  • Blaster Owner's Protection Act
  • The Blaster Owner's Protection Act was a law sponsored by Senator Magnum Rockwater and passed by the Galactic Senate circa 25 BBY. Following his success in passing previous weapons control measures, Rockwater aimed to create legislation that protected civilians from being falsely prosecuted under the previous reforms. He also hoped to create firearm guidelines for civilians and security to follow for legal purposes. This led to the creation of the Blaster Owner's Protection Act. These reform efforts prompted an assassination attempt against Rockwater, albeit one that was unsuccessful.
  • The Blaster Owner's Protection Act was a law sponsored by Senator Magnum Rockwater and passed by the Galactic Senate circa 25 BBY. Following his success in passing previous weapons control measures, Rockwater aimed to create legislation that protected civilians from being falsely prosecuted under the previous reforms. He also hoped to create firearm guidelines for civilians and security to follow for legal purposes. This led to the creation of the Blaster Owner's Protection Act. These reform efforts prompted an assassination attempt against Rockwater, albeit one that was unsuccessful.