  • Time Ultimately Stops for Earth
  • What Optimus and his allies see- they're still moving- that time stopped on the entire planet! Optimus: "Well, we got into trouble nowadays." Isaac: "Look!" Optimus: "Why is it still dawn?" Brave Little Toaster: "Come on!" Optimus: "On no! The infinite Earth clock! It malfunctioned!" Queen Beryl: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha... That's right, you fool. Time has stopped for every last human and animal in the planet Earth." Optimus: "Why, you little daughter of a monster!" He-Man: "Why have you malfunctioned the clock?" Queen Beryl: "Observe." She-Ra: "Water. That's the weakness of the clock..." The End
  • What Optimus and his allies see- they're still moving- that time stopped on the entire planet! Optimus: "Well, we got into trouble nowadays." Isaac: "Look!" Optimus: "Why is it still dawn?" Brave Little Toaster: "Come on!" Optimus: "On no! The infinite Earth clock! It malfunctioned!" Queen Beryl: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha... That's right, you fool. Time has stopped for every last human and animal in the planet Earth." Optimus: "Why, you little daughter of a monster!" He-Man: "Why have you malfunctioned the clock?" Queen Beryl: "Observe." She-Ra: "Water. That's the weakness of the clock..." Queen Beryl teleports back to the Negaverse and back to Megatron as well. Optimus: "We have to stop her..." Later... Still dawn... Kumamon: "Look guys! A peeing dog, my good luck symbol!" Optimus: "Wait, Tommy!" Kumamon: "Huh? What is it, Optimus?" Optimus: "Their color may drain if you touch them... This dog was lifting his one of his hind legs to urinate on this tree when the timestop happened." Kumamon: "Trees and hydrants, they're different." People were walking when the timestop happened. Sailor Moon reads their minds. Sailor Moon: "We have to stop her..." Superman: "I think so..." Meanwhile, in the Negaverse... Queen Beryl: "Megatron, I will finally marry you..." Megatron: "It is only too much of your love for me..." The End