  • Newgrounds BBS
  • The Newgrounds BBS is a bulletin board system that allows people to post comments and statements about Newgrounds and various other things. The name BBS is used to refer to the whole system, commonly referred to as "The Forums" and labeled as Newgrounds Forums in the BBS section of the FAQ. The forums are actually separate subject sections within the BBS. Currently, about 1,000 users post on the BBS daily.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Newgrounds BBS/preload editintro=Newgrounds BBS/editintro width=25 The Newgrounds Bulletin Board System or BBS is a custmly made HTML forum that allows the massive newgrounds community [1] to stay connected to each other.
  • The Newgrounds BBS is a bulletin board system that allows people to post comments and statements about Newgrounds and various other things. The name BBS is used to refer to the whole system, commonly referred to as "The Forums" and labeled as Newgrounds Forums in the BBS section of the FAQ. The forums are actually separate subject sections within the BBS. Currently, about 1,000 users post on the BBS daily.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Newgrounds BBS/preload editintro=Newgrounds BBS/editintro width=25 The Newgrounds Bulletin Board System or BBS is a custmly made HTML forum that allows the massive newgrounds community [1] to stay connected to each other.