  • Shakaar Edon
  • Shakaar Edon
  • Shakaar Edon
  • Shakaar Edon
  • thumb|Shakaar Edon (2373) Shakaar Edon ist Mitglied der bajoranischen Widerstandsbewegung und Namensgeber für die Shakaar-Widerstandszelle. Er gilt als Frauenheld und hat später, während seiner Zeit als bajoranischer Premierminister ein Liebesverhältnis zu Kira Nerys.
  • Shakaar Edon was a male Bajoran in the 24th century. He fought in the Bajoran Resistance in the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and after the Cardassians withdrew rose to become First Minister of the Republic of Bajor from 2371 to 2376.
  • Shakaar was the leader of the Shakaar Resistance Cell against the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. Following the end of the occupation he became a farmer. A well respected man and leader he ran for the office of First Minister in 2371 and was elected. (DS9: "Shakaar") Shakaar again found his life under threat from Cardassians early in his term when the Cardassian terrorist group made several attempts on his life during a visit to Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Crossfire") Shakaar ordered all Bajoran to leave Deep Space 9 prior to the Dominion attack on the station. (DS9: "Call to Arms")
  • During the Occupation of Bajor, Shakaar led his resistance cell for over 12 years in the Dahkur Province area. In that time, he fought the Cardassians including sabotaging buildings and liberating the Gallitep labor camp. (DS9: "Duet") He knew the terrain extremely well and therefore able to evade Cardassian forces. (DS9: "Shakaar") Shakaar recruited other Bajorans into the cell, including Kira Nerys, who he sent on her first raid, when she was age thirteen. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light")
  • Shakaar Edon was een lid van het Bajoran verzet en de leider van de Shakaar weerstandscel tijdens de Cardassian Bezetting van Bajor. Nadat de bezetting beëindigd was werd hij een agrariër. Hij werd de Bajoran premier in het najaar van 2371 nadat kai Winn Adami zich teruggetrokken had uit de race. Een jaar later werd hij bedreigd door de Cardassian terreurbeweging de True Way maar werd gered door de bemanning van Deep Space 9.
  • Shakaar Edon fut un membre important de la Résistance bajorane durant l'occupation cardassienne de Bajor en dirigeant la Cellule de Shakaar. A la fin de l'occupation, il devint fermier. Mais les dérives politiques sur Bajor l'incita à s'engager en politique et à prendre la place de Premier Ministre.
  • 2374
  • Shakaar Edon
  • Shakaar's boerderij
  • Bajoran Resistance leader; farmer
  • Man
  • Active
  • Shakaar Edon
  • baj
  • First Minister Shakaar Edon in 2373
  • Shakaar Edon
Character Name
  • Shakaar Edon
  • Bajoran farm, Shakaar.jpg
  • Shakaar_Edon_in_2373.JPG
  • 2371
  • First Minister of Bajor
  • no
  • Male
  • thumb|Shakaar Edon (2373) Shakaar Edon ist Mitglied der bajoranischen Widerstandsbewegung und Namensgeber für die Shakaar-Widerstandszelle. Er gilt als Frauenheld und hat später, während seiner Zeit als bajoranischer Premierminister ein Liebesverhältnis zu Kira Nerys.
  • Shakaar Edon fut un membre important de la Résistance bajorane durant l'occupation cardassienne de Bajor en dirigeant la Cellule de Shakaar. A la fin de l'occupation, il devint fermier. Mais les dérives politiques sur Bajor l'incita à s'engager en politique et à prendre la place de Premier Ministre. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
  • Shakaar was the leader of the Shakaar Resistance Cell against the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. Following the end of the occupation he became a farmer. A well respected man and leader he ran for the office of First Minister in 2371 and was elected. (DS9: "Shakaar") Shakaar again found his life under threat from Cardassians early in his term when the Cardassian terrorist group made several attempts on his life during a visit to Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Crossfire") He had a brief relationship with Kira Nerys, who was a former member of his resistance cell. (DS9: "Crossfire", "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places", "The Begotten", "Children of Time") Shakaar ordered all Bajoran to leave Deep Space 9 prior to the Dominion attack on the station. (DS9: "Call to Arms") Shakaar led Bajor during the Dominion War, keeping it nominally neutral but a de facto Federation ally. Shakaar's government also prevented the Romulan Star Empire from fortifying a Bajoran moon, even ordering the Bajoran Militia to blockade the moon in the face of the Romulan Star Navy. (DS9: "Images in the Sand", "Shadows and Symbols")
  • Shakaar Edon was a male Bajoran in the 24th century. He fought in the Bajoran Resistance in the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and after the Cardassians withdrew rose to become First Minister of the Republic of Bajor from 2371 to 2376.
  • Shakaar Edon was een lid van het Bajoran verzet en de leider van de Shakaar weerstandscel tijdens de Cardassian Bezetting van Bajor. Nadat de bezetting beëindigd was werd hij een agrariër. Hij werd de Bajoran premier in het najaar van 2371 nadat kai Winn Adami zich teruggetrokken had uit de race. Een jaar later werd hij bedreigd door de Cardassian terreurbeweging de True Way maar werd gered door de bemanning van Deep Space 9. Hij was aan de zijde van majoor Kira Nerys toen zij Kirayoshi O'Brien, de baby van Miles O'Brien en Keiko O'Brien, ter wereld bracht in 2373. Kira en Shakaar beëindigden hun relatie later dat jaar, alhoewel ze als vrienden uit elkaar gingen. Shakaar Edon werd gespeeld door Duncan Regehr. Hij zou meer optredens in Deep Space Nine hebben gehad als zijn schema het had toegelaten. Ook de reisafstand was een probleem, aangezien Duncan in Canada woonde. Hierdoor werd hij uit diverse afleveringen geschreven.
  • During the Occupation of Bajor, Shakaar led his resistance cell for over 12 years in the Dahkur Province area. In that time, he fought the Cardassians including sabotaging buildings and liberating the Gallitep labor camp. (DS9: "Duet") He knew the terrain extremely well and therefore able to evade Cardassian forces. (DS9: "Shakaar") Shakaar recruited other Bajorans into the cell, including Kira Nerys, who he sent on her first raid, when she was age thirteen. (DS9: "The Darkness and the Light") In the first draft script of DS9: "Body Parts", Shakaar mentioned that, during the occupation, he made an extremely spicy drink called Urgot. After the Occupation ended, Shakaar and some of his cell including Lupaza and Furel, became farmers in Dahkur Province. It was a daunting task considering the effect the Occupation had on the environment, so he asked for soil reclamators in 2369 from the provisional government. He waited three years to receive them in 2371, when he was promised the use of the machinery for one year. However, Kai Winn, who had become acting first minister of Bajor, reversed this and demanded them back. Shakaar refused, and so Winn first sent Major Kira, now first officer on Deep Space 9, to reason with him, but, when that failed, sent the militia to arrest him under the command of Colonel Lenaris Holem. Shakaar and Kira were pursued with the rest of the farmers to the Dahkur Hills. Shakaar and Lenaris agreed that they must prevent civil war, so Lenaris joined Shakaar in refusing Winn's objective. Instead, Kira encouraged Shakaar to enter the race to become the new Bajoran First Minister in late 2371 to oppose Kai Winn. With his popularity not only from his past as a resistance leader, but also for his stance against the unjust actions of the government, Kai Winn withdrew from the race (also after he and Kira threatened to reveal that she was willing to start a civil war over farm equipment if she continued to stand). Shakaar quickly gained support from Lenaris and other army groups, and won the election easily. (DS9: "Shakaar") In 2372, Shakaar arrived at Deep Space 9 to negotiate Bajor's admittance into the Federation. Shakaar had pushed to cut in half the time Bajor had to wait to join the Federation. He was threatened by a Cardassian terrorist movement called the True Way. A True Way operative nearly killed him twice, during the conference, by sabotaging his turbolift car and depressurizing his quarters. He was saved, both times, by the crew of Deep Space 9. It was at this time that he realized he had fallen in love with Kira and he began a romance with her. (DS9: "Crossfire") A short time later, he convinced Kira to attend a conference with the Cardassians on Korma by taking her to her favorite restaurant in Jalanda City, filling her with springwine, and massaging her with Kolaish spice oil. (DS9: "Return to Grace") Kira again visited him in the capital in 2373. He was at Kira's bedside when she gave birth to Miles O'Brien and Keiko O'Brien's baby Kirayoshi O'Brien, later that year. Kira and Shakaar ended their relationship sometime after, as a visit to the Kenda Shrine on Bajor revealed that they were not meant to walk the same path, although the pair remained friends. (DS9: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places", "The Begotten", "Children of Time") After Bajor signed a nonaggression pact with the Dominion late that year, Shakaar ordered all Bajorans to leave Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Call to Arms") An hallucination of Damar told Dukat, in 2374, that if he'd killed Captain Benjamin Sisko and brought his corpse to Bajor, the Bajorans would have interpreted it as the Prophets having abandoned them, resulting in the toppling of Shakaar's government. (DS9: "Waltz") Later that year, Kira spent several days on Bajor briefing Shakaar on the Dominion War. This visit made some on the station think the two would resume their relationship, but that was not the case. (DS9: "His Way") Later that year, Shakaar cooperated with Winn and officially requested Captain Sisko to return an historical artifact from B'hala. (DS9: "The Reckoning")
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