  • Vecna
  • Vecna
  • A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
  • Vecna is the god of immortality. Born Vecna Bectin, Vecna was a human king who became the first lich, he is also known as The Grey King. He is a member of the Cradelic Pantheon but is not worshiped with the others, he is cast down upon and cursed. Domains Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery, Darkness, Deathbound, Envy, Greed, Undeath
  • Vecna, known by many names, was a powerful, mortal-born archlich. Upon cheating death he began searching for ways to turn himself into a god, but his ritual was thwarted and he himself was slain six hundred years before the time of Vox Machina. Vecna was later considered a lesser deity or "patron saint" of dark, coveted secrets, and this belief and worship lent him new power, which may explain how he returned Sylas Briarwood to Delilah Briarwood as a vampire. Chapter 3's plot arc was based around the Briarwoods' ritual for Vecna in the Ziggurat beneath Whitestone.
  • In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Vecna was a powerful wizard who became a lich (someone who uses magical power to exist in an undead state after death), and eventually achieved godhood. He is a member of the default pantheon of D&D gods (the pantheon of Oerth). Notably, Vecna is missing both his left eye and left hand. Vecna's holy symbol is an eye in the palm of a left hand. Vecna was also named as one of the greatest villains in D&D history by the final issue of Dragon.
  • Vecna is the evil god of darkness, poison, and assassins. Snakes are his favored creation, and the yuan-ti revere him above all other gods.
  • Considered the most powerful and evilist lich in history, Vecna rose to godhood, becoming the god of secrets. He is known as the Master of All that is Secret and Hidden, the Arch-Lich, the Chained God, the Maimed God, Master of the Spider Throne, the Whispered One, the Dying King, the Lord of the Rotted Tower, the Undying King. His weapon of choice is a dagger. Vecna seeks to supplant the other gods, and rule over the universe. For this, he is feared and hated by the other gods. So feared is Vecna that worship of him is punishable by death.
  • thumb|left|200px|Symbol Vecny thumb|left|250px|Kapłanka Vecny Vecna - nieumarły bóg z Greyhawk. Prawdopodobnie najstarszy znany licz, który nadal funkcjonuje. Znany z dokonania wielu spektakularnych dokonań jak np. ucieczka z więzienia na półplanie grozy, wdarcie się do Sigil jako bóstwo (normalnie dostęp do miasta jest zablokowany przez Panią Bólu), odcięcie się od bogów Oerthu. Spróbował stać się najpotężniejszym bogiem i przewrócić porządek świata, lecz został powstrzymany przez grupkę śmiałków. Ostatecznie został pomniejszym bóstwem.
  • Although he is just about the highest level spellcaster one will see in SLASH'EM (only Dispater, Orcus, and the dreaded Demogorgon have a higher base level), Vecna is nowhere near as tough as one might think. He is somewhat slow, and has only one spellcasting attack. His main weakness, though, comes from the design of his level; it has no up staircase at all. Being covetous, Vecna will teleport to meet you. Since there is no up staircase, he will not warp away like most covetous monsters, but will continue to teleport to meet you, even as his hit points drop. Elbereth, which he respects, is a must when fighting him, since his high base level means that his psi bolt spells will do immense amounts of damage. Additionally, one does need a +4 weapon to damage him at all. However, with a perman
  • Vecna is the evil god of secrets, the undead and necromancy. He is usually depicted as a mummified, desiccated corpse missing his left hand and left eye. His many titles include the Arch-Lich, the Maimed God and the Whispered One. He was first introduced in the World of Greyhawk D&D setting. Ioun is often considered to be Vecna's antithesis, because she wishes to share with the world all the knowledge that Vecna would rather keep secret.
  • thumb|200px|right|Szkic przedstawiający Vecnę Vecna - Nieumarły bóg z Greyhawka. Był potężnym liczem, władcą flańskiego królestwa, który tysiące lat przed oficjalną linią wydarzeń świata Greyhawk stał się bogiem. Został pochłonięty przez Mgły i uwięziony na Półplanie Grozy. Udało mu się uciec, ale żeby ustrzec się przed ponownym wciągnięciem do Ravenloftu, musiał stać się bogiem. Wykorzystał pewien planarny efekt, by dostać się do Sigil (bogowie i półbogowie normalnie nie mają tam wstępu, gdyż miasto ochrania Pani Bólu). Odciął innych bogów od Oerthu, sam chciał się stać najpotężniejszym bogiem tego świata. Jego plany zostały pokrzyżowane przez grupę poszukiwaczy przygód (użyli artefaktów stworzonych przez Vecnę, by go pokonać). Ostatecznie Vecna uzyskał boskość, ale jest jedynie pomniejsz
  • 49
  • a Greyhawk (Dungeons & Dragons) role-playing game
  • pomniejsze bóstwo
  • lesser
  • Centuries old
  • 9
  • Evil, Knowledge, Magic
  • Magia, Wiedza, Zło, Szaleństwo
  • Sztylet
  • Unknown
  • 56
  • Vecna
  • Vecna
  • NPC
  • -15
  • Unique
  • The Eye of Vecna.
  • Vecna, as shown on the cover of Die Vecna Die! .
  • Vecna jako licz, pozbawiony lewej dłoni i lewego oka
  • false
  • Deity
  • false
  • false
  • false
  • false
  • false
  • #fff
  • 1200
  • The Arch-Lich, the Chained God, the Maimed God, Master of the Spider Throne, the Whispered One, the Dying King, the Lord of the Rotted Tower, the Undying King
  • Vecna
  • Okaleczony Lord, Szepczący, Władca Wszystkiego Co Tajemne i Ukryte
  • 90
  • -8
  • #000
  • The Archlich
  • The Lord of the Rotted Tower
  • The Undying King
  • The Whispered One
  • Dragon Gods
  • Lewa dłoń trzymająca gałkę oczną
  • 777600.0
described object
  • a character created for a role-playing game
  • Lich
  • 3230
  • sekrety, intryga
  • Destructive and Evil Secrets, Magic, Hidden Knowledge, Intrigue
  • none
  • Wąż
  • Medium
  • No
resistances conveyed
  • 100
  • A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
  • Vecna is the god of immortality. Born Vecna Bectin, Vecna was a human king who became the first lich, he is also known as The Grey King. He is a member of the Cradelic Pantheon but is not worshiped with the others, he is cast down upon and cursed. Domains Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Trickery, Darkness, Deathbound, Envy, Greed, Undeath
  • Vecna, known by many names, was a powerful, mortal-born archlich. Upon cheating death he began searching for ways to turn himself into a god, but his ritual was thwarted and he himself was slain six hundred years before the time of Vox Machina. Vecna was later considered a lesser deity or "patron saint" of dark, coveted secrets, and this belief and worship lent him new power, which may explain how he returned Sylas Briarwood to Delilah Briarwood as a vampire. Chapter 3's plot arc was based around the Briarwoods' ritual for Vecna in the Ziggurat beneath Whitestone.
  • Vecna is the evil god of secrets, the undead and necromancy. He is usually depicted as a mummified, desiccated corpse missing his left hand and left eye. His many titles include the Arch-Lich, the Maimed God and the Whispered One. He was first introduced in the World of Greyhawk D&D setting. Born a mortal wizard, he ascended to lichdom after assuming a mastery of the dark arts that no mortal had ever achieved, before or since. He is considered to be the most powerful wizard and lich to ever exist, as well as the most evil. At the height of his power, he was betrayed by his trusted lieutenant, the vampire Kas the Bloody-Handed, who destroyed Vecna's mortal body, leaving only his left hand and left eye behind. Sometime after the battle, Vecna rose to godhood and now seeks to usurp the powers and positions of all other gods until he is the only god left in existence. He is opposed by good gods and some evil gods. While he does not like the Raven Queen, he prefers her to Orcus as the god of death. Vecna's symbol is a left hand holding an eye, to represent the two pieces of his body that were left after his mortal form was destroyed by Kas. Ioun is often considered to be Vecna's antithesis, because she wishes to share with the world all the knowledge that Vecna would rather keep secret.
  • Although he is just about the highest level spellcaster one will see in SLASH'EM (only Dispater, Orcus, and the dreaded Demogorgon have a higher base level), Vecna is nowhere near as tough as one might think. He is somewhat slow, and has only one spellcasting attack. His main weakness, though, comes from the design of his level; it has no up staircase at all. Being covetous, Vecna will teleport to meet you. Since there is no up staircase, he will not warp away like most covetous monsters, but will continue to teleport to meet you, even as his hit points drop. Elbereth, which he respects, is a must when fighting him, since his high base level means that his psi bolt spells will do immense amounts of damage. Additionally, one does need a +4 weapon to damage him at all. However, with a permanent Elbereth and a +4 weapon, he is quite easy to defeat, in many ways less trouble than the demiliches that surround him who will try to run away when you hit them. Also be aware that he will not attack until you come within sight of him, so it is very possible to choose when you fight him. The Chaotic Quest itself can be a difficult branch, though. It is advisable to bring an escape item or two, just in case Vecna or one of the spellcasters around him summons a minotaur right next to you.
  • In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Vecna was a powerful wizard who became a lich (someone who uses magical power to exist in an undead state after death), and eventually achieved godhood. He is a member of the default pantheon of D&D gods (the pantheon of Oerth). Notably, Vecna is missing both his left eye and left hand. Vecna's holy symbol is an eye in the palm of a left hand. Vecna was also named as one of the greatest villains in D&D history by the final issue of Dragon.
  • Vecna is the evil god of darkness, poison, and assassins. Snakes are his favored creation, and the yuan-ti revere him above all other gods.
  • thumb|200px|right|Szkic przedstawiający Vecnę Vecna - Nieumarły bóg z Greyhawka. Był potężnym liczem, władcą flańskiego królestwa, który tysiące lat przed oficjalną linią wydarzeń świata Greyhawk stał się bogiem. Został pochłonięty przez Mgły i uwięziony na Półplanie Grozy. Udało mu się uciec, ale żeby ustrzec się przed ponownym wciągnięciem do Ravenloftu, musiał stać się bogiem. Wykorzystał pewien planarny efekt, by dostać się do Sigil (bogowie i półbogowie normalnie nie mają tam wstępu, gdyż miasto ochrania Pani Bólu). Odciął innych bogów od Oerthu, sam chciał się stać najpotężniejszym bogiem tego świata. Jego plany zostały pokrzyżowane przez grupę poszukiwaczy przygód (użyli artefaktów stworzonych przez Vecnę, by go pokonać). Ostatecznie Vecna uzyskał boskość, ale jest jedynie pomniejszym bogiem tajemnic. Przed uwięzieniem został okaleczony przez swojego porucznika, wampira Kasa, w wyniku czego stracił oko oraz dłoń. Owe relikty stały się artefaktami. Artefakty związane z Vecną: * Dłoń i oko Vecny * Miecz Kasa * Księga Plugawego Mroku
  • thumb|left|200px|Symbol Vecny thumb|left|250px|Kapłanka Vecny Vecna - nieumarły bóg z Greyhawk. Prawdopodobnie najstarszy znany licz, który nadal funkcjonuje. Znany z dokonania wielu spektakularnych dokonań jak np. ucieczka z więzienia na półplanie grozy, wdarcie się do Sigil jako bóstwo (normalnie dostęp do miasta jest zablokowany przez Panią Bólu), odcięcie się od bogów Oerthu. Spróbował stać się najpotężniejszym bogiem i przewrócić porządek świata, lecz został powstrzymany przez grupkę śmiałków. Ostatecznie został pomniejszym bóstwem. Jest twórcą wielu artefaktów, ale dwa najsławniejsze (Ręka i Oko Vecny) są dziełem zdrajcy - Wampira Kasa. Ów dotkliwie zranił swego przełożonego tuż przed uwięzieniem. Z innych ciekawostek jest fakt, że licz był bardzo blisko obalenia władzy Pani Bólu w Sigil.
  • Considered the most powerful and evilist lich in history, Vecna rose to godhood, becoming the god of secrets. He is known as the Master of All that is Secret and Hidden, the Arch-Lich, the Chained God, the Maimed God, Master of the Spider Throne, the Whispered One, the Dying King, the Lord of the Rotted Tower, the Undying King. His weapon of choice is a dagger. Vecna seeks to supplant the other gods, and rule over the universe. For this, he is feared and hated by the other gods. So feared is Vecna that worship of him is punishable by death. Vecna and his mother, Mazzel, were born to the untouchable caste in the Flan city of Fleeth. She trained him as a wizard in the arcane arts for many years before the city burned her as a witch, and Vecna escaped. He then studied under the direct tutelege of Mok'slyk, the Serpent, said to be the personification of magic itself, whom his mother had served as a priestess. One thousand years later, Vecan had risen to become the most powerful wizard in the land and had already acheived lichdom having carved an empire for himself in the Sheldomar Valley. During this time, he wrote Ordinary Necromancy and made significant contributions to The Book of Vile Darkness. He marched on Fleeth with an army of undead and spellcasters. He was nearly destroyed by clerics channeling the power of Pholtus, god of light, when they blasted him with a beam of light on his left side. He was saved by one of his generals, the half-fiend Acererak (who would oneday become a mighty lich himself). Once recovered, Vecna attacked the city again. This time, the leaders of the city begged for mercy, offering wealth and eventually their lives in exchange for their citizens. Vecna turned one of them and the man's family over to his lieutenant, the vampire Kas The Bloody-Hand, who spend a day torturing and killing them, then had all within the city slaughtered and their heads mounted on pikes. At the height of his empire, Vecna was betrayed by Kas, who managed to destroy the Archlich before his own death, with the Sword of Kas, a leathal blade of the Undying Kin's own make, leaving only Vecna's left hand and left eye behind. Vecna eventually returned and iby 581, had risen to godhood. He absorbed Iuz, becoming a greater god and attacked Sigil, the City of Doors in an attempt to rewrite the universe in his own image. He was thwarted by a group of adventurers and ejected from the city, which freed Iuz, but allowed Vecna to stay a minor god and return to Oerth.
is Enemy of
is Connections of
is Deity of