  • Renesmee Cullen
  • Renesmee Cullen
  • Renesmee Cullen
  • This wiki was recently taken known, after multiple comlaints
  • Born on September 11, 2006 Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-nez-may) Carlie Cullen, nicknamed "Nessie", is the resident vampire/human hybrid of the Olympic coven. She is the daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the imprintee of Jacob Black. Renesmee's biological paternal grandparents are Edward Sr. and Elizabeth Masen, while on the maternal side, they are Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer. She is also the adoptive granddaughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen and the adoptive niece of Jasper and Rosalie Hale, and Alice and Emmett Cullen.
  • She is the dhampir daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan born on September 10, three days before Bella's nineteenth birthday in Breaking Dawn. Her name is derived from the amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of the names Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella's father. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has curly hair inherited from her grandfather, Charlie Swan, and brown eyes like Bella. Her heart pumps blood, giving her a blush, and her pale skin slightly glows in sunlight. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's. Only minutes after she is born, she is imprinted upon by Jacob Black, who becomes her soul mate and a
  • Nacida el 11 de septiembre de 2006 Renesmee (pronunciado Reh-nez-me) Carlie Cullen, apodada "Nessie", era la residente híbrido vampiro/humana del clan Olímpico. Ella era la hija de Edward Cullen y Bella Swan y la imprimación de Jacob Black. Los abuelos paternos biológicos de Renesmee eran Edward Sr. y Elizabeth Masen, mientras que por el lado materno, eran Charlie Swan y Renée Dwyer. Ella también era la nieta adoptiva de Carlisle y Esme Cullen y la sobrina adoptiva de Jasper y Rosalie Hale y Alice y Emmett Cullen.
  • Renesmee Cullen is the hellspawn demon spawn daughter of Edward and Bella, even though her existence is a biological impossibility (see below). Her purpose in the text is to provide Bella with a beautiful daughter to prove her love for Edward, and to complete her as a woman, since in Twilight every woman is obsessed with having babies for whatever reason. She also conveniently wraps up the love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob by having Jacob imprint on her; which is lucky, because otherwise there might have been actual conflict. We can't have that.
  • Renesmee "Nessie" Cullen is the daughter of Edward and Bella Cullen. She is part human, part vampire. Her name is from both Bella and Edward's mothers combined. She is imprinted by Jacob and imprinted after the Loch Ness Monster. After seven days of her birth, she is able to talk. At the end of Breaking Dawn, she is able to read, run, and hunt. Shortly after Jacob imprints on her, a vampire from the vampire world named, Irina, considers her an immortal child. Irina tells the Volturi that immortal children should not live. The Volturi come to visit the Forks. So, the Cullens must show proof that Renesmee is not a threat to anyone. Alice, who is one of Edward's sisters, brings up this other half breed named Nahuel, so he can explain how half breeds are not a threat to anyone. so then the Vol
  • Híbrido huaman/vampiro
  • *Bronce *Castaño
  • *Habilidades vampíricas limitadas *Autocontrol
  • *Clan Olímpico *Manada Black *Manada Uley *Clan Denali
  • Pálida
  • Marrón chocolate
  • Femenino
  • 11
  • Occult
  • Renesmee Carlie Cullen
  • *Edward Cullen *Bella Swan *Jacob Black *Edward Masen, Sr. *Elizabeth Masen *Charlie Swan *Renée Dwyer *Marie Higginbotham *Mr. Higginbotham *Helen Swan *Geoffrey Swan *Carlisle Cullen *Esme Cullen *Alice Cullen *Emmett Cullen *Rosalie Hale *Jasper Hale
  • Alive
  • Renesmee Cullen
  • Caucasian-American
  • TBA
  • Ness
  • E.J.
  • Nessie
  • Bebé linda
  • Little nudger
  • Vanessa Wolfe
  • *Nessie *Ness *Vanessa Wolfe *E.J. *Bebé linda
  • Chocolate Brown
  • TBA
  • 250
  • Brown
  • Student
  • Cullen Family *Sha'quan Anderson
  • Female
  • Eerie
  • *Proyección de pensamiento táctil *Penetración de escudo
  • Born on September 11, 2006 Renesmee (pronounced Ruh-nez-may) Carlie Cullen, nicknamed "Nessie", is the resident vampire/human hybrid of the Olympic coven. She is the daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the imprintee of Jacob Black. Renesmee's biological paternal grandparents are Edward Sr. and Elizabeth Masen, while on the maternal side, they are Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer. She is also the adoptive granddaughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen and the adoptive niece of Jasper and Rosalie Hale, and Alice and Emmett Cullen. Renesmee is considered to be Edward and Bella's "miracle", because of what it took to keep her and her mother alive through the pregnancy. She has the abilities to show people her thoughts by touching them and presumably break through their mental defenses. Bella initially gets angry and attacks Jacob for giving her daughter the nickname "Nessie" as well as imprinting on her. Irina of the Denali Coven sees Renesmee and believes she is an immortal child, a human child who had been turned by a vampire. She informs the Volturi, as immortal children are not permitted to live. The Volturi reach Forks intent on killing Renesmee and the Cullens. However, the Cullen family members gather witnesses from around the world to prove that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Alice brings another vampire-human hybrid, Nahuel, who explains that they pose no danger to the vampires. Convinced that Renesmee is not a threat, the Volturi leave, and Renesmee and her family are left in peace. She is the only hybrid currently known to have supernatural gifts. She is portrayed by Mackenzie Foy in the movie adaptations of Breaking Dawn.
  • Renesmee "Nessie" Cullen is the daughter of Edward and Bella Cullen. She is part human, part vampire. Her name is from both Bella and Edward's mothers combined. She is imprinted by Jacob and imprinted after the Loch Ness Monster. After seven days of her birth, she is able to talk. At the end of Breaking Dawn, she is able to read, run, and hunt. Shortly after Jacob imprints on her, a vampire from the vampire world named, Irina, considers her an immortal child. Irina tells the Volturi that immortal children should not live. The Volturi come to visit the Forks. So, the Cullens must show proof that Renesmee is not a threat to anyone. Alice, who is one of Edward's sisters, brings up this other half breed named Nahuel, so he can explain how half breeds are not a threat to anyone. so then the Volturi leave, and the Cullen Family are left in relaxation.
  • Renesmee Cullen is the hellspawn demon spawn daughter of Edward and Bella, even though her existence is a biological impossibility (see below). Her purpose in the text is to provide Bella with a beautiful daughter to prove her love for Edward, and to complete her as a woman, since in Twilight every woman is obsessed with having babies for whatever reason. She also conveniently wraps up the love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob by having Jacob imprint on her; which is lucky, because otherwise there might have been actual conflict. We can't have that. Nessie is a testament to Bella's poor parenting skills as she chooses a name for her daughter that's definitely going to get her bullied at school. Wait, Nessie's too SPESHUL! She doesn't need to go to school like every other kid! She's a Sue! She grows her English-speaking ability, her maths, and she doesn't need to be friends with those boring, inferior humans. In fact, she grows up much faster than most children, which saves Bella and Edward the trouble of having to actually raise her. Renesmee's full name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen, and even though this is a ridiculously stupid name, some idiotic fangirls have seen fit to name their own spawn the same. Clearly these women are deranged, and their poor children shall forever be mocked and regarded as a result of the Twilight fan craze, or forcibly have their names changed. Jacob Black is the one who gives her the nickname Nessie, and Antis everywhere should thank him for the endless Loch Ness Monster jokes he has bestowed upon them. For some strange reason, Bella gets upset about this nickname and tries to attack Jacob. You would think she would be more upset about Jacob the pedowolf imprinting on her NEWBORN BABY, but no. Congratulations Bella, you suck. When Jacob sees Renesmee for the first time in Breaking Wind, he forgets the feelings he had had for Bella since Twilight, and promptly "imprints" on the newborn baby (IT'S AWWWW-RIGHT!) . Meyer revealed in an interview that the reason Jacob had feelings for Bella at all was because he sensed Renesmee's egg in her. No, seriously. What would have happened if Jacob and Bella had gotten married, and their child was Renesmee? No one even wants to think about the resulting confusion. It is heavily implied that Jacob will have sex with Renesmee once she has the physical maturity of an eighteen-year-old, even though she would be chronologically, emotionally, and mentally seven and Jacob would have been like an uncle to her before that time. This is justified by her intelligence and maturity, qualities Stephenie Meyer may or may not actually understand, judging by the fact that we are told Bella possesses them. People who are not Twilight fangirls think the Jacob/Renesmee relationship is pedophilia and child grooming, and rightly so. People who are Twilight fangirls think it's OMG so cute, and often fail to realize that it's even worse than a 14-year-old who looks eighteen dating somebody who is thirty years old. Although in most normal circumstances a small child would not want to marry their uncle figure, Bella comments on how much Nessie thinks about Jacob and accepts her fate as his future sex slave wife(*cough*ChildGrooming *cough*). This is another example of Stephenie Meyer's odd fetish of having the victims of pedophilia and abuse actually enjoying their sick situations. Many fans would like to believe that Jake and Nessie will just be uber best buds forever and ever, but Jacob lets us know his true intentions when he gives a promise ring to his beloved sea creature for her first Christmas(that's right, her FIRST Christmas). In line with the priorities of the Twilight series, Renesmee's appearance is very well described: she has Bella's brown eyes, red hair like Edward's which is curly like Charlie's, and Edward's facial features. Since Edward is consistently described as lean, angular and entirely masculine in appearance, we must assume that Renesmee is one hell of an ugly baby.
  • Nacida el 11 de septiembre de 2006 Renesmee (pronunciado Reh-nez-me) Carlie Cullen, apodada "Nessie", era la residente híbrido vampiro/humana del clan Olímpico. Ella era la hija de Edward Cullen y Bella Swan y la imprimación de Jacob Black. Los abuelos paternos biológicos de Renesmee eran Edward Sr. y Elizabeth Masen, mientras que por el lado materno, eran Charlie Swan y Renée Dwyer. Ella también era la nieta adoptiva de Carlisle y Esme Cullen y la sobrina adoptiva de Jasper y Rosalie Hale y Alice y Emmett Cullen. Ella tenía las habilidades de mostrar a la gente sus pensamientos tocándolos y presumiblemente romper sus defensas mentales. Bella estaba inicialmente enojada y atacó a Jacob por darle a su hija el apodo de "Nessie", así como haberse imprimado en ella. Irina del clan Denali vio a Renesmee y creyó que ella era una niña inmortal, un niño humano que había sido convertido por un vampiro. Ella informó esto a los Vulturi, ya que a los niños inmortales no se les permitía vivir. Los Vulturi llegaron a Forks con la intención de matar a Renesmee y a los Cullen. Sin embargo, los miembros de la familia Cullen reunieron testigos de todo el mundo para demostrar que Renesmee no era una niña inmortal. Alice trajo a otro híbrido vampiro/humano, Nahuel, quien explicó que no suponían ningún peligro para los vampiros. Convencidos de que Renesmee no era una amenaza, los Vulturi se fueron, y Renesmee y su familia se quedaron en paz. Ella era la única híbrido conocida actualmente por tener dones sobrenaturales. Ella fue interpretada por Mackenzie Foy en las adaptaciones cinematográficas de Amanecer.
  • This wiki was recently taken known, after multiple comlaints
  • She is the dhampir daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan born on September 10, three days before Bella's nineteenth birthday in Breaking Dawn. Her name is derived from the amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of the names Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella's father. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has curly hair inherited from her grandfather, Charlie Swan, and brown eyes like Bella. Her heart pumps blood, giving her a blush, and her pale skin slightly glows in sunlight. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's. Only minutes after she is born, she is imprinted upon by Jacob Black, who becomes her soul mate and acts as an older brother figure to her. Renesmee can survive on either blood or human food, though she prefers blood, and she does not produce venom. Her special abilities are transmitting thoughts to others by touching their skin and penetrating mental shields, the opposite abilities of each of her parents. She rapidly grows both mentally and physically, is able to speak only seven days after her birth, and by the end of the novel can read, run, hunt, and perform other tasks at advanced levels for her young age. Her intelligence stuns everyone, and she is able to understand what is happening around her when the Volturi arrive. Jacob nicknames her "Nessie" because he considers her full name to be a mouthful, though Bella strongly dislikes her child being nicknamed "after the Loch Ness Monster." By the book's end, however, all of the characters have adopted this shortened version. She will reach physical maturity after about seven years, when her appearance will be around 17, and then stop aging. Weeks after Renesmee is born, Irina, a vampire from the Denali coven, sees Renesmee and believes she is an "immortal child", a young human child who had been changed into a vampire. She informs the Volturi, as immortal children are not permitted to exist due to their unpredictable nature. Intent on killing Renesmee and the other Cullens, the Volturi travel to Forks. The Cullens gather witnesses from around the world to testify that they have seen her mature and grow, and so she is therefore not an immortal child. Alice brings another half-breed, 150-year-old Nahuel, who explains that half-breeds pose no danger to the vampires. Convinced that Renesmee is not a threat, the Volturi leave, and Renesmee and her family are left in peace.
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