  • Highland Mountains
  • Highland Mountains
  • Highland Mountains
  • ハイランド山にはほかにもロングホーン谷やODG Facility A-331があった。ODG施設A-331はビッグ・ホーン・リバーに存在した。 野生のブルーベリーの茂み と杉の木 の森の中に隠れたように軍のトレーニング地域があった。
  • In 2517, the SPARTAN-II candidates were brought to the Reach FLEETCOM Military Complex.
  • thumb|200pxHighland Mountains war eine Bergregion auf dem Viery Territorium, Reach, das diverse UNSC Einrichtungen beherbergte.
  • The Highland Mountains were a large group of mountain ranges on the northern continents of the planet Reach. The Highland mountains were home to many facilities used by Reach. After the Battle of Reach, these mountains were one of the few areas not destroyed by the CIS.
  • ハイランド山にはほかにもロングホーン谷やODG Facility A-331があった。ODG施設A-331はビッグ・ホーン・リバーに存在した。 野生のブルーベリーの茂み と杉の木 の森の中に隠れたように軍のトレーニング地域があった。
  • In 2517, the SPARTAN-II candidates were brought to the Reach FLEETCOM Military Complex.
  • thumb|200pxHighland Mountains war eine Bergregion auf dem Viery Territorium, Reach, das diverse UNSC Einrichtungen beherbergte.
  • The Highland Mountains were a large group of mountain ranges on the northern continents of the planet Reach. The Highland mountains were home to many facilities used by Reach. After the Battle of Reach, these mountains were one of the few areas not destroyed by the CIS.
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