  • War of Georges
  • Experts say the war started on the negative-first day and will end on day infinity-plus-one. But there's a problem with that argument: its parameters are outside infinity. Nixo-facto it never have started and will never end, and therefore it isn't real. Want more proof? Stephen would never tolerate having his name changed to George. Any risk of that would cause him to join the Good Georges, which would lead to an immediate defeat for the Axis of Bad Georges.
  • Experts say the war started on the negative-first day and will end on day infinity-plus-one. But there's a problem with that argument: its parameters are outside infinity. Nixo-facto it never have started and will never end, and therefore it isn't real. Want more proof? Stephen would never tolerate having his name changed to George. Any risk of that would cause him to join the Good Georges, which would lead to an immediate defeat for the Axis of Bad Georges.