  • Gargoyle-Iota
  • Iota (uppercase Ι, lowercase ι; Greek: Ιώτα [jɒta] Yota) is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 10. Letters that arose from Iota include the Roman I and J. The word is used in a common English phrase, 'not one iota of difference', to signify a meaningless distinction (lit. "not even a small difference"). The phrase derives from the introduction to the Antithesis of the Law in the Gospel of Matthew (a jot or a tittle).
  • Iota (uppercase Ι, lowercase ι; Greek: Ιώτα [jɒta] Yota) is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 10. Letters that arose from Iota include the Roman I and J. The word is used in a common English phrase, 'not one iota of difference', to signify a meaningless distinction (lit. "not even a small difference"). The phrase derives from the introduction to the Antithesis of the Law in the Gospel of Matthew (a jot or a tittle).