  • Beiden province
  • The Beiden province (Yo2) was the southernmost Yogo province, extending from the northernmost border of the Nezuban province (Ba4), to the southernmost border of the Fukitsu province (Yo1), and the easternmost border of the Kunizakai province (Ba1), being enveloped by the Seikitsu Mountains which separated from the westernmost border of the Lion provinces. Notable locations within the province were Beiden (S8), Kagoki (S11), the south end of the Shamate Pass, and the Seven Stings Keep.
  • The Beiden province (Yo2) was the southernmost Yogo province, extending from the northernmost border of the Nezuban province (Ba4), to the southernmost border of the Fukitsu province (Yo1), and the easternmost border of the Kunizakai province (Ba1), being enveloped by the Seikitsu Mountains which separated from the westernmost border of the Lion provinces. Notable locations within the province were Beiden (S8), Kagoki (S11), the south end of the Shamate Pass, and the Seven Stings Keep.