  • Napalm Man
  • Napalm Man
  • Napalm Man
  • Napalm Man is a Robot Master created by Dr. Wily. He was first seen in Mega Man 5 as one of the games Eight Robot Masters.
  • Napalm Man (ナパームマン Napāmuman?, Trad. Hombre Napalm) es un Robot Master creado por el Doctor Wily para proteger su fábrica secreta de armas, donde Napalm Man usa su tiempo libre para coleccionar armamentos y añadirlos a si mismo. Debido a que es considerado generalmente como un arma andante, incluso sus aliados se sienten incómodos cerca de él, así que no tiene muchos amigos. Sin embargo, él es muy leal y más inteligente y diplomático que su apariencia sugiere, ser un experto en los campos tanto de armamento y la negociación.
  • Napalm Man (ナパームマン Napāmuman?) is a Robot Master created by Dr. Wily to protect his secret weapons factory, where he would spend his spare time collecting and searching for weapons as strong or stronger than his own. Napalm Man is a weapons enthusiast equipped with an array of explosive weapons all over his body - he is equipped with Napalm Bomb launchers in his arms, a large missile launcher in his head, and also launch six smaller homing missiles from silos concealed in his shoulders. He has treads on his feet and can increase his speed with a rocket booster on his back.
  • Napalm Man is a brandished user of explosives built by Dr. Wily. Purpose: Destroy! Burn everything to the ground! (Including Mega Man). In the events of Mega Man 5, Napalm Man had snapped completely when he was fed chili peppers from the Dark Men. Thus, he went on a rampage in what was thought to be an old Vietnamese jungle. Mega Man had defeated him simply - shooting him until he somehow hit the heavily guarded off switch. Quotes: "MWAHAHHAHA BURN BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND" (Playing Call of Duty 4 "Oh, hello." (5 seconds after Megaman enters his boss room while he plays Call of Duty 4)
  • Detener a Napalm Man.
  • Detener a Napalm Man.
  • 2
  • Una selva similar a Vietnam. Túneles, cascadas y una base militar. El Dr. Wily creó esta base secreta para la fabricación de sus misiles y explosivos con la finalidad de la conquista del mundo. Se encuentra la Medalla "N".
  • Una selva similar a Vietnam. Túneles, cascadas y una base militar. El Dr. Wily creó esta base secreta para la fabricación de sus misiles y explosivos con la finalidad de la conquista del mundo.
  • Un robot que protege la fábrica de munición secreta del Dr. Wily. El alcance explosivo de sus Napalm Bombs no es tan amplio como parece. Así que no te preocupes y céntrate en esquivar.
  • Napalm Bomb
  • DWN-039
  • Ir a la secreta fábrica de armas de Wily que él protege. Cuando Napalm Bomb estalle, el rango de ataque es más estrecho de lo que parece. Debes estar calmado como una estatua.
  • Escenario de Napalm Man
  • Fábrica de Armas
  • Mega Man
  • Napalm Man
  • Napalm Man
  • Napalm Man
  • left|MM5right|MM5 Napalm Man
  • Character
  • 62
  • Napāmuman
  • Artwork from [[w:c:megaman:Rockman_Complete_Works
  • A wide variety of weapons are equipped all over his body.
  • Weapon nerd
  • Look at this destructive power!
  • Loyalty
  • Weapons, arms in general
  • Safety equipment
  • Metal detector
  • Loyal to his duties
  • Maniac
  • 4
  • 5
  • Mega Man 5:
  • 1992
  • ワイリーのひみつへいきこうじょうをまもるロボット。ナパームボムのばくふうは、みためより攻撃はんいがせまい。落ちついてよけよう。
  • Green
  • Mega Man 5
  • NapalmEscena.jpg
  • NapalmEscenaGB4.png
  • NapalmEscenaGG.png
  • 19
  • 28
  • ナパームマン
  • #FFF
  • Feel the power of my weapon!
  • dxwho's version
  • Shinichirou Seki
  • Shinichirou Seki
  • Negotiations
Bild Charakter
  • 250
  • Crystal Eye
  • Napalmman_game_gear.png
  • Napalmmugshot.png
  • NapalmretratoGB.png
  • A robot whose whole body is a weapon, he protects a weapons factory. Although he built a weapons museum, nobody showed up to see.
  • DWN-039
  • Napalm Man is a Robot Master created by Dr. Wily. He was first seen in Mega Man 5 as one of the games Eight Robot Masters.
  • Napalm Man (ナパームマン Napāmuman?) is a Robot Master created by Dr. Wily to protect his secret weapons factory, where he would spend his spare time collecting and searching for weapons as strong or stronger than his own. Napalm Man is a weapons enthusiast equipped with an array of explosive weapons all over his body - he is equipped with Napalm Bomb launchers in his arms, a large missile launcher in his head, and also launch six smaller homing missiles from silos concealed in his shoulders. He has treads on his feet and can increase his speed with a rocket booster on his back. Because he is generally considered to be a walking weapon, even his allies feel uncomfortable near him, so he doesn't have many friends. He is however very loyal, and more intelligent and diplomatic than his appearance would suggest, being an expert in the fields of both weaponry and negotiation.
  • Napalm Man (ナパームマン Napāmuman?, Trad. Hombre Napalm) es un Robot Master creado por el Doctor Wily para proteger su fábrica secreta de armas, donde Napalm Man usa su tiempo libre para coleccionar armamentos y añadirlos a si mismo. Napalm Man es un entusiasta de las armas, él tiene equipadas una variedad de armas explosivas por todo su cuerpo, que está equipado con misiles y lanzadores de bombas de Napalm en sus brazos, que puede lanzar misiles desde su cabeza y lanzar seis pequeños misiles rastreadores de sus hombros. Su Arma Especial, Napalm Bomb, cuando son lanzadas de sus brazos empiezan a rebotar y después de un determinado tiempo explotan. Él pisa firmemente sobre sus pies y puede aumentar su velocidad con un cohete en la espalda. Debido a que es considerado generalmente como un arma andante, incluso sus aliados se sienten incómodos cerca de él, así que no tiene muchos amigos. Sin embargo, él es muy leal y más inteligente y diplomático que su apariencia sugiere, ser un experto en los campos tanto de armamento y la negociación.
  • Napalm Man is a brandished user of explosives built by Dr. Wily. Purpose: Destroy! Burn everything to the ground! (Including Mega Man). In the events of Mega Man 5, Napalm Man had snapped completely when he was fed chili peppers from the Dark Men. Thus, he went on a rampage in what was thought to be an old Vietnamese jungle. Mega Man had defeated him simply - shooting him until he somehow hit the heavily guarded off switch. Only months later, in Mega Man IV (GAMEBOY, not NES) the explosive war machine was paid very many Bolts from Ballade to guard the Wily Tank's four WILY Tokens. However, after the incident he shares a deep rivalry with Ballade for having a better explosive weapon. In a recent drawing of Robot Masters, Napalm Man was chosen as the representative for Mega Man 5, and his data was implanted into the second Weapons Archive. He now constantly battles Commando Man because, when Napalm plants mines, Commando makes them all explode. Get the picture? Between 20XX and 21XX, after Capcom's last classic-series game, Napalm Man had sorrowfully exploded for the last time. One of his partners, a (revived) Grenade Man accidentally stepped on Napalm's OWN LAND MINE, and they both were caught in the explosion. While Grenade Man had suitable fragments of armor for a revival, there was no trace of Napalm Man found ever again. Quotes: "MWAHAHHAHA BURN BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND" (Playing Call of Duty 4 "Oh, hello." (5 seconds after Megaman enters his boss room while he plays Call of Duty 4)
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