abstract | - Big Kamukamu est un boss apparu uniquement dans Wario Land II. C'est un énorme poisson de couleur bleue, puis rouge quand il est énervé. Il possède aussi de gigantesques dents qui sortent de sa bouche. Ses nageoires dorsales sont en forme de coupe iroquoise. C'est un mini-boss rencontré dans un chapitre optionnel. leftLorsque Wario entre dans l'arène, Big Kamukamu fonce vers lui. Wario doit donc se placer sous son ventre, puis monter afin de percuter l'endroit susnommé. Au bout de deux coup, ses mouvement seront imprévisibles et plus rapides. Une fois vaincu, Wario sortira des ruines aquatiques. Catégorie:Wario Land II Catégorie:Boss de Wario Land II Catégorie:Boss Catégorie:Poissons
- Big Kamukamu (in Japanese: ビッグカムカム) is a mini-boss fought in one of the secret chapters of Wario Land II. It is a purple, spiked fish that attacks Wario and tries to eat him. After each hit, he will swim faster and become more enraged. After the third hit, he will turn red. The fourth and final hit will defeat the boss. During the boss's first hit, it will charge Wario and rebound off the edge of the screen until it reaches the top of the water, at which point Wario can ram his jaw from below. During the next hit, he will not rebound off the wall, and on the third hit, he will only rise halfway up the water. On the final hit, he will change to red (on Game Boy Color) and not go up past halfway. He also will not cease chomping (where other times he would stop chomping and float down) and will continuously move back and forth. Wario must carefully time his hit and hit him in the tiny amount of chin he has that is not part of his mouth.