  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • Mafia
  • awaiting info
  • La Mafia est une organisation criminelle réelle apparaissant dans certains épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto. On la trouve surtout mise en évidence dans Grand Theft Auto IV ou Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
  • The Mafia is a west coast criminal organization in Los Angeles allying with Mello. The group intends to possess a Death Note and thereby gain tremendous power.
  • "Mafia" is the sixth episode in the sixth season of The Office and the 106th episode overall. It was written by Brent Forrester, who most recently wrote the episodes, Blood Drive, and Business Trip and directed by Dave Rogers. It aired on October 15, 2009. It was viewed by 8.10 million people.
  • Die Mafia ist ein organisierter Verbrecherring, der im Untergrund agiert.
  • Mafia is a popular game played by people from Board 8,CE or PotD on AIM or on the Message Boards themselves. Learn more about it at the Mafia Wiki. If you get randomly invited into an AIM chat group playing Mafia, you should probably check out the Newbie Guide first.
  • Mafia – gra fabularna, której akcja toczy się w USA w latach trzydziestych XX wieku. Wcielamy się w niej w postać Tommy'ego Angelo, taksówkarza, który przypadkowo zostaje wplątany w działalnośc mafii.
  • Mafia is a game controlled by a host. Each player is assigned secretly to a character by the host.
  • The Mafia are a fictional group of criminal families in the Wild Cards series of books.
  • Książka napisana przez Futrzaqa.
  • Mafia ist der Überbegriff für verschiedene Verbrecherorganisationen. Entgegen des Volksmeinung gibt es nicht die Mafia, sondern verschiedene Organisationen, die alle Anspruch darauf erheben die Mafia zu sein. Ein bekanntes Beispiel für eine Mafia ist die Korrohla oder auch atztekische Mafia. Die Mafia ist oft im Drogengeschäft oder im Schmuggel aktiv.
  • Mafia is a dramatic action film produced by Trimark Pictures, Malofilm Studio and Tristar Pictures and released by RKO Pictures in 1991. The film had thousands of tickets sold at the box office, they decided to make a sequel.
  • thumb Mafia es una serie de vídeo juegos desarrollados por la compañía Checa Illusion Softworks (actualmente llamada 2K Czech) en 2002 para PC y en 2004 para PlayStation 2 y Xbox. En su primer entrega, el jugador toma el rol de Thomas Angelo, un conductor de taxi que se ve casi obligado a formar parte de la organización criminal que lleva Don Salieri. El juego se sitúa alrededor de los años 30, durante la época prohibicionista y el crecimiento de las mafias italoamericanas en los Estados Unidos.
  • Mafia – gang występujący w Grand Theft Auto Advance. Działa na terenie całego Liberty City, swoje terytoria ma w Portland Beach, Portland Harbor, Torrington oraz Pike Creek. Pojazdem gangu jest Sentinel. Mafia najprawdopodobniej jest rodziną Leone bądź Forelli, lecz nigdzie w grze nie pojawia się jej nazwa, jedynie określenie Mafia. Mafia nie odgrywa w grze zbyt dużej roli; wiadomo, że jej członkami są protagonista i antagonista gry — Mike i Vinnie. Gang zajmuje się handlem narkotyków (Dirty Laundry) i wymuszeniami (Ill-Gotten). Wrogiem gangu jest gang Hoods.
  • The Mafia (also known as the Mob or Cosa Nostra), is a real-life criminal secret society seen in the Grand Theft Auto series.
  • The Mafia is a criminal syndicate that emerged in Italy in the mid-nineteenth century. Mafia may refer to:
  • thumb|300px|MafiaDie Mafia, auch bekannt als Cosa Nostra (Italienisch für "unsere Angelegenheit") und Der Mob (in den USA), ist eine verbrecherische Organisation, welche einige verstreute Auftritte in der TMNT-Franchise als geringere Antagonisten hat.
  • Nach der Überrennung Italiens durch die Orks, schafften es einige Mafiabosse es an die Macht in diesem Land zu kommen. Die verschiedenen Mafia-Clans wurden sofort Konkurrenten und bald herrschte von Mailand bis Rom das organisierte Verbrechen. "Mafia" ist nur ein Sammelbegriff für die zahlreichen verschiedenen Verbrecher-Clans, die jetzt den Norden Italiens beherrschen. Viele Mafiosi erledigen ihre Geschäfte auch im Ausland, wo es oft mehr Profit zu machen gibt, wie zum Beispiel der in Singapur lebende Don Giovanni.
  • La Mafia u organización criminal es un tipo de grupo de delincuencia. Se diferencian de las pandillas, en el hecho de que estos grupos suelen poseer empresas legítimas que le ayudan a ocultar sus actividades ilícitas, además de poseer ayudas gubernamentales. En la saga Grand Theft Auto, existen diferentes tipos de mafia.
  • thumb|350px|Die Bibel: Das Mafia Wiki (im November 2015) Die Mafia in New York ist seit jeher in fünf Familien aufgeteilt. Neben dieser italienischstämmigen Mafia gibt es aber auch organisiertes Verbrechen aus anderen Ländern wie China, Japan, Russland, ... * [22.03.2014] – Der Papst warnt
  • La communauté mafieuse est répartie sur six continents divisés en dix territoires.A la tête de chacun d'eux se trouve un des patrons de la communauté,surnommés les dix parrains.thumb|250px|Les dix parrains La York Shin dream auction est la seule occasion pendant laquelle ils se réunissent sur un même lieu pour se concerter et donner des ordres. Chacun des dix parrains aurait formé un groupe constitué des meilleurs combattants au sein de l'organisation,ainsi ils n'agissent pas par eux mêmes mais font appel aux bêtes de l'ombre. Catégorie:Groupes / Organisations
  • The Mafia are a clique attending Bullworth Academy in Bully: Transferred to Bullworth
  • Die Mafia ist eine kriminelle Organisation und Inbegriff des organisierten Verbrechens. Als Dr. Bashir von Felix bezüglich des Schachtelmännchens im Holoprogramm Bashir 62 erfährt, überlegt man, was man gegen Frankie das Auge machen kann. Umbringen schließt man dabei aus, da man annimmt, dass sie Mafia sich sonst an Vic Fontaine rächt. (DS9: )
  • Anche conosciuta come Italia, la mafia è un'organizzazione benefica che cura l'interesse dei cittadini. Ah, inteso, la Mafia non esiste, non è altro che un'invenzione della Coca Cola, proprio come gli alieni,la crisi, gli eschimesi e Babbo Natale. E chiunque sostenga il contrario dovrà vedersela con Totò Cuffaro. File:NonCitazLogo.png NonCitazioni contiene deliri e idiozie (forse) detti da o su Mafia.
  • You can have a Mafia Size of 401. * Me: 1 * Up to 240 Friends. * Up to 160 Stray Cats. You can also have more Friends but they don't count towards your Mafia Strenght. You can't have more as 2800 Friends. You can get Stray Cats in the Pet Store (5 Gold Tokens/Stray Cat) Only the best Items are getting used - shown on your profile page. You can send up to 50 Friends requests per day, but there is no limit to accept Friend Requests.
  • Mafia is a Russian Mega Drive hack of Dick Tracy. Since the original game was made for Windows, PlayStation 2 and Xbox, this game was released after 2002.
  • Mafia is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Black Label Society. The album was released on March 8, 2005.
  • Mafia is a game played on the Hamumu forums, originally started on 11th April 2006, by Mr.Onion. The group playing is divided into "Townies" and "Mafia", with the townies attempting to lynch a mafia through majority vote during the daytime, and the mafia killing someone in the night. Daytime ends when the town decide who to lynch, and night ends when all power roles send in their actions. Whoever eliminates the other team first wins. The townies usually have roles among them who can use "powers", such as protecting someone from a mafia kill, or gaining information about their role. For additional information, see here
  • “Mafia is a process, not a thing. Mafia is a form of clan-cooperation to which its individual members pledge lifelong loyalty....Friendship, connections, family ties, trust, loyalty, obedience-this was the glue that held us together." Joe Bonanno on Mafia
  • The Mothers And Fathers Italian Association, also known as the Mafia, is an infamous group of mobsters that deal in many things.
  • The Mafia is a organized crime. In Roleplay terms they can be very dangerous here are some things the mafia does Deal Drugs Order Hits (Special Hits) Loan Sharking,Robbing etc etc etc. There are two main types of Mafia. The Italian Mafia The Japanese Mafia (Yakuza) Italian: The Italians may seem like respected men but they are criminals and they have special organized ranks such as Capo Bastone (Underboss) , Capo Regime (Captain)
  • The Mafia (also known as Cosa Nostra) is a Sicily|Sicilian criminal secret society which is believed to have first developed in the mid-19th century in Sicily. An offshoot emerged on the East Coast of the United States|East Coast of the United States and in Australia during the late 19th century following waves of Sicilian and Southern Italian emigration (see also Italian diaspora). In North America, the Mafia often refers to Italian organized crime in general, rather than just traditional Sicilian organized crime. According to historian Paolo Pezzino: "The Mafia is a kind of organized crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory..."
  • The Mafia typically refers to La Cosa Nostra, the Italian Mafia, although the term is also applied to the various European ethnic crime syndicates (many of which were consumed by La Cosa Nostra, including the Polish, Irish, Jewish, Mexican, and Afro-Caribbean syndicates). The oldest player in North America, the Mafia is heavily embedded into Western culture, and thus, most people only know about the misconceptions of the Mafia that they learned from crime investigation shows and movies.
  • Mafia zwykle odnosi się La Cosa Nostra, Włoskiej Mafii, chociaż termin często używany jest w odniesieniu do różnych syndykatów zbrodni działających w Europie i poza nią (niektóre La Cosa Nostra wchłonęła - np. Polskie, Irlandzkie, Żydowskie, Meksykańskie, Afro-Karaibskie). Jako najstarszy gracz w Północnej Ameryce, Mafia jest mocno osadzona w kulturze Zachodu i większość ludzi zna tylko jej nie do końca prawdziwe oblicze pokazywane w programach trideo (show typu 997, seriale kryminalne itp.)
  • In the Reborn! universe, the Mafia are groups (known as Famiglias or Families) with normally hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of members and numerous branching divisions; however, it is not known what the criteria to be considered Mafia are, or even if there are any. They are usually headed by a leader known as a "Boss", and so far, all these leaders have possessed the incredibly rare Sky Flame. However, Gokudera's father is the Boss of his own Famiglia and since the same Dying Will Flame runs in the line of Famiglia Bosses as well as the fact that he is the only parent that both Bianchi and Gokudera share, it is likely that he possesses a Storm Flame.
  • The Mafia are the primary antagonist of Town of Salem and have the highest win rate besides the Town. They are the second-largest faction, have exact knowledge of their members identities, can talk privately at night, and always have a guaranteed killer on their team. They can also exploit the lynching trials by misguiding the Townies to lynch their own during the day, they can distract the Town to lynch evil rivals or prevent votes by allying themselves with Neutral Evil or Neutral Benign roles. If successful, the Mafia can rapidly gain the majority in the trials, at which point their victory is almost certain.
  • The File:Mw icon mafia.png Mafia (also known as "Cosa Nostra") is a Sicilian criminal society which is believed to have emerged in late 19th century Sicily, and the first such society to be referred to as a mafia (although it is not the first organized criminal society to appear in Italy). It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct. Each group, known as a "family", "clan" or "cosca", claims sovereignty over a territory in which it operates its rackets – usually a town or village or a part of a larger city. Offshoots of the Mafia emerged in the United States, Canada, and in Australia[1] during the late 19th century following waves of Italian emigration (see Italian-American Mafia). However, outside Italy the term "Mafia" is
  • 6
  • nieznany
nombre solicitado
  • es.mafia
  • zielony
  • Mike, Vinnie, Federico
  • handel narkotykami, haracze za ochronę,
  • Mafia .png
  • Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
  • 2009-10-05
  • Possibly 2010
  • Wild Cards
  • Disbanded
  • Exiled
  • Mafia
  • Title
  • Crime syndicate
  • Dick Tracy
  • The Five Families
  • mafia
  • Mafia Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom dedicada a la saga Mafia de 2K Games.
  • 1
  • Mafia
  • tak
  • Marco A
  • 6006
  • 6
  • Abandonada
  • Mafia
wikipage disambiguates
army name
  • Mafia
  • awaiting info
  • La Mafia est une organisation criminelle réelle apparaissant dans certains épisodes de la série Grand Theft Auto. On la trouve surtout mise en évidence dans Grand Theft Auto IV ou Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
  • The Mafia is a west coast criminal organization in Los Angeles allying with Mello. The group intends to possess a Death Note and thereby gain tremendous power.
  • "Mafia" is the sixth episode in the sixth season of The Office and the 106th episode overall. It was written by Brent Forrester, who most recently wrote the episodes, Blood Drive, and Business Trip and directed by Dave Rogers. It aired on October 15, 2009. It was viewed by 8.10 million people.
  • Die Mafia ist ein organisierter Verbrecherring, der im Untergrund agiert.
  • Mafia is a popular game played by people from Board 8,CE or PotD on AIM or on the Message Boards themselves. Learn more about it at the Mafia Wiki. If you get randomly invited into an AIM chat group playing Mafia, you should probably check out the Newbie Guide first.
  • Mafia – gra fabularna, której akcja toczy się w USA w latach trzydziestych XX wieku. Wcielamy się w niej w postać Tommy'ego Angelo, taksówkarza, który przypadkowo zostaje wplątany w działalnośc mafii.
  • Mafia is a game controlled by a host. Each player is assigned secretly to a character by the host.
  • The Mafia are a fictional group of criminal families in the Wild Cards series of books.
  • Mafia zwykle odnosi się La Cosa Nostra, Włoskiej Mafii, chociaż termin często używany jest w odniesieniu do różnych syndykatów zbrodni działających w Europie i poza nią (niektóre La Cosa Nostra wchłonęła - np. Polskie, Irlandzkie, Żydowskie, Meksykańskie, Afro-Karaibskie). Jako najstarszy gracz w Północnej Ameryce, Mafia jest mocno osadzona w kulturze Zachodu i większość ludzi zna tylko jej nie do końca prawdziwe oblicze pokazywane w programach trideo (show typu 997, seriale kryminalne itp.) Mafia jest zanurzona w wewnętrznych konfliktach. Jeden z głównych powodów, dla którego Mafia ciągle boryka się z przeciwieństwami (takimi jak Yakuza, Triady czy Vory, czy nowe syndykaty w rodzaju Seoulpa Rings) jest wieczna wojna pomiędzy regionalnymi Mafiami, którymi dowodzą lokalni Capo chcący zdobyć jak największą władzę i powiększyć swój teren wpływów. Na Starym Kontynencie mawiają “Mafia jest swoim największym wrogiem.” Dwie najważniejsze tradycje w Mafii to omerta (cisza) i rispetto (szacunek). O Mafii nie wolno ci z nikim rozmawiać, jesteś też zobligowany do okazywania szacunku i obrony honoru Rodziny.
  • The Mafia is a organized crime. In Roleplay terms they can be very dangerous here are some things the mafia does Deal Drugs Order Hits (Special Hits) Loan Sharking,Robbing etc etc etc. There are two main types of Mafia. The Italian Mafia The Japanese Mafia (Yakuza) Italian: The Italians may seem like respected men but they are criminals and they have special organized ranks such as Capo Bastone (Underboss) , Capo Regime (Captain) Japanese: The Yakuzas are violent, yet organized criminals but some are just tatooed street punks that specialize in Kung Fu,Swords,Guns and they do basically everything mentioned in the top article.
  • Książka napisana przez Futrzaqa.
  • Mafia ist der Überbegriff für verschiedene Verbrecherorganisationen. Entgegen des Volksmeinung gibt es nicht die Mafia, sondern verschiedene Organisationen, die alle Anspruch darauf erheben die Mafia zu sein. Ein bekanntes Beispiel für eine Mafia ist die Korrohla oder auch atztekische Mafia. Die Mafia ist oft im Drogengeschäft oder im Schmuggel aktiv.
  • Mafia is a dramatic action film produced by Trimark Pictures, Malofilm Studio and Tristar Pictures and released by RKO Pictures in 1991. The film had thousands of tickets sold at the box office, they decided to make a sequel.
  • thumb Mafia es una serie de vídeo juegos desarrollados por la compañía Checa Illusion Softworks (actualmente llamada 2K Czech) en 2002 para PC y en 2004 para PlayStation 2 y Xbox. En su primer entrega, el jugador toma el rol de Thomas Angelo, un conductor de taxi que se ve casi obligado a formar parte de la organización criminal que lleva Don Salieri. El juego se sitúa alrededor de los años 30, durante la época prohibicionista y el crecimiento de las mafias italoamericanas en los Estados Unidos.
  • In the Reborn! universe, the Mafia are groups (known as Famiglias or Families) with normally hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of members and numerous branching divisions; however, it is not known what the criteria to be considered Mafia are, or even if there are any. They are usually headed by a leader known as a "Boss", and so far, all these leaders have possessed the incredibly rare Sky Flame. However, Gokudera's father is the Boss of his own Famiglia and since the same Dying Will Flame runs in the line of Famiglia Bosses as well as the fact that he is the only parent that both Bianchi and Gokudera share, it is likely that he possesses a Storm Flame. Throughout the series, many members of the Mafia are shown to be endowed with supernatural abilities, including but not limited to the Dying Will Flames. According to Fuuta, the Mafia consists of more than 80000 members and more than 800 bosses in total.
  • The Mafia typically refers to La Cosa Nostra, the Italian Mafia, although the term is also applied to the various European ethnic crime syndicates (many of which were consumed by La Cosa Nostra, including the Polish, Irish, Jewish, Mexican, and Afro-Caribbean syndicates). The oldest player in North America, the Mafia is heavily embedded into Western culture, and thus, most people only know about the misconceptions of the Mafia that they learned from crime investigation shows and movies. The Mafia is steeped in tradition and internal conflict. One of the main reasons that the Mafia is struggling against the increasing sphere of influence of foreign outfits (such as the Yakuza, the Triads, and the Vory) and new syndicates (such as the Seoulpa Rings and the Native American crime organizations) is the constant war between the regional Mafias, with each Capo trying to gain more influence and power. As they say in the Old World, “The Mafia is its own worst enemy.” The two most important traditions of the Mafia are omerta (silence) and rispetto (respect). You do not speak of the Mafia, and you are obligated to maintain the honor and respect of the Family.
  • Mafia – gang występujący w Grand Theft Auto Advance. Działa na terenie całego Liberty City, swoje terytoria ma w Portland Beach, Portland Harbor, Torrington oraz Pike Creek. Pojazdem gangu jest Sentinel. Mafia najprawdopodobniej jest rodziną Leone bądź Forelli, lecz nigdzie w grze nie pojawia się jej nazwa, jedynie określenie Mafia. Mafia nie odgrywa w grze zbyt dużej roli; wiadomo, że jej członkami są protagonista i antagonista gry — Mike i Vinnie. Gang zajmuje się handlem narkotyków (Dirty Laundry) i wymuszeniami (Ill-Gotten). Wrogiem gangu jest gang Hoods.
  • The Mafia (also known as the Mob or Cosa Nostra), is a real-life criminal secret society seen in the Grand Theft Auto series.
  • The Mafia is a criminal syndicate that emerged in Italy in the mid-nineteenth century. Mafia may refer to:
  • thumb|300px|MafiaDie Mafia, auch bekannt als Cosa Nostra (Italienisch für "unsere Angelegenheit") und Der Mob (in den USA), ist eine verbrecherische Organisation, welche einige verstreute Auftritte in der TMNT-Franchise als geringere Antagonisten hat.
  • Nach der Überrennung Italiens durch die Orks, schafften es einige Mafiabosse es an die Macht in diesem Land zu kommen. Die verschiedenen Mafia-Clans wurden sofort Konkurrenten und bald herrschte von Mailand bis Rom das organisierte Verbrechen. "Mafia" ist nur ein Sammelbegriff für die zahlreichen verschiedenen Verbrecher-Clans, die jetzt den Norden Italiens beherrschen. Viele Mafiosi erledigen ihre Geschäfte auch im Ausland, wo es oft mehr Profit zu machen gibt, wie zum Beispiel der in Singapur lebende Don Giovanni.
  • La Mafia u organización criminal es un tipo de grupo de delincuencia. Se diferencian de las pandillas, en el hecho de que estos grupos suelen poseer empresas legítimas que le ayudan a ocultar sus actividades ilícitas, además de poseer ayudas gubernamentales. En la saga Grand Theft Auto, existen diferentes tipos de mafia.
  • thumb|350px|Die Bibel: Das Mafia Wiki (im November 2015) Die Mafia in New York ist seit jeher in fünf Familien aufgeteilt. Neben dieser italienischstämmigen Mafia gibt es aber auch organisiertes Verbrechen aus anderen Ländern wie China, Japan, Russland, ... * [22.03.2014] – Der Papst warnt
  • La communauté mafieuse est répartie sur six continents divisés en dix territoires.A la tête de chacun d'eux se trouve un des patrons de la communauté,surnommés les dix parrains.thumb|250px|Les dix parrains La York Shin dream auction est la seule occasion pendant laquelle ils se réunissent sur un même lieu pour se concerter et donner des ordres. Chacun des dix parrains aurait formé un groupe constitué des meilleurs combattants au sein de l'organisation,ainsi ils n'agissent pas par eux mêmes mais font appel aux bêtes de l'ombre. Catégorie:Groupes / Organisations
  • The Mafia are a clique attending Bullworth Academy in Bully: Transferred to Bullworth
  • Die Mafia ist eine kriminelle Organisation und Inbegriff des organisierten Verbrechens. Als Dr. Bashir von Felix bezüglich des Schachtelmännchens im Holoprogramm Bashir 62 erfährt, überlegt man, was man gegen Frankie das Auge machen kann. Umbringen schließt man dabei aus, da man annimmt, dass sie Mafia sich sonst an Vic Fontaine rächt. (DS9: )
  • Anche conosciuta come Italia, la mafia è un'organizzazione benefica che cura l'interesse dei cittadini. Ah, inteso, la Mafia non esiste, non è altro che un'invenzione della Coca Cola, proprio come gli alieni,la crisi, gli eschimesi e Babbo Natale. E chiunque sostenga il contrario dovrà vedersela con Totò Cuffaro. File:NonCitazLogo.png NonCitazioni contiene deliri e idiozie (forse) detti da o su Mafia.
  • You can have a Mafia Size of 401. * Me: 1 * Up to 240 Friends. * Up to 160 Stray Cats. You can also have more Friends but they don't count towards your Mafia Strenght. You can't have more as 2800 Friends. You can get Stray Cats in the Pet Store (5 Gold Tokens/Stray Cat) Only the best Items are getting used - shown on your profile page. You can send up to 50 Friends requests per day, but there is no limit to accept Friend Requests.
  • Mafia is a Russian Mega Drive hack of Dick Tracy. Since the original game was made for Windows, PlayStation 2 and Xbox, this game was released after 2002.
  • The Mafia (also known as Cosa Nostra) is a Sicily|Sicilian criminal secret society which is believed to have first developed in the mid-19th century in Sicily. An offshoot emerged on the East Coast of the United States|East Coast of the United States and in Australia during the late 19th century following waves of Sicilian and Southern Italian emigration (see also Italian diaspora). In North America, the Mafia often refers to Italian organized crime in general, rather than just traditional Sicilian organized crime. According to historian Paolo Pezzino: "The Mafia is a kind of organized crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory..." The Sicilian Cosa Nostra is a loose confederation of about one hundred Mafia groups, also called cosca|cosche or families, each of which claims sovereignty over a territory, usually a town or village or a neighborhood of a larger city, though without ever fully conquering and legitimizing its monopoly of violence. For many years, the power apparatuses of the single families were the sole ruling bodies within the two associations, and they have remained the real centers of power even after superordinate bodies were created in the Cosa Nostra beginning in the late 1950s (the Sicilian Mafia Commission). Some observers have seen "mafia" as a set of attributes deeply rooted in popular culture, as a "way of being", as illustrated in the definition by the Sicilian ethnographer, Giuseppe Pitrè, at the end of the 19th century: "Mafia is the consciousness of one's own worth, the exaggerated concept of individual force as the sole arbiter of every conflict, of every clash of interests or ideas." Many Sicilians did not regard these men as criminals but as role models and protectors, given that the state appeared to offer no protection for the poor and weak. As late as the 1950s, the funeral epitaph of the legendary boss of Villalba, Calogero Vizzini, stated that "his 'mafia' was not criminal, but stood for respect of the law, defense of all rights, greatness of character. It was love." Here, "mafia" means something like pride, honour, or even social responsibility: an attitude, not an organization. Likewise, in 1925, the former Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Emanuele Orlando stated in the Italian senate that he was proud of being mafioso, because that word meant honourable, noble, generous.
  • Mafia is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Black Label Society. The album was released on March 8, 2005.
  • Mafia is a game played on the Hamumu forums, originally started on 11th April 2006, by Mr.Onion. The group playing is divided into "Townies" and "Mafia", with the townies attempting to lynch a mafia through majority vote during the daytime, and the mafia killing someone in the night. Daytime ends when the town decide who to lynch, and night ends when all power roles send in their actions. Whoever eliminates the other team first wins. The townies usually have roles among them who can use "powers", such as protecting someone from a mafia kill, or gaining information about their role. For additional information, see here
  • The Mafia are the primary antagonist of Town of Salem and have the highest win rate besides the Town. They are the second-largest faction, have exact knowledge of their members identities, can talk privately at night, and always have a guaranteed killer on their team. They can also exploit the lynching trials by misguiding the Townies to lynch their own during the day, they can distract the Town to lynch evil rivals or prevent votes by allying themselves with Neutral Evil or Neutral Benign roles. If successful, the Mafia can rapidly gain the majority in the trials, at which point their victory is almost certain. As of Version 1.3.0, at the start of the game, there will never be more than 5 members of the Mafia (no matter which Game Mode). If there are more than 5 members of the Mafia during the game (due to Amnesiacs), the Mafia window will only be able to display 6 of them. As of Version 1.5.0, members of the Mafia, with the exception of the Godfather, will now be killed upon being visited by a Vampire. In the day, the cause of death will be displayed as, "He/She was bitten by a Vampire." This was likely added as a buff to Vampires as Vampires were weak against the Mafia before this update. This was due to the entire Mafia having Bite Immunity. As of Version 1.5.11, the Mafia are informed during the night if there is at least one Spy in the match. Alive members of the Mafia will get the message, "You feel that someone can hear your conversations." if there is a Spy in the match (even if all Spies are dead). If there are no Spies, alive members of the Mafia will see, "You feel like you can speak privately."
  • “Mafia is a process, not a thing. Mafia is a form of clan-cooperation to which its individual members pledge lifelong loyalty....Friendship, connections, family ties, trust, loyalty, obedience-this was the glue that held us together." Joe Bonanno on Mafia
  • The File:Mw icon mafia.png Mafia (also known as "Cosa Nostra") is a Sicilian criminal society which is believed to have emerged in late 19th century Sicily, and the first such society to be referred to as a mafia (although it is not the first organized criminal society to appear in Italy). It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct. Each group, known as a "family", "clan" or "cosca", claims sovereignty over a territory in which it operates its rackets – usually a town or village or a part of a larger city. Offshoots of the Mafia emerged in the United States, Canada, and in Australia[1] during the late 19th century following waves of Italian emigration (see Italian-American Mafia). However, outside Italy the term "Mafia" is also employed to name any organization operating under a similar structure, whether Sicilian or not; such as the Camorra, the 'Ndrangheta or the Sacra Corona Unita, as well as foreign organized groups such as the Russian Mafia and the Cuban Mafia. File:464px-Mafia family structure tree.jpg
  • The Mothers And Fathers Italian Association, also known as the Mafia, is an infamous group of mobsters that deal in many things.
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