  • Yew logs
  • Yew logs
  • Yew logs
  • Yew logs
  • Yew Logs
  • Yew logs
  • Uses: Woodcutting (60 woodcutting level required) Firemaking (60 firemaking level required) Experience given for woodcutting skill (per log) = 175 experience. Experience given for firemaking skill (per log) = 202.5 experience. Cutting Yew logs for money is the main use. The current prices are: Current market price range: Minimum price: 446 Market price: 470 Maximum price: 494 (updated Friday, Febuary 26, 2010)
  • Yew logs are mid-to-high level logs that can be burned using the Firemaking skill. In order to burn these logs, level 60 Firemaking is required. Burning one of these logs grants 20200 Firemaking experience.
  • Billede:Yew-logs.PNG Yew logs er logs fra et Yew træ. Man får 175 Woodcutting for hver Yew log man hugger. Man skal være minimum level 60 i Woodcutting for at kunne hugge det fra Yew trees. Kategori:Ting
  • thumb|160px|left|Kuvassa Yew tree, josta saadaan Yew logseja. Yew logs eli marjakuusen halko saadaan, kun hakataan vähintään tason 60 puunhakkuutaidolla kirveellä Marjakuusta. Yhdestä halosta saatava kokemus on 175 kokemuspistettä eli täydestä repullisesta saa 4900 kokemuspistettä. Jos käytät Sacred clay hatchettia, on yhdestä halosta saatava kokemus kaksi kertaa isompi, eli 350 kokemuspistettä per halko. Tällöin repullisesta halkoja saa 9800 kokemuspistettä. Voit myös hakata Volatile clay hatchetilla, jolloin saa yhdestä halosta 385 kokemuspistettä ja repullisesta halkoja 10780 kokemuspistettä.
  • Players can burn these logs with the Firemaking skill at level 60. They give 202.5 experience when burned, or a maximum of 260 experience when used on a bonfire and up to 270.5 experience when more people are using it. In member's worlds, yew logs can also be made into bows and stocks using the Fletching skill. Fletching an unstrung shortbow will give 67.5 experience. When the log is fletched into an unstrung shieldbow, it yields 75 experience. Stringing the bows will give the same experience as fletching them. Noted yew logs can sometimes be found inside barrels.
  • Yew logs can also be made into bows, stock, and arrow shafts using the Fletching skill. When the log is cut into a Yew longbow (u) at level 70, it yields 75 experience. Cutting a Yew shortbow (u) at level 65, will give 67.5 experience. Stringing the unstrung bows will give the same experience as for cutting them. Yew logs can also be used to travel to Castle Wars on the Balloon transport system, costing 10 logs on the initial trip, and 1 log for every trip following that.
  • Yew Logs are obtained by cutting a Yew tree with an axe. To cut down a yew tree a player will need at least 60 Woodcutting, and will receive 175 experience per log cut. Yew trees were released with the Fletching skill and can be used to make yew shortbows and yew longbows, granting 67.5 Fletching experience per unstrung yew shortbow, and 75 experience per unstrung yew longbow. Contrary to popular belief, yew logs can not be burned. Only normal logs are able to be burned for Firemaking experience.
  • Yew logs zijn stukken hout van een Yew. Het zijn de beste logs die beschikbaar zijn voor free spelers. 60 Woodcutting is vereist om Yew logs te kunnen kappen. De speler krijgt 175 experience per log die gekapt wordt. Het wordt gezien als een goede manier om Woodcutting te trainen, mits de speler het vereiste level al heeft.
  • left|75pxDrewno cisu jest pozyskiwane z cisów wymagających 60 poziomu Woodcutting. Każde polano daje 175 doświadczenia. Gracz musi sciąć aż 72,919 polan cisu, aby zwiększyć swój poziom woodcutting z 60 do 99. Wypełnienie drewnem cisu całego ekwipunku daje równe 4900 doświadczenia do woodcuttingu (9,800 z sacred clay hatchet; 10,780 z volatile clay hatchet). Po jego spaleniu gracz zyskuje się 202,5 doświadczenia do umiejętności Firemaking. Members mogą używać cisowego drewna przy umiejętności Fletching. Cis to najlepsze drewno dla graczy F2P, które może być wykorzystywane do zarabiania.
  • Players can burn these logs with the Firemaking skill at level 60. They grant 202.5 experience when burned, or a maximum of 260 experience when used on a bonfire and up to 270.5 experience when more players are using it. In member's worlds, yew logs can also be made into bows and stocks using the Fletching skill. To fletch an unstrung shortbow, players need a of level 65 and will receive 67.5 experience. To fletch an unstrung shieldbow players need a level of 70, and will receive 75 experience. Stringing the bows will give the same experience as fletching them.
  • 60
  • 99
  • Ei
  • 80
  • Ei
  • Polttaminen,Pudottaminen
  • Yes
  • Yew logs
  • Logs cut from
  • a yew tree.
  • 0
  • No
  • 64
  • Logs cut from a yew tree.
  • Logs cut from a yew tree
  • Logs cut from a yew tree.
  • Logs cut from a yew tree.
  • 400
  • Yes
  • Ja
  • Yew Logs.PNG
  • 94
  • Yew logs
  • nie
  • Ei
Sale Price
  • 64
  • Kyllä
  • 2
  • No
  • Nee
Low Alch
  • 64
  • Ei
  • 470
  • gemw
  • Vaihtelee 200-250
  • 70
  • 81
  • 93
  • 96
  • 100
  • 120
  • 130
  • 132
  • 149
  • 166
  • 230
  • 276
  • 725
  • 900
  • 3000
  • 54596490119
  • N/A
  • Drop
  • Drop
  • Drop
  • Yes
  • Kyllä
Quest Item
  • No
  • Angry barbarian spirit
  • Ferocious barbarian spirit
  • King Black Dragon
  • Rare drop table
  • Queen Black Dragon
  • Skeleton hero
  • Zulrah
  • Desert strykewyrm
  • Araxxi
  • Mutated jadinko baby
  • Mutated jadinko guard
  • Mutated jadinko male
  • Vampyre Juvinate
  • Tenacious toucan
  • Skeleton brute
  • Giant Mole
  • Skeleton thug
  • Skeleton warlord
  • Scutarius
  • 12
  • No
  • Nee
  • Common
  • Rare
  • Uncommon
Shop Price
  • Not sold
  • reclaimable
  • 68
High Alch
  • 96
  • logs
  • No
  • Nee
  • Yew logs
  • Yew logs
  • 160
  • 64
  • 96
cena ge
  • 420
pystyy pitämään päällä
  • Ei
  • tak
  • Yes
  • No
  • Nee
  • nie
  • 2
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 10
  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 20
  • 35
  • 50
  • 100
  • 150
  • 300
  • 600
  • 675
  • Latest RuneScape News
  • Yews
  • 175
  • 1515
  • nie
  • 96
  • 2002-03-25
  • 2002-03-25
  • Nee
inna nazwa
  • Yews
  • Yew logs zijn stukken hout van een Yew. Het zijn de beste logs die beschikbaar zijn voor free spelers. 60 Woodcutting is vereist om Yew logs te kunnen kappen. De speler krijgt 175 experience per log die gekapt wordt. Het wordt gezien als een goede manier om Woodcutting te trainen, mits de speler het vereiste level al heeft. Maar Yew logs hebben meer nut dan enkel Woodcutting trainen. Ook Firemaking en Fletching kunnen getraind worden met Yew Logs. Om Yew logs te verbranden is 60 Firemaking vereist en om Yew logs te gebruiken bij Fletching is minstens 65 Fletching nodig. Yew logs zijn een goede manier om Firemaking heel snel te trainen, maar het kost dan ook veel geld. De meeste mensen gebruiken andere, goedkopere logs zoals Maple logs om Firemaking te trainen. Het feit dat het trainen van Firemaking met Yew logs zo duur is, heeft ook een positieve kant. Omdat de logs zoveel waard zijn, maakt het hakken en verkopen van Yew logs tot een goede en effectieve manier om geld te verdienen. 60 Woodcutting wordt ook gezien als een niet erg hoog level. Bij andere skills, zoals Mining en Smithing, moet het level vaak hoger zijn om evenveel geld te kunnen verdienen. Geld verdienen door Yew logs heeft evenwel negative kanten: om het echt snel en effectief te kunnen kappen is een hoger Woodcutting level (70+) aangeraden. Ook zijn er bij Yew bomen, vooral in free werelden, vaak veel mensen aanwezig, waardoor het lastig wordt om zelf logs te kunnen kappen. Een oplossing is naar minder drukke servers te gaan en te hopen dat er daar geen andere houthakkers zijn. Een andere, meer gevaarlijke, optie is naar een PvP wereld te gaan. Daar zijn er over het algemeen minder mensen die Yews kappen, maar dan loopt de speler wel het risico gedood te worden door andere spelers.
  • thumb|160px|left|Kuvassa Yew tree, josta saadaan Yew logseja. Yew logs eli marjakuusen halko saadaan, kun hakataan vähintään tason 60 puunhakkuutaidolla kirveellä Marjakuusta. Yhdestä halosta saatava kokemus on 175 kokemuspistettä eli täydestä repullisesta saa 4900 kokemuspistettä. Jos käytät Sacred clay hatchettia, on yhdestä halosta saatava kokemus kaksi kertaa isompi, eli 350 kokemuspistettä per halko. Tällöin repullisesta halkoja saa 9800 kokemuspistettä. Voit myös hakata Volatile clay hatchetilla, jolloin saa yhdestä halosta 385 kokemuspistettä ja repullisesta halkoja 10780 kokemuspistettä. Yew logseja voi hakata jo tasolla 60, mutta koska halkoja tulee sillä tasolla hitaasti, sitä kannattaa kuitenkin hakata kun on level 65-99 tms. Kannattaa käyttää Runekirvestä jos olet F2p, koska jos käytät esim Adamant hatchettia niin se on hitaampaa. Jos puunhakkuutaitosi on yli 61 ja olet memberi, kannattaa käyttää Dragon Hatchettia. Monet hakkaavat yewiä, koska sillä tienaa todella hyvin. Voit hyvällä onnella saada päivässä jopa 10 miljoonaa. (ei pidä kyllä paikkaansa.. ehkä 1m on realistisempi..) Kuten kaikkia halkoja, myös näitäkin voi polttaa tason 60 Tulentekotaidolla antaen 202,5 kokemuspistettä per halko, muttä nämä kannattaa myydä Grand exchangeen.
  • Players can burn these logs with the Firemaking skill at level 60. They grant 202.5 experience when burned, or a maximum of 260 experience when used on a bonfire and up to 270.5 experience when more players are using it. In member's worlds, yew logs can also be made into bows and stocks using the Fletching skill. To fletch an unstrung shortbow, players need a of level 65 and will receive 67.5 experience. To fletch an unstrung shieldbow players need a level of 70, and will receive 75 experience. Stringing the bows will give the same experience as fletching them. One full inventory of yew logs gives exactly 4,900 Woodcutting experience. Cutting and selling one full inventory of Yew logs would make on the Grand Exchange. Yew tree locations are relatively few and scattered and also tend to be extremely crowded in free-to-play worlds. However, in a members' world there is a better chance of finding a less crowded location. Players would need to cut 72,919 yew logs to go from 60 to 99 woodcutting. This would make the player at current Grand Exchange price using this method. Cutting yew logs from level 60 all the way to 200 million exp would earn the player at current Grand Exchange price. Historically, cutting yew trees and selling the logs used to be one of the best ways for free players to make money. However, with the introduction of the Grand Exchange, the advent of divine yew trees, and the quantity of yew logs dropped by high level monsters, yew logs have become much more abundant in supply and less valuable. Yew logs can also be used to travel to Castle Wars on the Balloon Transport System, costing 10 logs on the initial trip, and 1 log for every trip following that. 15 yew logs are a possible prize from Treasure Hunter. When choosing the option to convert this prize to coins, players receive 1440 coins, which is less than selling them on the Grand Exchange. After completing the Tirannwn Elite Tasks, players can persuade Coeden once a day to give a random set of 28 elder, magic, or yew logs; or a random combination thereof. Noted yew logs can sometimes be found inside barrels. Firemaking with an augmented crystal tinderbox or Pyro-matic will grant 18 item xp per log or 504 xp per inventory of 28 at a bonfire with 5+ players. 2240 logs would be required to get this to level 10 or 4564 to level 12.
  • Yew Logs are obtained by cutting a Yew tree with an axe. To cut down a yew tree a player will need at least 60 Woodcutting, and will receive 175 experience per log cut. Yew trees were released with the Fletching skill and can be used to make yew shortbows and yew longbows, granting 67.5 Fletching experience per unstrung yew shortbow, and 75 experience per unstrung yew longbow. Contrary to popular belief, yew logs can not be burned. Only normal logs are able to be burned for Firemaking experience. Yew Logs can be certed to Yew logs certificates and uncerted by Chuck near north bank in East Ardougne.
  • Uses: Woodcutting (60 woodcutting level required) Firemaking (60 firemaking level required) Experience given for woodcutting skill (per log) = 175 experience. Experience given for firemaking skill (per log) = 202.5 experience. Cutting Yew logs for money is the main use. The current prices are: Current market price range: Minimum price: 446 Market price: 470 Maximum price: 494 (updated Friday, Febuary 26, 2010)
  • Players can burn these logs with the Firemaking skill at level 60. They give 202.5 experience when burned, or a maximum of 260 experience when used on a bonfire and up to 270.5 experience when more people are using it. In member's worlds, yew logs can also be made into bows and stocks using the Fletching skill. Fletching an unstrung shortbow will give 67.5 experience. When the log is fletched into an unstrung shieldbow, it yields 75 experience. Stringing the bows will give the same experience as fletching them. These logs are currently the highest level of logs available to free players and as such, cutting them can be a good way to make money as a free player. One full inventory of yew logs gives exactly 4,900 Woodcutting experience. Cutting and selling one full inventory of Yew logs would make on the Grand Exchange. Yew tree locations are relatively few and scattered and also tend to be extremely crowded in free-to-play worlds. However, in a members' world there is a better chance of finding a less crowded location. Players would need to cut 72,919 yew logs to go from 60 to 99 woodcutting. This would make the player at current Grand Exchange price using this method. Cutting yew logs from level 60 all the way to 200 million exp would earn the player at current Grand Exchange price. Yew logs can also be used to travel to Castle Wars on the Balloon Transport System, costing 10 logs on the initial trip, and 1 log for every trip following that. 15 yew logs are a possible prize from Treasure Hunter. When choosing the option to convert this prize to coins, players receive 1440 coins, which is less than selling them on the Grand Exchange. After completing the Tirannwn Elite Tasks, players can persuade Coeden once a day to give a random set of 28 elder, magic, or yew logs; or a random combination thereof. Noted yew logs can sometimes be found inside barrels.
  • Yew logs can also be made into bows, stock, and arrow shafts using the Fletching skill. When the log is cut into a Yew longbow (u) at level 70, it yields 75 experience. Cutting a Yew shortbow (u) at level 65, will give 67.5 experience. Stringing the unstrung bows will give the same experience as for cutting them. One full inventory of yew logs gives exactly 4,900 Woodcutting experience. Yew tree locations are relatively few and scattered and also tend to be very crowded. Players would need to cut yew logs to go from 60 to 99 Woodcutting. However, yew logs are obtained at a slow pace from 60 to 74. Yew logs are obtained at a decent rate starting from level 75 Woodcutting. Yew logs can also be used to travel to Castle Wars on the Balloon transport system, costing 10 logs on the initial trip, and 1 log for every trip following that.
  • Yew logs are mid-to-high level logs that can be burned using the Firemaking skill. In order to burn these logs, level 60 Firemaking is required. Burning one of these logs grants 20200 Firemaking experience.
  • Billede:Yew-logs.PNG Yew logs er logs fra et Yew træ. Man får 175 Woodcutting for hver Yew log man hugger. Man skal være minimum level 60 i Woodcutting for at kunne hugge det fra Yew trees. Kategori:Ting
  • left|75pxDrewno cisu jest pozyskiwane z cisów wymagających 60 poziomu Woodcutting. Każde polano daje 175 doświadczenia. Gracz musi sciąć aż 72,919 polan cisu, aby zwiększyć swój poziom woodcutting z 60 do 99. Wypełnienie drewnem cisu całego ekwipunku daje równe 4900 doświadczenia do woodcuttingu (9,800 z sacred clay hatchet; 10,780 z volatile clay hatchet). Po jego spaleniu gracz zyskuje się 202,5 doświadczenia do umiejętności Firemaking. Members mogą używać cisowego drewna przy umiejętności Fletching. Cis to najlepsze drewno dla graczy F2P, które może być wykorzystywane do zarabiania. Drewno cisu może zostać użyte do lotu balonem do Castle Wars. Cisy były popularnym celem programów makro ze względu na zyski przynoszone ze sprzedaży polan. Tego rodzaju boty występowały w dużych ilościach na światach darmowych głównie na południu Falador, na północ od Zamku Varrock, w lesie Draynor i na południe od Melzar's Maze.
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