  • Awful Wedded Life/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: Marriage sucks. * Played Straight: Alice and Bob are always bickering, and are living in a nearly Sexless Marriage. * Exaggerated: Alice and Bob have fights that involve actual violence. * Downplayed: * Although Bob is a Henpecked Husband married to a Tsundere Alice, the marriage isn't portrayed as unhappy. * Even though they don't really go on "date night" or have sex too frequently anymore, neither Alice nor Bob seem to be unhappy or regret their choice to marry. * Inverted: Alice and Bob are Happily Married. * Justified: * Alice and Bob married for the wrong reasons, and/or rushed into marriage. * The challenges of day-to-day life and raising three kids have started to take a toll on the marriage. * Alice and Bob have personal problem
  • Basic Trope: Marriage sucks. * Played Straight: Alice and Bob are always bickering, and are living in a nearly Sexless Marriage. * Exaggerated: Alice and Bob have fights that involve actual violence. * Downplayed: * Although Bob is a Henpecked Husband married to a Tsundere Alice, the marriage isn't portrayed as unhappy. * Even though they don't really go on "date night" or have sex too frequently anymore, neither Alice nor Bob seem to be unhappy or regret their choice to marry. * Inverted: Alice and Bob are Happily Married. * Justified: * Alice and Bob married for the wrong reasons, and/or rushed into marriage. * The challenges of day-to-day life and raising three kids have started to take a toll on the marriage. * Alice and Bob have personal problems that are starting to affect their marriage. * Subverted: Alice and Bob have the occasional foible, but it all works out in the end. * Double Subverted: But one or both of them is still unhappy. * Deconstructed: Alice and Bob are unhappy, and that may affect their families. Plus, it puts a lot of stress on Alice and Bob themselves, leading to more bickering and more stress. Rinse and repeat. * Reconstructed: Alice and Bob work through their marital problems, or get a divorce. * Parodied: Slap Slap Kiss * Lampshaded: "Why did I ever want to get married, again?" * Averted: * Alice and Bob are Happily Married. * Alice and Bob are not married or living together. * Enforced: Rule of Funny * Invoked: Alice and Bob have a Fourth Date Marriage and find incompatibilities cropping up everywhere. * Defied: Alice and Bob don't let that bother them, and treat each other with respect and set healthy boundaries. Their relationship improves. * Discussed: "I heard Alice and Bob fighting again last night." * Conversed: "I don't know why they don't just get divorced. Really, I think Charles is a better match for Alice, anyway." * Played For Laughs: Almost always is. * Played For Drama: * Alice and Bob have affairs. * The relationship is portrayed as very dangerous.