  • Episode 1745 (9th March 1993)
  • Joe is finding it difficult to live with Mark because he is so untidy. Kim telephones him and asks him to pick her up. Nick is fed up of Seth who is still living with them after Meg's death. Carol wants Lorraine home early so that she can meet the social worker. Archie is in training for the fell race. Kathy can't tell Chris why she will not be in work next week. Everyone notices a smell around Seth. Jack and Sarah are still looking for a farm. Joe helps Kim with her luggage as she moves out of Neil's house. He has left her to it. Kim looks back on the last year. Sarah tries to stop some farmers mistreating sheep at the market. An old man comes to her rescue. Kim moves into the Dale View Guest House. She doesn't want Frank to know that she has left Neil. Sarah is shocked when the farmer wh
  • 1745
  • 1993-03-04
Executive Producer
  • 1993-03-09
  • 1993-03-11
  • Joe is finding it difficult to live with Mark because he is so untidy. Kim telephones him and asks him to pick her up. Nick is fed up of Seth who is still living with them after Meg's death. Carol wants Lorraine home early so that she can meet the social worker. Archie is in training for the fell race. Kathy can't tell Chris why she will not be in work next week. Everyone notices a smell around Seth. Jack and Sarah are still looking for a farm. Joe helps Kim with her luggage as she moves out of Neil's house. He has left her to it. Kim looks back on the last year. Sarah tries to stop some farmers mistreating sheep at the market. An old man comes to her rescue. Kim moves into the Dale View Guest House. She doesn't want Frank to know that she has left Neil. Sarah is shocked when the farmer who helped her suddenly turns on her. Alan tells Seth that he smells and he goes off to The Malt Shovel. Sarah doesn't know who the mystery farmer was. Jack is considering getting some students from the local agricultural college to help out now that Michael is in prison. He thinks the angry farmer might have been Bob Thorley. Archie is still training. He wants to talk to Zoe. The social worker, Fiona Goodwin arrives at the Nelsons. Robert comes home. Jack is wondering about building his own farmhouse. Lorraine hasn't turned up to see Fiona. Nick meets Julie in The Woolpack. They notice Seth's smell. Chris is still intrigued as to what Kathy is up to next week. Frank gets on everyone's nerves in The Woolpack when he tries to buy everyone a drink. Lynn encourages him. Nick and Julie find Seth spreading goose grease on a piece of material. He is wearing it and that is what the smell is. Nick wants Archie to tell him to go by the end of the week.