17, 2011. It was written by Robert Padnick and directed by Jeffrey Blitz.
  • Gettysburg was een stad in Pennsylvania in de voormalige Verenigde Staten van Amerika op Aarde. In deze plaats werd een belangrijke slag uitgevochten tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Captain Janeway was in 2376 van mening dat deze herdenkingsplaatsen weliswaar over gebeurtenissen in het verleden gingen, maar dat ze niet minder belangrijk waren dan die uit het heden. (VOY: "Memorial") De USS Gettysburg is naar deze stad genoemd. Categorie:VS nederzettingen en:Gettysburg fr:Gettysburg it:Gettysburg
  • The Gettysburg is a large ship in the Space Navy that is present at Sanctuary after the invasion of Planet-P.
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