  • The Politically Incorrect Guide
  • The P.I.G. series began with the publication of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science, by Tom Bethell. Bethell's original thesis was that "Liberals have hijacked science for long enough. Now it's our turn." Once the egregious error in Bethell's thesis was brought to his attention, he corrected it to read "Liberals have hijacked pseudoscience for long enough. Now it's our turn." Subsequent printings have eliminated the error.
  • The P.I.G. series began with the publication of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science, by Tom Bethell. Bethell's original thesis was that "Liberals have hijacked science for long enough. Now it's our turn." Once the egregious error in Bethell's thesis was brought to his attention, he corrected it to read "Liberals have hijacked pseudoscience for long enough. Now it's our turn." Subsequent printings have eliminated the error. After the first P.I.G. installment reached bestseller status, several others were commissioned -- each purported to be more fact-based and more rigorous than the previous. The series now enters its third year of production, though several analysts expect it to end sometime next year, noting the dearth of controversial material remaining to be covered and the introduction of upcoming installments clearly designed to reinvigorate the series in younger markets (see The Politically Incorrect Guide to Surfing).