  • 379
  • 379
  • 379
  • 379
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  • El trescientos setenta y nueve (379) es el número natural que sigue al 378 y precede al 380. Categoría:Números
  • 379 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje jednokierunkowo na trasie z Sarmackiej na Wilanów. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa WoroniczaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Woronicza.
  • Nina und Nadja geraten erneut aneinander, was Marian besorgt beobachtet. Er redet behutsam auf Nadja ein, sich nicht verunsichern zu lassen. Nina bekommt derweil den Tipp von Jenny, bei Marian in die Vollen zu gehen. Also deponiert sie eine Überraschung unter Marians Bett, die für ordentlichen Wirbel sorgt. Simone bleibt dabei: Will Jenny das Gesicht der Marke Steinkamp werden, muss sie an einem Sichtungslauf teilnehmen, um ihre sportliche Karriere wieder anzukurbeln. Beim Training wird jedoch deutlich, dass Jenny völlig aus der Übung ist. Juli fehlt der Mut, um zu sagen, dass die Gedichte von ihr sind. Verzweifelt sucht sie nach einem Weg, sich doch noch als die anonyme Poetin zu outen. Um Oliver die Wahrheit zu sagen, trinkt sie sich Mut an. Doch ist das ein geeignetes Mittel?
  • It is night at the Old House, and a storm rages outside. Joshua Collins has vanished, and Victoria Winters informs Countess Natalie DuPres that an upset Naomi Collins does not want to see anyone. Natalie, suspicious of Victoria, prods the unwilling governess into reenacting the events leading up to Joshua's disappearance. The Countess believes that the mysterious cat which appeared after Jeremiah Collins found his brother missing will make itself known again. Indeed it does, shocking both women.
  • 379
  • 1967-11-30
  • 374
  • 1795
  • 1967-12-07
  • 379
  • thumb|right| __TOC__
  • El trescientos setenta y nueve (379) es el número natural que sigue al 378 y precede al 380. Categoría:Números
  • 379 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje jednokierunkowo na trasie z Sarmackiej na Wilanów. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa WoroniczaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Woronicza.
  • Nina und Nadja geraten erneut aneinander, was Marian besorgt beobachtet. Er redet behutsam auf Nadja ein, sich nicht verunsichern zu lassen. Nina bekommt derweil den Tipp von Jenny, bei Marian in die Vollen zu gehen. Also deponiert sie eine Überraschung unter Marians Bett, die für ordentlichen Wirbel sorgt. Simone bleibt dabei: Will Jenny das Gesicht der Marke Steinkamp werden, muss sie an einem Sichtungslauf teilnehmen, um ihre sportliche Karriere wieder anzukurbeln. Beim Training wird jedoch deutlich, dass Jenny völlig aus der Übung ist. Juli fehlt der Mut, um zu sagen, dass die Gedichte von ihr sind. Verzweifelt sucht sie nach einem Weg, sich doch noch als die anonyme Poetin zu outen. Um Oliver die Wahrheit zu sagen, trinkt sie sich Mut an. Doch ist das ein geeignetes Mittel?
  • It is night at the Old House, and a storm rages outside. Joshua Collins has vanished, and Victoria Winters informs Countess Natalie DuPres that an upset Naomi Collins does not want to see anyone. Natalie, suspicious of Victoria, prods the unwilling governess into reenacting the events leading up to Joshua's disappearance. The Countess believes that the mysterious cat which appeared after Jeremiah Collins found his brother missing will make itself known again. Indeed it does, shocking both women. Natalie declares that her tarot cards were right, and that there is evil in the house. Barnabas Collins returns ahead of the search party with news that no trace of Joshua has been found. After Victoria returns upstairs to check on Naomi, Natalie questions Barnabas about the cat. He has never laid eyes on it before, and insists that cats are not allowed due to Abigail Collins' belief that the animals are pets of the Devil. Natalie believes that witchcraft is responsible for Joshua's disappearance. Barnabas dismisses such a notion. But Natalie insists that the cat is a sign. At that moment Lieutenant Nathan Forbes bursts into the house; footprints have been found near Widows' Hill and one of Joshua's boots is needed to measure and see if they belong to him. Natalie continues to assert black magic to be the cause of their troubles, and contends that Joshua's disappearance was part of a plot to keep Jeremiah from leaving Collinsport. Nathan overhears the Countess accusing Victoria of being a witch. Shortly afterward, Nathan retrieves one of Joshua's boots and then encounters Victoria. He comes on strongly to her again, and Victoria rebukes his unwanted advances. She criticizes his character traits and, at first, believes the Lieutenant is teasing her when he tells her Natalie believes her to be a witch. It soon becomes clear to her, however, that Nathan speaks the truth. He offers to be her friend and protect her in exchange for romantic favors. But Victoria refuses, making herself an enemy of the Lieutenant. Later that night, Natalie reads her tarot cards in the study when Victoria enters the room. Upon learning that the search party has gone to Widows' Hill, Victoria privately realizes it will not be long before Josette DuPrés dies there. Natalie begins to question Victoria about her background. Victoria almost gives away the fact she was born in the future. The Countess offers to chart her horoscope, and notes how nervous Victoria has become. Victoria confronts Natalie over the older woman's questioning, but Natalie leaves the room when she hears the search party returning. Wanting to warn the Countess about Josette's impending death, Victoria rearranges the tarot cards in order to give Natalie a clue. Then she quickly leaves the room. The search has proved fruitless and Nathan bids Barnabas, Natalie, and Victoria goodnight. Before retiring herself, Victoria assures Barnabas that Joshua will be alright. Hearing this only fuels Natalie's suspicions of the governess. Alone with the Countess, Barnabas confesses that he cannot entirely dismiss the possibility of witchcraft being involved in his father's disappearance. Natalie flinches when she finds her tarot cards have been changed. When Barnabas wonders what they read now, Natalie quickly covers them. She insists Barnabas marry Josette tomorrow, otherwise it will never happen. Barnabas is stunned, accusing Natalie of being an "hysterical, superstitious woman". Natalie, however, refuses to divulge any more of what the cards read.
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