  • Toral, Call Off This Ormang
  • Two Klingon fleets engaged one another; one side lost a cruiser before the USS Avenger commanded by the only Klingon in Starfleet swooped in a fired on a cruiser on the other side. Ambassador Worf hailed the lead enemy ship. "Toral, call off this ormang. An honorless dog like you will never rule the Empire." "That is where you are wrong Worf, now that I possess the sword of Kahless. The Klingon throne is mine." "I will see to it, that day never comes."
  • Two Klingon fleets engaged one another; one side lost a cruiser before the USS Avenger commanded by the only Klingon in Starfleet swooped in a fired on a cruiser on the other side. Ambassador Worf hailed the lead enemy ship. "Toral, call off this ormang. An honorless dog like you will never rule the Empire." "That is where you are wrong Worf, now that I possess the sword of Kahless. The Klingon throne is mine." "I will see to it, that day never comes."