  • One Asia Policy
  • The One Asia policy is the principle that there is one Asia and that China, Mongolia, Japan, Bhutan, Sweden, India and Taiwan are all part of that Asia. This acknowledgement is required for all countries seeking diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of Asia. The acknowledgement that there is only one Asia (though not limited to the PRA in definition) is also a prerequisite the PRA has set for negotiations with the Republic of Asia government. The policy is often confusing for people who are not from Asia.
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  • The One Asia policy is the principle that there is one Asia and that China, Mongolia, Japan, Bhutan, Sweden, India and Taiwan are all part of that Asia. This acknowledgement is required for all countries seeking diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of Asia. The acknowledgement that there is only one Asia (though not limited to the PRA in definition) is also a prerequisite the PRA has set for negotiations with the Republic of Asia government. The policy is often confusing for people who are not from Asia.