  • Rando
  • Rando
  • Rando
  • Rando ist eines der Kinder, die Dokku während des Angriffs von Kabuto Yakushi auf das Dorf Tonika-mura gerettet hatte. Er lebt seitdem mit Reo, Miina, Fazu und Sora bei Dokku und Shiseru.
  • Rando llama mucho la atención. Es un hombre imponente, alto y recio, con una barba adornada con trenzas, al estilo shur-ikaili, puesto que corre sangre bárbara por sus venas, como demuestran las vetas pardas que colorean su piel morena, de un tono demasiado suave como para apreciarlas de lejos. Lo que más llama la atención en él eran sus ojos: uno castaño y otro verde. Nadie sabe por qué le ocurre eso. Es un hombre directo, franco, vocinglero y algo canalla.
  • Rando is a character in Dark Cloud. He is a merchant in Queens who survived the wrath of the Dark Genie. Rando was secretly in love with the princess of Queens, La Saia. However, due to his social status of being a merchant and her royalty, they kept their relationship a secret affair, meeting only during the night. Eventually they arranged to get married, but Rando left La Saia alone at the altar and vanished. In her grief, La Saia sunk herself along with her ship.
  • Rando is the son of Ryuugen and Sayaka. He's a member of the Kagero clan and Gamu's master. Even though he's just a young boy, Rando has special powers and can communicate with Gamu and his pack via telekinese. Rando and Kinoshita are sended into the attack army of Imagawa Yoshimoto's camp to spy on the enemy. After entertaining the soldiers, they run to the forrest to decide their next move. As they talk, Kusakage appears and kill one of Imagawa's spies. He then joins his old master.
  • Rando, also known as "Thousand Eyes, Rando", is a Pirate from West Blue, haling from an island known as Smear Island, and one of the members of the Heiko Pirates, holding the position of Navigator. Since the beginning of his birth, and up until Kyoto came to recruit him, Rando has lived his life in agony. Because of this, he was the cause of the Torch Town Massacre, an event that happened during Torch Town's annual Spring Cleaning event, killing all other Torch Town residents, and ultimately ruling over the island, striking fear into all of the citizens that inhabited it. However, after joining the Heiko Pirates, Smear Island was liberated from Rando's grasp, and he promised to return after his crew's journey was over, in hopes that the island would be in a better state than it was for dec
Row 4 info
  • Kacchu no Senshi Gamu Vol 2, chpt 8
  • 6
Row 7 title
  • Profession
  • männlich
Row 1 info
  • Human
Row 4 title
  • Last Appearance
Row 2 info
  • Kagero Clan
Row 6 info
Row 1 title
  • Species
Row 5 info
  • Alive
Row 2 title
  • Affiliation
  • 290
Row 6 title
  • Family
Row 5 title
  • Status
Row 3 info
  • Kacchu no Senshi Gamu Vol 1, chpt 1
Row 3 title
  • First Appearance
  • #800000
  • ran-DOH
  • #B0C4DE
Row 7 info
  • Master of the Kagero clan's ganins
  • #E6E6FA
  • #800000
Box Title
  • Rando
  • green
  • Noble Suletu , Great Athyk
  • Alive
  • lebend
  • Order of Mata Nui, Toa's Union
  • #B0C4DE
  • Air, earth
  • 2.200000
  • Human
  • Praestra
Image size
  • 200
  • 20
  • History
  • Introduction
  • Misc.
  • Abilities and Powers
  • Personality and Relationships
  • Mental shielding, elemental earth and air
  • Small knives , air blades, daggers, Tempest chain
Image File
  • Rando.jpg
  • Male
  • ランド
  • #E6E6FA
  • Lando.png
  • Zutalan Border Gates
  • Rando, also known as "Thousand Eyes, Rando", is a Pirate from West Blue, haling from an island known as Smear Island, and one of the members of the Heiko Pirates, holding the position of Navigator. Since the beginning of his birth, and up until Kyoto came to recruit him, Rando has lived his life in agony. Because of this, he was the cause of the Torch Town Massacre, an event that happened during Torch Town's annual Spring Cleaning event, killing all other Torch Town residents, and ultimately ruling over the island, striking fear into all of the citizens that inhabited it. However, after joining the Heiko Pirates, Smear Island was liberated from Rando's grasp, and he promised to return after his crew's journey was over, in hopes that the island would be in a better state than it was for decades. Due to his actions, Rando could considered one of the Main Antagonists of the Smear Island Arc. He spectated, and ultimately fought with Kyoto, only for their battle to be interrupted by the Marines that came to liberate the island. After these events, however, Rando accepted Kyoto's offer in joining the crew as its Navigator, and become the crew's first member. The Heiko Pirates are the overall Main Protagonists of Trials of the World, often dealing with infamous Pirate Crews and Organizations that the World Government had trouble dealing with themselves. Because of their actions, they've made several allies, as well as several enemies, making them known well throughout the Grand Line as a powerful crew.
  • Rando ist eines der Kinder, die Dokku während des Angriffs von Kabuto Yakushi auf das Dorf Tonika-mura gerettet hatte. Er lebt seitdem mit Reo, Miina, Fazu und Sora bei Dokku und Shiseru.
  • Rando llama mucho la atención. Es un hombre imponente, alto y recio, con una barba adornada con trenzas, al estilo shur-ikaili, puesto que corre sangre bárbara por sus venas, como demuestran las vetas pardas que colorean su piel morena, de un tono demasiado suave como para apreciarlas de lejos. Lo que más llama la atención en él eran sus ojos: uno castaño y otro verde. Nadie sabe por qué le ocurre eso. Es un hombre directo, franco, vocinglero y algo canalla.
  • Rando is a character in Dark Cloud. He is a merchant in Queens who survived the wrath of the Dark Genie. Rando was secretly in love with the princess of Queens, La Saia. However, due to his social status of being a merchant and her royalty, they kept their relationship a secret affair, meeting only during the night. Eventually they arranged to get married, but Rando left La Saia alone at the altar and vanished. In her grief, La Saia sunk herself along with her ship. Later when Toan defeats Saia, Rando explains that he used the Life Stone to make himself immortal, but the price was the thing that mattered most to him. Later realizing that immortality is nothing without La Saia's love for him, he breaks the orb, much to the chagrin of Joker, and passes on. After Toan asks Yaya where the man La Saia used to love is, Rando will disappear from his store and a music box key is found at the counter. This key is needed to access the boss room in Shipwreck. When Toan acquires this key, a flashback will occur explaining that Rando made a promise to La Saia, giving himself and La Saia a key and a music box respectively. Rando then promises that once they marry La Saia will be able to open the box to gain access to a secret message. This music box is found in the form of the exit to level 17 of Shipwreck.
  • Rando is the son of Ryuugen and Sayaka. He's a member of the Kagero clan and Gamu's master. Even though he's just a young boy, Rando has special powers and can communicate with Gamu and his pack via telekinese. When Gennosuke enters their home, Rando is very suspicious about him. After everone has gone to sleep, he and Kusakage goes to check up on Gennosuke, but discovers that he's gone. Quickly he rushes to warn his father about the traitor. After Gennosuke has been vanquised, Rando and his faithful ganins fight Gama's minions who attacks their village. However, he loses everything in the battle. His father commits suicide, his mother is taken away for protection and two of his ganins, Shiba and Kusakage disappear in the attempt of saving his father. Rando now stays with Gamu, but they keep low profile until they meet Kinoshita Toukichirou of the Nobunaga clan, whom they join to get revenge over Gama. Rando and Kinoshita are sended into the attack army of Imagawa Yoshimoto's camp to spy on the enemy. After entertaining the soldiers, they run to the forrest to decide their next move. As they talk, Kusakage appears and kill one of Imagawa's spies. He then joins his old master. After the battle against and death of Imagawa Yoshimoto, he leaves Kinoshita and the Nobunaga clan to furfill his duties as leader of the Kagero – to murder the evil Gama. He teams up with Gama's old minions, his old pal Motege Jujiro and his dear ganin Shiba. Together, they kill Yamamoto Kansuke and puts Motege in a disguise similar to Yamamoto Kansuke. They send him into Gama's area to set up a trap for Gama. However, Motege's cover is blown and the final fight between the two clans begin. At first, he rides on Gamu's back and together they fight Gama. However, as he realises he’s slowing Gamu down, he releases his grip and let’s Gamu fight alone. After the death of Gama, Rando burries his enemy. Gamu (Dog)
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