  • Shades of Mort'ton
  • Shades of Mort'ton
  • Shades of Mort'ton
  • Varmista että sinulla on kaikki tarvittavat tavarat. Pankkiin on pitkä matka ellet pääse Burgh de Rott:iin. Saavu Mort'ton:iin Mort Myre:stä. Mene kylän keskustasta länteen olevaan rikkoutuneeseen taloon.Tutki pöytää ja hyllyä. Sinun pitäisi löytää Diary, kaksi tarromia ja Rogue's Purse. Ota myös maasta tyhjä lasipullo (jos ei ole mukana) ja täytä se vedellä itäpuoleisella rakennuksella.
  • Ga naar het huis met de gebroken tafel in het zuidwesten van de stad Mortton. Doorzoek te tafel en pak de herbs. Dan doorzoek je de shelf en leest het dagboek. Nu moet je de quest gestart hebben volgens je quest lijst. Mix ash in je vial met tarromin water (verbrand logs voor de ash). Nu krijg je Serum 207. Doe dit op de Shop Keeper Razmire en hij vertelt je over de tempel in het noorden. Dood 5 shades en pak hun remains. Je kunt deze niet van andere spelers traden, want dan werkt het niet. Ga terug naar Razmire.
  • This quest can be done in any world, but as getting the temple to 100% repair is difficult on their own, players should consider using World 88, the official Shades of Mort'ton world. This will allow you to repair the temple quicker and easier with more players, as it is essentially impossible to do the temple repair by yourself.
  • Note: The quickest way to Mort'ton is with the use of Mort'ton teleport scrolls. Alternatively If you have access to Fairy rings, taking the ring with code and running to the boat at The Hollows will be your second quickest option. If you are 50 Agility or higher, take the ring with code and use the hopping stone to the swamp. Make sure you have all the items you need BEFORE you go to Mort'ton. It's a really long walk to get to the bank from there unless you have done the quest In Aid of the Myreque and have repaired the bank in Burgh de Rott, which makes it a much shorter trip to the bank.
  • This quest can be done in any world, but as getting the temple to 100% repair is difficult on their own, players should consider using World 88, as it is the official Shades of Mort'ton world. This will allow you to repair the temple quicker and easier with more players, as it is essentially impossible to do the temple repair by yourself.
  • 5
  • * 5 Loar Shades
  • Medium
  • Short
  • * Some food for lower-levelled players * Some druid pouches, to stop the Ghasts from rotting your food as you pass through the Mort Myre Swamp or the Ouroboros pouch. * An additional 13,000 coins will buy a flamtaer hammer, which speeds up the quest. * 5+ additional clean tarromin . * Combat level 81+ . * Begin this quest in World 88 as it has many benefits and is dedicated to the Shades of Mort'ton activity.
  • keskipitkä
  • 3
  • Kyllä
  • 1500.0
  • 61
  • No
  • *2000 Herblore experience *2000 Crafting experience *Ability to play the Shades of Mort'ton minigame *Ability to use the Shades of Mort'ton minigame teleport *Bonus: If you take the Diary of Herbi Flax to the Apothecary in Varrock, you'll get an extra 335 Herblore experience. Can only be done once.
  • * * * A few hundred coins if the player uses Serum 208 on Razmire and Ulsquire * Ability to create Serum 207 and Serum 208 * Ability to play the Shades of Mort'ton activity, burn shades, and claim the rewards from the shade keys. * After the quest, players can take the Diary of Herbi Flax to the Apothecary in Varrock who will exchange the book for 335 Herblore experience. This can only be done once.
  • None
  • Mort'ton
  • 2
  • Intermediate
  • Shades of Mort'ton
  • Shades of Mort'ton
  • Yes
  • * 2+ vial of water * 2+ ashes * 2+ clean tarromin . More is recommended. * A log * 1000+ coins to buy resources Recommended: * Some food for lower-levelled players * Some druid pouches, to stop the Ghasts from rotting your food as you pass through the Mort Myre Swamp or the Ouroboros pouch. * An additional 13,000 coins will buy a flamtaer hammer, which speeds up the quest. * 5+ additional clean tarromin . * Combat level 81+ . * Begin this quest in World 88 as it has many benefits and is dedicated to the Shades of Mort'ton activity.
  • *Combat equipment *2 tarromin and 2 vials of water, or 2 Tarromin potion (unf) *An axe or some logs *2 Ashes *Tinderbox *1000+ coins *Prior to building the temple, you need a hammer . However, a regular hammer is insufficient to build the temple without a large group. An additional 13,000 coins allows you to buy a Flamtaer hammer, which is all but necessary to complete this part of the quest. Optional but recommended: *2 or 3 tarromin herbs, ashes, and spare logs *Druid pouch *2 or 3 Flamtaer bracelets *Flamtaer hammer *Food
  • * 2+ vial of water * 2+ ashes * 2+ clean tarromin . More is recommended. * A log * 1000+ coins to buy resources
  • Mortton Shades and Mage Armour
  • * Lair
  • Shades of Mort'ton icon.png
  • Find the Diary of Herbi Flax on a shelf in a house on the southwest side of the village.
  • Find the Diary of Herbi Flax in a house on the south-west side of Mort'ton.
  • The townsfolk of Mort'ton have some form of strange affliction and the town is full of Shades. Can you find some way to reverse this?
  • 2004-10-18
  • Tytn H
  • *Must have completed Priest in Peril to be able to get to Mort'ton. *20 Crafting *15 Herblore *5 Firemaking *Must be able to defeat 5 level-40 Loar Shades. *Must be able to survive an onslaught when rebuilding the Temple, and many players make this much easier.
  • Tutki Mort'tonin keskustasta länteen olevassa rikkinäisessä talossa olevaa rikkinäitä pöytää ja tuolia.
  • vial of water,tuhkaa,puhdistettu tarromin mutta ota jo noin kolme valmiiksi mukaan,taltta,kirves,tulitikkuja,vasara,rahaa yli mieluusti yli 3000 ja ruokaa heikkotasoisille ei kuitenkaan liikaa jotta tehtävän aikana tarvittävat tavarat mahtuvat mukaan. Suositellaan 13k mukaan jotta voi ostaa flamtaer hammer joka nopeuttaa tehtävää jos et käytä servua 88.
  • normaali
  • :20 Crafting,5 Firemaking,20 Herblore.Täytyy olla suoritettuna Priest in Peril. Pitää pystyä voitamaan useampia 40 tasoisia Shadeja
  • Mort'tonin kylässä riehuu tauti joka tekee ihmiset sairaiksi ja hulluiksi. Pystyykö kukaan selvittämään taudin alkuperää ja onko siihen vasta-ainetta?
  • This quest can be done in any world, but as getting the temple to 100% repair is difficult on their own, players should consider using World 88, the official Shades of Mort'ton world. This will allow you to repair the temple quicker and easier with more players, as it is essentially impossible to do the temple repair by yourself. Players will need to gather all items needed for the quest before going to Mort'ton, because there is no convenient opportunity to bank during the quest. Unless players have completed the quest In Aid of the Myreque and finished restoring the Burgh de Rott bank, the bank south of Mort'ton will not be functional and should not be relied on. Thus, a Beast of Burden familiar can help by carrying items. Without access to the Ancient Magicks or another advanced methods of quick transport to the area, players will need to arrive fully prepared. If players use their last dose of Serum 207 before completing the quest, they will need to obtain more tarromin. More tarromin can be obtained by killing Afflicted for grimy tarromin, but this is a rather uncommon drop, so bringing extra tarromin is recommended.
  • Ga naar het huis met de gebroken tafel in het zuidwesten van de stad Mortton. Doorzoek te tafel en pak de herbs. Dan doorzoek je de shelf en leest het dagboek. Nu moet je de quest gestart hebben volgens je quest lijst. Mix ash in je vial met tarromin water (verbrand logs voor de ash). Nu krijg je Serum 207. Doe dit op de Shop Keeper Razmire en hij vertelt je over de tempel in het noorden. Dood 5 shades en pak hun remains. Je kunt deze niet van andere spelers traden, want dan werkt het niet. Ga terug naar Razmire. Praat nu met Ulsauire Shauncy in het oostelijke huisje van de stad en laat hem de remains zien. Koop 2 vials olive oil en een hamer uit de general shop en wat timber beams en swamp paste uit de bouwersshop. Ga nu naar de tempel in het noorden en herbouw het. Als de vlam in het midden brandt en je sanctity 10% is kun je de olive oil in het vuur houden. Doe deze oil op een log en nu heb je een pyre log. Het is handig om Serum 208 te maken, dan hoef je niet steeds een drankje aan de mensen met wie je wilt praten te geven, ze blijven dan altijd goed. Om Serum 208 te maken moet je je Serum 207 in de vlam van de tempel houden als je Sanctity 20% is. Doe dit op Razmire en Ulsauire, ze belonen je met 200 gp. Sleutel krijgen: Pak een remain en vind een Funeral Pyre oost of west van de stad. Doe de logs op zo'n tafeltje en leg de remains erbij. Verbrand het. Nu komt op het ding ernaast een sleutel. Pak het. Ga nu terug naar Ulsauire en hij beloont je. De sleutel is voor de deur in de heuvel in het noorden. In die grot zijn verschillende shades en kisten met beloningen als je de key erin doet. Je key raakt dan kwijt en dan moet je weer een nieuwe maken met de pyre logs. De beloning die je krijgt na deze quest. en:Shades of Mort'ton Categorie:Quests
  • Varmista että sinulla on kaikki tarvittavat tavarat. Pankkiin on pitkä matka ellet pääse Burgh de Rott:iin. Saavu Mort'ton:iin Mort Myre:stä. Mene kylän keskustasta länteen olevaan rikkoutuneeseen taloon.Tutki pöytää ja hyllyä. Sinun pitäisi löytää Diary, kaksi tarromia ja Rogue's Purse. Ota myös maasta tyhjä lasipullo (jos ei ole mukana) ja täytä se vedellä itäpuoleisella rakennuksella.
  • Note: The quickest way to Mort'ton is with the use of Mort'ton teleport scrolls. Alternatively If you have access to Fairy rings, taking the ring with code and running to the boat at The Hollows will be your second quickest option. If you are 50 Agility or higher, take the ring with code and use the hopping stone to the swamp. Make sure you have all the items you need BEFORE you go to Mort'ton. It's a really long walk to get to the bank from there unless you have done the quest In Aid of the Myreque and have repaired the bank in Burgh de Rott, which makes it a much shorter trip to the bank. To get to Mort'ton, head west out of Canifis until you see a farming patch. Head a bit south and through the gate to get to Mort Myre Swamp. From here, head west to the river, and simply hug it, proceeding south until you hit a bridge. Simply follow the path until you hit Mort'ton, ignoring the two dead ends along the way. In order to start Shades of Mort'ton, you must head to the most southwestern house in Mort'ton and search the shelf on the wall to find a book. You should also search the broken table, as it contains two Tarromin and Rogue's purse. The Tarromin will allow you to create additional potions later on, so hang onto those.
  • This quest can be done in any world, but as getting the temple to 100% repair is difficult on their own, players should consider using World 88, as it is the official Shades of Mort'ton world. This will allow you to repair the temple quicker and easier with more players, as it is essentially impossible to do the temple repair by yourself. Players will need to gather all items needed for the quest before going to Mort'ton, because there is no convenient opportunity to bank during the quest. Unless players have completed the quest In Aid of the Myreque and finished restoring the Burgh de Rott bank, the bank south of Mort'ton will not be functional and should not be relied on. Thus, a Beast of Burden familiar can help by carrying items. Without access to the Ancient Magicks or another advanced methods of quick transport to the area, players will need to arrive fully prepared. If players use their last dose of Serum 207 before completing the quest, they will need to obtain more tarromin. More tarromin can be obtained by killing Afflicted for grimy tarromin, but this is a rather uncommon drop, so bringing extra tarromin is recommended.
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