  • Grox
  • Grox
  • Grox
  • Grox
  • Grox
  • Grox
  • Grox
  • Grox
  • The Grox are a race of aliens in the game Spore. They have Cybernetic parts that no other creature has. They live near the Galactic Core and have populated over 2400 star systems. Oddly, they only live on T0, or barren planets.
  • Grox is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
  • Grox er ein utruleg ond rase som du først møter i romfasen, sjølv om i skapning, stamme og sivilasjonsfasen kan du nokre ganger sjå romskipa deira. Planetane deira er i midten av galaksen. Dei er utruleg vanskeleg og beseira, fordi dei kontrollerer utrulege 2400 planetar. baklengs er det 0042, 42, som i filmen ``Haikerens guide til galaksen`` er svaret på livet, universet og alt. Dei er cyborgar, som vil seie at dei brukjer robotdeler. Dei har robotarmar, føter og auge. Med desse robotdelane er dei veldig sterke. Men, i deira opprinelege form, uten robotdelar, er dei ekstremt svake, men veldig smarte.
  • De Grox zijn sterke, zeer agressieve wezens die in het middelpunt van het sterrenstelsel wonen. Hun rijk is zeer groot, het bestaat uit maar liefst 2400 planeten (let op: geen zonnestelsels!)! Je ontmoet de Grox voor het eerst als je thuiswereld je op een missie stuurt om uit te zoeken wat de Grox nou eigenlijk zijn. Je ontmoet de Grox soms ooit als een geallieerd rijk je hulp vraagt omdat een van hun planeten door ze aangevallen wordt. Als je ze dan ontmoet, kun je geen contact met ze maken.
  • The Grox are a race of cyborgs known to be incredibly hostile race in the galaxy and one of the main antagonists in Spore. They have appeared in many interstellar legends, and most regard them as a myth. However, those who have seen the Grox no longer deny their existence.
  • The Grox are a sapient race of evil, cyborg creatures that have control over most of the core region of the Spore Galaxy. A very ancient and mysterious race, the Grox are among the most important and the most feared empires that ever existed on the galaxy. They are widely known for their cybernetic implants, their aggressiveness and extreme hostility towards most other sapient species and for being only able to survive in barren, sterile worlds, uninhabitable for all other sorts of creatures. Their mighty empire extends for over 2400 star systems, completely encircling the enigmatic super black hole that marks the center of the galaxy.
  • Blocco della Fortuna, volume 8 I Grox (in latino Mecanichaos Crudelis) sono una specie di creature rettiliformi senzienti, attualmente stanziati nella Via Lattea centrale. Estremamente aggressivi, arrivano dalla galassia Andromeda e vivono solo in pianeti di grado T0, invivibili per quasi tutte le creature. In realtà il loro pianeta natale presenta un grado di T1 ma improvvisamente sono diventati ostili all'atmosfera vivibile. Secondo i seguaci di Spode*, i Grox sono il male assoluto e vanno eliminati, considerati addirittura degli Antidei.
  • The Grox are one of or perhaps the most powerful empire in the game Spore, a Life simulation game made by Will Wright and Maxis. They are a sapient species of cybernetic aliens that rule an empire of over 2400 systems (over 5000 planets). They are extremely aggressive, evil and hostile, and are a major obstacle for the player. Almost all empires in Spore resent the Grox.
  • The Grox is one of several creatures imagined by Sarah Hall-Small as the source of the noises coming from her closet in The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss episode "There Is Nothing To Fear In Here". As described in narration, "A groveling Grox eats nothing but rocks, but if she's real hungry and chomped all her rocks, a groveling Grox might eat up your clocks." Sarah is able to make the image of the Grox go away by beating on her drum.
  • Grox'lar galaksinin en büyük ve en düşmancıl ırkı olarak bilinirler.thumb|Mekanik parçalarıyla Grox Galaksinin merkezinin (çekirdeğinin) yakınındaki 2400 güneş sistemini kontrol etmektedirler. 5000 üzerinde gezegenleri bulunkatadır. Sahip oldukalrı gezegenlerin gücü ve üzerlerindeki koloni sayıları galaksinin merkezine yaklaşıldıkça artar. Galaksinin merkezine yaklaştıkça uzay geminizin hareket kabiliyeti de azaldığı için bu gezegenleri almak/yok etmek çok zordur. Fiziksel olarak zayıf olduklarından vücutlarına daha sonradan mekanik parçalar eklemişlerdir.
  • thumb|230px|Dibujo de un Grox.Los Grox son animales reptiles grandes, rápidos y agresivos, originarios del Sistema Solomon. Cuando el sistema fue absorbido por el Imperio, se descubrió que el animal poseía muchas características útiles, como la capacidad de sobrevivir en casi cualquier entorno y de comer incluso los alimentos más indigeribles. Además, la carne de Grox es sumamente sabrosa y nutritiva. Por esto, y debido a su valor como ganado, fueron introducidos a otros mundos a lo largo de toda la galaxia, por lo que los Grox son actualmente el tipo más común de animales de ganado en todo el Imperio.
  • frame|Grox Los Grox son una especie de cyborg alienígenas, considerada la especie más diabólica y hostil de la galaxia. Llama la atención el hecho de que a pesar de ser temidos por todos, son asimétricos y de una apariencia relativamente débil. Son odiados en todas las filosofías aunque en la Filosofía de la Ciencia los grox no son considerados un enemigo,mas bien,un objeto de estudio.
  • "Ser útil a nós é bom para sua sobrevivência." - Os Grox "Os Grox nos impedem de levar o brilho da Luz de Spode ao centro da galáxia. No Dia do Juízo Final, nós destruiremos todos eles, em nome do grande Spode!" - Pergaminhos da Fé, Livro 8 "Cuidado com Os Grox. Eles não compreendem relacionamentos." - Manual Spore "Não se sabe quem ou o que criou os Grox, nem por que." - Pergaminhos da Harmonia, Volume 9 "Os Grox são frutos de uma experiência que ainda não foi concluída" - Livro da Ciência, Parte 8
  • Les Grox constituent un empire spatial énorme, concentré autour du centre de la Galaxie. Ils ne sont qu'accessibles en phase spatiale, mais il est possible de rencontrer une de leurs soucoupes dans les phases de créature, de tribu et de civilisation. Dans le jeu l'empire des Grox est gigantesque, selon certains joueurs ces derniers contrôleraient 2600 systèmes stellaires concentrés autour du centre galactique. Ils sont visiblement l'empire le plus puissant de la galaxie. On peut ajouter que c'est une civilisation militaire.
  • The Grox are a race of small cyborg aliens that live near the center of the Spore Galaxy. They control 2400 stars and 5000 T0 planets, making them one of the largest evil empires. They are the most powerful empire in the galaxy and are the main antagonists of the 2008 Maxis game, Spore. They are very aggressive and it is hard for the player to ally with them. That makes it extremely easy to get into the galactic core, but it gives every other empire a big relation boost. The player must pass them in order to reach the galaxy's core and win the game.
  • The only drawback to the Grox is their aggressive and vicious temperament. They will usually charge any creature in sight, including other Grox. They are also large, fast, and dangerous beasts, about five metres long and well-muscled. They are territorial and like their privacy, so attempting to herd Grox together would easily drive them into a rage. The solution used is to lobotomise most of the stock while keeping the breeding animals suppressed with electro-pulsers wired directly into their small brains. Even with these precautions, accidents still happen, and Grox are usually kept on Agri-Worlds and isolated from human settlements.
  • Present
Species Name
  • Grox
  • Sim
  • Sim
  • Nenhum
  • Sapient
  • Toda a galáxia
type of hostile species
  • Conquerors, Destroyers of Innocence, Redeemed Villains
  • Carnívoro
Box Title
  • Hostile species
  • Conquer the galaxy
  • Spore
  • Spore
  • Pequeno
  • Trolls
  • Grox Empire
  • Grox
  • Sterile lands
  • Brown
  • Grox
  • The Grox
  • Humanoid, cybernetic
  • King of Trolls
  • Sorcerer
  • Advanced technology, money, colonizing planets and moons with a low terrascore
  • Type III - A very powerful empire, colonized the Galactic Core.
  • Grox
  • Unknown
Created by
  • Maxis Software
  • None
  • Attacking and conquering planets, terorrizing the galaxy
  • Short
  • Espacial / Robótico
  • 200
  • Unknown
  • Bípede
Planeta de Origem
  • Desconhecido
  • Não
Estágio Atual
Nível Cerebral
  • Inteligente
Tempo de Vida
  • Imortal
  • The Milky Way Galaxy
  • Varies game to game, often near the Galactic Core of the Milky Way Galaxy.
  • 1997
  • Grox
  • Aliens Video Game Monsters
  • Unknown, apparently radiotrophic
  • Male
  • Unknown
  • The Grox are a race of aliens in the game Spore. They have Cybernetic parts that no other creature has. They live near the Galactic Core and have populated over 2400 star systems. Oddly, they only live on T0, or barren planets.
  • Grox is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
  • Grox er ein utruleg ond rase som du først møter i romfasen, sjølv om i skapning, stamme og sivilasjonsfasen kan du nokre ganger sjå romskipa deira. Planetane deira er i midten av galaksen. Dei er utruleg vanskeleg og beseira, fordi dei kontrollerer utrulege 2400 planetar. baklengs er det 0042, 42, som i filmen ``Haikerens guide til galaksen`` er svaret på livet, universet og alt. Dei er cyborgar, som vil seie at dei brukjer robotdeler. Dei har robotarmar, føter og auge. Med desse robotdelane er dei veldig sterke. Men, i deira opprinelege form, uten robotdelar, er dei ekstremt svake, men veldig smarte.
  • thumb|230px|Dibujo de un Grox.Los Grox son animales reptiles grandes, rápidos y agresivos, originarios del Sistema Solomon. Cuando el sistema fue absorbido por el Imperio, se descubrió que el animal poseía muchas características útiles, como la capacidad de sobrevivir en casi cualquier entorno y de comer incluso los alimentos más indigeribles. Además, la carne de Grox es sumamente sabrosa y nutritiva. Por esto, y debido a su valor como ganado, fueron introducidos a otros mundos a lo largo de toda la galaxia, por lo que los Grox son actualmente el tipo más común de animales de ganado en todo el Imperio. El único inconveniente es su temperamento agresivo y malvado. Usualmente, cargarán contra cualquier criatura que tengan a la vista, sea esta otro Grox o no. También son bestias grandes, rápidas y peligrosas, de apróximadamente 5 metros de largo y de buena musculatura. Son territoriales y les gusta mantener su privacidad, tanto que el intentar mantener a dos Grox juntos llevaría fácilmente a enfurecerlos. La solución utilizada es la lobotomía (la destrucción de sus lóbulos frontales), reprimiendo a los animales con electroimpulsos conectados directamente dentro de sus pequeños cerebros. De todas formas, incluso con estas precauciones, los accidentes siguen ocurriendo, por lo que generalmente se los mantiene en los Mundos Agrícolas y se los aísla de asentamientos humanos. Se sabe que los Orkos también aprecian la carne de los Groxes, por lo que suelen tener algunos cerca de sus campamentos.
  • "Ser útil a nós é bom para sua sobrevivência." - Os Grox "Os Grox nos impedem de levar o brilho da Luz de Spode ao centro da galáxia. No Dia do Juízo Final, nós destruiremos todos eles, em nome do grande Spode!" - Pergaminhos da Fé, Livro 8 "Cuidado com Os Grox. Eles não compreendem relacionamentos." - Manual Spore "Não se sabe quem ou o que criou os Grox, nem por que." - Pergaminhos da Harmonia, Volume 9 "Os Grox são frutos de uma experiência que ainda não foi concluída" - Livro da Ciência, Parte 8 "Os Grox são a fonte do mais absoluto terror na galáxia. Eles já exterminaram muitas raças." - Tábuas da Prosperidade, Parte 10 Os Grox são uma espécie sapiente de criatura meio-biônicas, meio-orgânicas, que são considerados o império mais cruel e hostil da galáxia. Eles possuem o maior império da galáxia, com 2400 sistemas solares rodeando o Núcleo Galáctico. Os Grox também são famosos pelas suas partes mecânicas e por sua assimetria . Eles são também contra o Código Galáctico.
  • De Grox zijn sterke, zeer agressieve wezens die in het middelpunt van het sterrenstelsel wonen. Hun rijk is zeer groot, het bestaat uit maar liefst 2400 planeten (let op: geen zonnestelsels!)! Je ontmoet de Grox voor het eerst als je thuiswereld je op een missie stuurt om uit te zoeken wat de Grox nou eigenlijk zijn. Je ontmoet de Grox soms ooit als een geallieerd rijk je hulp vraagt omdat een van hun planeten door ze aangevallen wordt. Als je ze dan ontmoet, kun je geen contact met ze maken.
  • The Grox is one of several creatures imagined by Sarah Hall-Small as the source of the noises coming from her closet in The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss episode "There Is Nothing To Fear In Here". As described in narration, "A groveling Grox eats nothing but rocks, but if she's real hungry and chomped all her rocks, a groveling Grox might eat up your clocks." Sarah is able to make the image of the Grox go away by beating on her drum. The Grox puppet is re-purposed from Big Mean Carl; the horns, nose, and eyebrows have been removed, and the eyes replaced with large, more generic Muppet-like eyes. She wears a floral arrangement on her head.
  • The Grox are a race of cyborgs known to be incredibly hostile race in the galaxy and one of the main antagonists in Spore. They have appeared in many interstellar legends, and most regard them as a myth. However, those who have seen the Grox no longer deny their existence.
  • The Grox are a sapient race of evil, cyborg creatures that have control over most of the core region of the Spore Galaxy. A very ancient and mysterious race, the Grox are among the most important and the most feared empires that ever existed on the galaxy. They are widely known for their cybernetic implants, their aggressiveness and extreme hostility towards most other sapient species and for being only able to survive in barren, sterile worlds, uninhabitable for all other sorts of creatures. Their mighty empire extends for over 2400 star systems, completely encircling the enigmatic super black hole that marks the center of the galaxy.
  • Grox'lar galaksinin en büyük ve en düşmancıl ırkı olarak bilinirler.thumb|Mekanik parçalarıyla Grox Galaksinin merkezinin (çekirdeğinin) yakınındaki 2400 güneş sistemini kontrol etmektedirler. 5000 üzerinde gezegenleri bulunkatadır. Sahip oldukalrı gezegenlerin gücü ve üzerlerindeki koloni sayıları galaksinin merkezine yaklaşıldıkça artar. Galaksinin merkezine yaklaştıkça uzay geminizin hareket kabiliyeti de azaldığı için bu gezegenleri almak/yok etmek çok zordur. Fiziksel olarak zayıf olduklarından vücutlarına daha sonradan mekanik parçalar eklemişlerdir. Groxlarla dost olmak veya onları yok etmek zordur ve ancak belirli stratejiler kullanılırsa mümkün olabilmektedir. Eğer uzay çağında dost olursanız "Dance with Devil", eğer yenerseniz "Outta heck" ödülünü kazanırsınız. Birçok uzay çağı felsefesi, yazıtlarındaki cümlelerde Grox'lardan olumsuz yönde bahsetmiştir. Bilim adamları ve bazı diplomatlar dışında hiçbir felsefe Grox'ları sevmez. Groxlar oyundaki en iyi uzay gemilerine ve koloni araçlarına sahiplerdir. Tam geliştirilmiş bir oyuncu gemisi kadar iyi olmasalar bile orta boy bir filo ile başa çıkmak özel silahlar olmadan neredeyse imkansızdır.
  • The only drawback to the Grox is their aggressive and vicious temperament. They will usually charge any creature in sight, including other Grox. They are also large, fast, and dangerous beasts, about five metres long and well-muscled. They are territorial and like their privacy, so attempting to herd Grox together would easily drive them into a rage. The solution used is to lobotomise most of the stock while keeping the breeding animals suppressed with electro-pulsers wired directly into their small brains. Even with these precautions, accidents still happen, and Grox are usually kept on Agri-Worlds and isolated from human settlements. Grox are used by a galaxy-spanning Imperial food consortium to produce the famous "Grox Burgers". This consortium issues charters to Rogue Traders who are in turn given carte blanche over creating franchises and Grox farms.
  • Blocco della Fortuna, volume 8 I Grox (in latino Mecanichaos Crudelis) sono una specie di creature rettiliformi senzienti, attualmente stanziati nella Via Lattea centrale. Estremamente aggressivi, arrivano dalla galassia Andromeda e vivono solo in pianeti di grado T0, invivibili per quasi tutte le creature. In realtà il loro pianeta natale presenta un grado di T1 ma improvvisamente sono diventati ostili all'atmosfera vivibile. Secondo i seguaci di Spode*, i Grox sono il male assoluto e vanno eliminati, considerati addirittura degli Antidei.
  • frame|Grox Los Grox son una especie de cyborg alienígenas, considerada la especie más diabólica y hostil de la galaxia. Llama la atención el hecho de que a pesar de ser temidos por todos, son asimétricos y de una apariencia relativamente débil. Tienen una cantidad asombrosa de colonias alrededor del centro de la galaxia, lo que complica bastante acceder a este. Son extremadamente belicosos y sólo pueden vivir en planetas de terrapuntuación nivel cero, es decir, al aumentar la terrapuntuación del planeta a nivel 1 o más se destruye la colonia. Debido a esto, el Cayado de la vida es letal para ellos. Son odiados en todas las filosofías aunque en la Filosofía de la Ciencia los grox no son considerados un enemigo,mas bien,un objeto de estudio.
  • Les Grox constituent un empire spatial énorme, concentré autour du centre de la Galaxie. Ils ne sont qu'accessibles en phase spatiale, mais il est possible de rencontrer une de leurs soucoupes dans les phases de créature, de tribu et de civilisation. A leur apparence physique, on devine qu'ils sont des cyborgs. Leurs yeux, yeux bioniques et autres élément cybernétiques ne sont pas accessibles directement dans le jeu, mais disponibles seulement par Maxis. Même si il est possible de jouer les grox à partir de la phase créture en piratant le jeu, il sera enregistré dans la Sporepedia sous le nom "Le Grox". De plus, certains mods, par exemple le mod "Dark Injection", permettent de disposer des élément présents sur les Grox. Dans le jeu l'empire des Grox est gigantesque, selon certains joueurs ces derniers contrôleraient 2600 systèmes stellaires concentrés autour du centre galactique. Ils sont visiblement l'empire le plus puissant de la galaxie. On peut ajouter que c'est une civilisation militaire.
  • The Grox are a race of small cyborg aliens that live near the center of the Spore Galaxy. They control 2400 stars and 5000 T0 planets, making them one of the largest evil empires. They are the most powerful empire in the galaxy and are the main antagonists of the 2008 Maxis game, Spore. They are very aggressive and it is hard for the player to ally with them. That makes it extremely easy to get into the galactic core, but it gives every other empire a big relation boost. The player must pass them in order to reach the galaxy's core and win the game. The Grox are known as the most evil and hostile beings of the entire Spore universe. They destroy entire empires and even innocent creatures without visible reasons and have extremely powerful ships.
  • The Grox are one of or perhaps the most powerful empire in the game Spore, a Life simulation game made by Will Wright and Maxis. They are a sapient species of cybernetic aliens that rule an empire of over 2400 systems (over 5000 planets). They are extremely aggressive, evil and hostile, and are a major obstacle for the player. Almost all empires in Spore resent the Grox.