  • Cat Girl
  • Cat girl
  • Cat girls eat male adventurers. They lure their prey into secluded areas by swishing their tails, purring, giving themselves a completely adorable tongue bath, rubbing against their victim's legs (always whilst purring), and singing the Meow Mix theme song. Once the victim is led away from the party and seduced by the extreme unrivaled cuteness of the cat girl, she doesn't eat them yet; she first uses the victim as a scratching post (possibly does some interesting stuff before that), tears them to kibbles and bits, coughs up a hairball or two, sucks out the victim's liver through a "straw", and orders a pizza. Then she devours her victim and takes a nap.
  • 4
fr name
  • Fille Chat
es lore
  • Cuando esta carta es Invocada de Modo Especial: puedes Invocar de Modo Especial, desde tu mano o Cementerio, 1 "Chica Gato Extraviada", y además por el resto de este turno no puedes Invocar de Modo Especial monstruos con 2000 ATK o más. Tu adversario no puede cambiar la posición de batalla de los monstruos.
Romaji Name
  • Kyatto Gāru
hr name
  • Cura-Mačka
ja lore
  • このカードが召喚に成功した時、自分の手札・墓地から「捨て猫娘」1体を選んで特殊召喚できる。この効果を発動したターン、自分は攻撃力が2000より高いモンスターを特殊召喚できない。このカードがフィールド上に表側表示で存在する限り、相手はモンスターの表示形式を変更できない。
it lore
  • Quando questa carta viene Evocata Normalmente: puoi Evocare Specialmente 1 "Gatto Randagio" dalla tua mano o Cimitero, inoltre non puoi Evocare Specialmente nessun mostro con ATK di 2000 o superiore per il resto di questo turno. Il tuo avversario non può cambiare la posizione dei mostri.
pt name
  • Garota Gato
  • When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Stray Cat Girl" from your hand or Graveyard, also you cannot Special Summon any monsters with more than 2000 ATK for the rest of this turn. Your opponent cannot change monsters' battle positions.
it name
  • Ragazza Gatto
de lore
  • Wenn diese Karte als Normalbeschwörung beschworen wird: Du kannst 1 „Streunerkatzenmädchen“ als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand oder deinem Friedhof beschwören, zusätzlich kannst du für den Rest dieses Spielzugs keine Monster mit mehr als 2000 ATK als Spezialbeschwörung beschwören. Dein Gegner kann die Kampfpositionen von Monstern nicht ändern.
  • Katzenmädchen
  • Cat Girl
es name
  • Chica Gato
fr lore
  • Lorsque cette carte est Invoquée Normalement : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Fille Chat Errant" depuis votre main ou Cimetière, et aussi, le reste de ce tour, vous ne pouvez pas Invoquer Spécialement de monstres avec plus de 2000 ATK. Votre adversaire ne peut pas changer la position de combat des monstres.
  • 1200
effect types
  • Trigger, Continuous
  • * Special Summons from your hand * Special Summons from your Graveyard * Prevents your Special Summons
  • When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Stray Cat Girl" from your hand or Graveyard, also you cannot Special Summon any monsters with more than 2000 ATK for the rest of this turn. Your opponent cannot change monsters' battle positions.
  • Female
  • Stray Cat Girl
  • Beast
  • Effect
  • 1600
Ja Name
  • キャット・ガール
  • Prevents Battle Position changes
  • Cat girls eat male adventurers. They lure their prey into secluded areas by swishing their tails, purring, giving themselves a completely adorable tongue bath, rubbing against their victim's legs (always whilst purring), and singing the Meow Mix theme song. Once the victim is led away from the party and seduced by the extreme unrivaled cuteness of the cat girl, she doesn't eat them yet; she first uses the victim as a scratching post (possibly does some interesting stuff before that), tears them to kibbles and bits, coughs up a hairball or two, sucks out the victim's liver through a "straw", and orders a pizza. Then she devours her victim and takes a nap. Here are some types of adventurers that cat girls find particularly tasty. We have also obtained information from a professional cat girlologist what the adventurer classes taste like through careful examination and interviewing of cat girls while dining. * Ninjas: They're soft, chewy, and seem to stealthily move down your throat of their own volition. They are the natural prey of cat girls in Asian countries. The favorite meal of cat girls. They usually taste of something that has just been drenched in blood and dragon's sweat. This is one of the more dangerous meals for a cat girl to eat, as if cat girl has forgotten to remove the weapons from the ninja before devouring it, the ninja might cut them in half while inside. * Nazis: the favourite meal of any catgirl, they taste like superiority, with an aftertaste of irony and steel. Nazis hate catgirls for this, because, well. They are nazis, and a nazi's job is to hate any human race or animal that is not related to its own race for the proper price. Adolf Hitler is known to have held a special hate towards cat-girls and for that very reason he wanted to ensure that he didn't taste good. Which is the reason he was the only nazi that never ate nice things, like meat. in the mid 20th century cat-girls were hunted down in german controlled territories by the nazi party, as they were regarded "ünterkatze" and inferior to nazis. but since catgirls have the tendency to hide and disguise themselves, the nazis made a checklist of all possible race-based disguises and tried to eliminate them as an ensurance. Nazis are the main reason that there are very few catgirls left. * Telemarketers: They taste like almonds. Cat girls often make good use of a telemarketer's horns as toothpicks after their meals. Telemarketers make themselves easy prey for cat girls since they call everyone in the universe while surfing the Internet for pr0n. * Pizza delivery boys: They're all cheesy, melty, crusty, and good. They're possibly a cat girl's favorite type of adventurer to eat. No one knows for sure if this is their favorite adventurer to eat, but the fact that cat girls always order a pizza before eating adventurers lends much credence to this theory. Cat girls often don't bother to order another pizza before eating a pizza delivery boy unless the first pizza didn't come with anchovies. * Pirates: Crispy and salty. Pirates often try to take the cat girls to a secluded place on their pirate ship rather than the cat girl leading them to a secluded area. Pirates who escape with just a eye, leg, or hand bitten off don't make the same mistake twice. One pirate in particular was lucky to survive, as a catgirl threw him out, stating "he tasted and stretched like rubber". Sometimes cat girls brought on board a pirate's ship have been known to devour the entire crew and become cat girl pirates. Cat girl pirates are similar to cat pirates. * Wizards: Ewww...wizards taste like the pizza cat girls order that the pizza restaurants forgot to put anchovies on after they've been sitting in the back of a cat girl's refrigerator for about a year. Especially with all those smelly spell components. * Fighters: Fighters make a hearty, juicy meal for a cat girl. They often taste like steak and chicken combined into one super chicken steak. Fighters also make good barbecue. * Thieves and Rogues: Smooth and tasty. They taste similar to coffee junkies who play the bongos at local cafes. They, like ninjas, pirates, and telemarketers, make themselves vulnerable prey to cat girls, thinking they've hooked themselves up with an extremely hawt, but mostly cute, chick. Cat girls have no problem luring these guys into secluded areas. * Yodellers: Yuck...these guys taste like accordions. These guys will keep yodelling long after being devoured by the cat girl causing explosive diarrhea and projectile vomit for months as the nonstop yodelling drives her lower intestines to constant insanity. Most cat girls learn to leave these guys alone. However, most cat girls forget to leave these guys alone anyways since the feathers worn in a yodeller's hat look like dangly cat toys. * Noobs: Noobs are like telemarketers, they are everywhere, and they annoy you. The only good thing is they taste like chocolate, so catgirls will fill their heads with caramel and leave them on your doorstep. * Soldiers: With soldiers we don't mean the antique ones. but the big ones, armed with guns, a jar-shaped helmet and several types of grenades. Soldiers are said to taste like blood, guts and have an aftertaste of sweat and lead. Soldiers are widely regarded as a delicacy for catgirls. But since assault rifles, sub machine guns and sniper rifles in combination with their respective required ammunution have a negative effect on the health of any living and non-living being just like any other object produced by mankind, they are oftenly left alone. An important factor in the process of leaving a soldier be, is that they usually come in groups. Groups with guns have psychical effect on catgirls, scaring them off. * Cum: It's true, sometimes it is possible for a catgirl to seduce you and, once you have finished, she will happily consume your seed and bounder off. Unfortunately there is only a 1/10000 chance for this, so many have died trying to experience this brilliance, usually ending up with their own semen used as a condiment. * Sweets: These are rare cats with a STRONG sweet tooth. Not only do they love sweet sugary desserts and bananas and peanut butter, but it's the ONLY thing they can taste. They came off a DIFFERENT evolutionary branch.