  • Mirumoto Elite Guard
  • Membership was an honorary position granted only to those bushi who excelled at both the martial and spiritual training of the two sword technique. More often than not, the Elite Guard would be assigned to guard the important holdings of the Dragon Clan, but other times they would travel as normal bushi, claiming no honor or glory for their title outside of Dragon lands. So harsh were the requirements to become member of the House Guard, that there are never more than a hundred at a time.
  • Membership was an honorary position granted only to those bushi who excelled at both the martial and spiritual training of the two sword technique. More often than not, the Elite Guard would be assigned to guard the important holdings of the Dragon Clan, but other times they would travel as normal bushi, claiming no honor or glory for their title outside of Dragon lands. So harsh were the requirements to become member of the House Guard, that there are never more than a hundred at a time.