  • New Persian Dominion
  • Originally known as Iran, the New Persian Dominion is a growing, developing, and established nation at 142 days old with citizens primarily of Persian ethnicity whose religion is Islam. Its technology is advancing rapidly. Its citizens enjoy a wealth of technology within their nation. Its citizens pay moderately high tax rates and they are somewhat unhappy in their work environments as a result. The citizens of New Persian Dominion work diligently to produce Coal and Pigs as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. When it comes to nuclear weapons New Persian Dominion has no definite position and is therefore considered opposed to them. The military of New Persian Dominion has been positioned at all border crossings and i
  • 88
  • 78000000
  • New Persian Dominion
  • Farsi, Arabic
  • Republic
  • Islam
  • Persian
  • 362218
  • New Tehran
  • Onward! Divine Peoples!
  • Ey Iran
  • Flag of the New Persian Dominion.svg
  • Originally known as Iran, the New Persian Dominion is a growing, developing, and established nation at 142 days old with citizens primarily of Persian ethnicity whose religion is Islam. Its technology is advancing rapidly. Its citizens enjoy a wealth of technology within their nation. Its citizens pay moderately high tax rates and they are somewhat unhappy in their work environments as a result. The citizens of New Persian Dominion work diligently to produce Coal and Pigs as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. When it comes to nuclear weapons New Persian Dominion has no definite position and is therefore considered opposed to them. The military of New Persian Dominion has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. New Persian Dominion allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. New Persian Dominion detains individuals who participate in slanderous comments about the government. The government gives whatever is necessary to help others out in times of crisis, even if it means hurting its own economy. The government of New Persian Dominion will trade with any other country regardless of ethical consequences. The name of the country was changed following the assimilation of other Istan nations and rise of the new nationalist government.