  • The Martyr Part 2
  • We see Imoen covered in darkness she’s sitting on a chair. We only see Imoen. Imoen: He…it’s my fault, I didn’t want her to be involved in this… Aanson: It’s inevitable. Imoen: Why are you doing this…? Aanson: You know why. Imoen Swings her fist at Aanson but her arm goes straight threw him. Aanson: It’s pointless…you don’t fit in. Elizabetha: That’s because you don’t belong here…you have tried…so so many times, rejected, so many times. Aanson: Even now you are. Imoen: Shut up! Leave me alone! Aanson: Maybe if she could act more feminine should we be accepted? Imoen: Get out! I hate you! Leave me alone!
  • We see Imoen covered in darkness she’s sitting on a chair. We only see Imoen. Imoen: He…it’s my fault, I didn’t want her to be involved in this… Aanson: It’s inevitable. Imoen: Why are you doing this…? Aanson: You know why. Imoen Swings her fist at Aanson but her arm goes straight threw him. Aanson: It’s pointless…you don’t fit in. Elizabetha: That’s because you don’t belong here…you have tried…so so many times, rejected, so many times. Aanson: Even now you are. Imoen: Shut up! Leave me alone! Aanson: Maybe if she could act more feminine should we be accepted? Elizabetha: She couldn’t. She can’t. She won’t. Aanson: There is no hope in this vain world. Imoen: Get out! I hate you! Leave me alone! Imoen: No mother! Don’t leave me I love you! Please come back! The knights voice is screeching and dark. Knight: Come into my arms… Imoen: Noooo! Get away from me! Knight: One. Imoen: No! Knight: Two. Imoen: Leave me alone! Knight: Three! All of a sudden she is grabbed by the neck and throw aside a man with long white hair stands in front of the knight. The Flaming knight embraces the mysterious man. Imoen is holding her neck coughing violently and crying at the same time. Aanson appears behind her. Aanson: We are always there. You cannot run from the truth. Imoen: I…-sob-…hate you…why are you doing this! WHY!?! Aanson: We love you Imoen. We are the only ones who do. Imoen: By doing this to me! Aanson: Yes, you will understand soon enough Imoen…when everything is lost, soon. You will see the truth. Now…GET UP! Saryah: Hey, sister what’s wrong why are you crying? Imoen: I had a nightmare. Saryah: What was it about? Imoen: Oh, nothing…I’m going home now. Sarah: Oh, wait aren’t you going to see Elizabetha? Imoen: I just need to get away. Sarah: Hey. I hope your not creeped out sleeping next to me. Imoen: -sigh- Don’t worry, it’s not your fault it’s mine. Sarah: You shouldn’t so hard on yourself everyone gets insecure about things. We pan staright back to Imoen who is in the Stormwind chathedral she is praying. Imoen: Light, please I beg of you…cure me of these dreams, they have been going on a long time now…I do not wish to dream of it anymore…please make it stop…light be praised. Hejin: You still hold onto Elizabetha’s silly superstitions? Imoen: Where are you!? Cowardly snake! Hejin: How amusing. Hejin cackles and then howls like a wolf. Imoen looks franticly around the cathedral. Hejin: No where to run…in your dreams…in your reality…we are everywhere! Imoen: Come out you coward! Priest: Sister, please stop your shouting your scaring the visitors. Imoen: What!? Can’t you hear him? He’s around here somewhere. Priest: Who? Imoen: There! Priest: Right, that’s enough of those tricks sister. Nearly gave me a heart attack then. Imoen: But he- Priest: No! I won’t hear another word of it! Now go on out! Come back when you’ve calmed down a bit. Imoen: You have to be kidding me!? Priest: Don’t make me call the Crusaders to detain you sister…these silly games end now…now go! We now hear Imoen thoughts as she walks into the trade district. There are thounsands of people walking around Imoen is in the middle of it all just standing still letting the people brush past her. Imoen: This is all my fault…if she wasn’t my foster mother, then she wouldn’t of been targeted. How could of I been so stupid…now I’ve ruined her life…forever…but that’s what I do isn’t it…jump from one friendship to the next leaving nothing but destruction…He won’t rest till he gets what he wants, me. Sometimes I think to myself to just give in…to just let him have me…but then the foolish side of me screams for me not to give up, to fight on…I don’t want to put people threw pain anymore… Woman’s voice: Don’t give up, my love. Shop keeper: Get your delicious food right ere! Get it whilst it’s hot! Aanson walks out of his quarters and walks upstairs and he sees to priests talking he approaches them. Aanson: Hail! Have you heard any news from Sister Imoen? Priest: Well she was here a minute ago screaming and shouting to herself. Aanson: What? Priest: Indeed, she almost attacked me. Aanson: What? Where is she now? Priest: Gone back to Darnassurus I suppose. To go see- Aanson: That was Suzanne! Pans back to Imoen she is at Elune’s temple. We see Elizabetha lying a slab next to a pool of glowing water there are two night elf next to her. Imoen is holding a huge sack, eventually the two night elves get it u. Elizabetha grabs her walking stick and prods her way forward, Imoen walks up to her. Imoen: Greetings sister- Elizabetha: Imoen, please don’t do that. Imoen: Oh, uh sorry. Elizabetha: Right. Imoen: Wait, I have something for you sister…I was wondering if you weren’t busy we could have dinner? Elizabetha smiles Elizabetha: Alright. Elizabetha: Now there is a rock here…Imoen? Imoen: Your almost there. Elizabetha: Ah there we go. Imoen: Do you need a hand sister? Elizabetha: No, I can manage. Imoen: Your getting good at this sister. Imoen: Ok Elizabetha: Yes, I remember that light…I did it. Imoen: I knew you could do it. Elizabetha smiles and she sits down. Imoen pulls out a huge pot, some bread and some lobsters. Imoen: Ok madam we have your first dish, Murloc soup. Elizabetha smiles then frowns. Elizabetha: This is all very nice Imoen but how can I eat this… Imoen: I can help you. Elizabetha: Great im going to be fed like a child. Imoen: I’ll help you out only if you want me to. Imoen: I’m so hopless…what a fool I am…soup and lobster…this is only making her feel worse. There were right, I can’t do this… Elizabetha sighs angrily Elizabetha: I apperiate this Imoen, I really do. But I don’t think I can eat this. Imoen: It’s ok…I have some bread here, and some melon juice. Elizabetha: That should be a lot easier. Elizabetha: This is very nice of you Imoen. Oh how I wish I could see your face again… Imoen: You know sister…when I was young one of the best paladins was blind he said it made him realise about his other senses. He was amazing in combat. Elizabetha: I hate being like this sister… Imoen: I wish I could take your pain…why has the light let this happen? Elizabetha: I don’t know sister… Imoen: Anyway, enough of this depressing talk. Eat up. Elizabetha forces a smile. Imoen: Anyway, things will all work out sister don’t worry. Elizabetha: -sigh- Yeah… Imoen: Aanson! Elizabetha: Oh hello Brother. Aanson: Yes, hello sister… Aanson looks at Elizabetha’s blindfold Aanson: What happened sister? Elizabetha: An attack brother… Imoen: I’ll tell you all about it Aanson. Don’t think about it to much Sister…now Aanson, what’s wrong? Or did you just come to say hello to Elizabetha? Aanson: I wish…sister you have to…can I talk to you outside sister? Imoen: Sure. Imoen: Light’s sake! She’s so busy. Aanson: Enough about her she has enough attention as it is- Imoen: Excuse me! Aanson: Shut up for five minutes! Clarizy and Hejin- Imoen: What have they- Aanson: Be quiet will you! They have captured Suzanne I don’t know what they are going to do but you have to come help as soon as possible quick jump in my portal. To be continued…