  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • __TOC__
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore is one of the main characters in the computer RPG known as World of Warcraft. She is an Archmage, who is now the current leader of the Kirin Tor and the Current ruler of Dalaran. She is the daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, the last Grand Admiral and Ruler of Theramoore isle. One of the most trustworthy members of the alliance and an accomplished sorceress, she leads their tropes against any threats that threaten the alliance and Azeroth itself. Recently, she has taken aggressive arms against the current Warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream for the destruction of Theramoore Isle.
  • Gdy w grę wchodzi zamiana punktów many na coś konkretniejszego – przykładowo kule ognia – Jaina nie ma sobie równych. W jej talii znajdziemy wiele zaklęć, które służą do zadawania obrażeń bezpośrednio, w tym Tajemną eksplozję oraz Falę płomieni – dwa potężne czary, które dosłownie wymiatają planszę. Dodajmy do tego jej moc specjalną, dzięki której Jaina radzi sobie doskonale z pomniejszymi stronnikami, oraz cały wachlarz Sekretów – i mamy przepis na wszechstronną i śmiertelnie niebezpieczną przeciwniczkę.
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore jest liderem niedobitków ludzi z upadłego Lordaeron i głównym władcą wysp Theramore. Jej ojcem był bohater wojny, Daelin Proudmoore, a braćmi Tandred i Derek Proudmoorowie. Jaina ma również przyrodnią siostrę, pół wysoką elfkę, Finnall Goldensword. Obecnie jest jedną z najpotężniejszych czarodziejek świata Azeroth. Jaina jest dubbingowana przez Brygidę Turowską w Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos oraz w Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
  • Name: Jaina Proudmoore Classification: Mage, Kirin Tor Leader Gender: Female Powers and Abilities: Magic (Spellcasting), Elemental Manipulation, Teleportation Stamina: Peak human conditioning Range: Unknown Standard Equipment: Staff of Antonidas Intelligence: Well-educated in the Art of Magic Weaknesses: Nothing notable, but is mentally unstable after the bombing of Theramore.
  • Jaina Proudmoore on Theramoren perustaja ja johtaja,suuramiraali Daelin Proudmooren tytär sekä yksi Azerothin voimallisimmista ihmisvelhoista. Jaina myös tunnettiin yhtenä Kirin Torin parhaimmista huorista. Luokka:Henkilöt
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore is de stichter en leider van Theramore Isle, de Alliance's grootste haven in zuidelijk Kalimdor. Zij is de dochter van Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, zus van Tandred Proudmoore en Derek Proudmoore en beweerde halfzus van Finnall Goldensword. Als zodanig is zij Prinses van het Koninkrijk van Kul'Tiras, hoewel ze die titel nooit gebruikt. Ze is ook de meest krachtige menselijke tovenaar op Azeroth.
  • Jaina Proudmoore is the founder and former Lady of Theramore Isle (as well as its only leader during its brief existence), the Alliance's major port in southern Kalimdor. After the destruction of Theramore, she took leadership of the Kirin Tor. She is the daughter of Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, sister of Tandred Proudmoore and Derek Proudmoore, and the alleged half-sister of Finnall Goldensword. She is also the most powerful human sorceress on Azeroth.
  • Jaina Proudmoore is a major character of the Warcraft franchise. Jaina was seen as a hero, who was filled with compassion, and always sought to ensure peace between The Alliance & the Horde, even siding against her fanatical father, who was launching unprovoked attacks on Orgrimmar. However, since the Bombing of Theramore during the events of Mists of Pandaria, she has become more of an anti-villain, becoming much more extremist and racist towards the Horde.
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore a Kirin Tor vezetője és Dalaran kormányzója, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore lánya, Derek Proudmoore húga és örökségéből fakadóan Kul Tiras királyságának hercegnője (habár maga sosem használja ezt a címet). Kalimdoron Jaina találkozott Tyrande Whisperwinddel, Malfurion Stormrage-el, Thrallal és Cairne Bloodhooffal. Medivh hatására a vezetők ideglenes szövetséget kötöttek egymással. Az egyesült Night Elf, Horde és Human erőknek sikerült legyőzniük a démon Archimonde-ot és száműzniük a légiót Azeroth földjéről.
  • 80
  • 92
  • ??
  • ??
  • ??
  • 1.637000
  • 1637000
  • File:Kryształ Many.png 0
  • --08-08
  • by Aug 9th 2011 at 3:30PM
  • by Apr 13th 2014 8:00PM
  • by Jun 24th 2012 4:00PM
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore.JPG
type of villain
  • Wrathful Villain, Seeker of Vengeance, Anti-Hero
  • 0
  • Ognisty pocisk: Zadaj 1 pkt. obrażeń.
  • Bring Garrosh Hellscream to justice.
  • Destroy the Horde
  • Secure peace between The Alliance & the Horde
  • Alliance
  • Alliance
  • Alliance
  • Alliance
  • Warcraft
  • Most powerful human sorceress alive
  • Alive
  • Żyje
  • Életben
  • In leven
  • Darnassus
  • Siege of Orgrimmar
  • Krasarang Wilds
  • Dalaran
  • Icecrown Citadel
  • Battle for Mount Hyjal
  • Crusader's Coliseum
  • Culling of Stratholme
  • Forge of Souls
  • Halls of Reflection
  • Icecrown
  • Isle of Thunder
  • Mount Hyjal
  • Pit of Saron
  • Shrine of Seven Stars
  • Theramore Isle
  • Theramore's Fall
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
  • Boss
  • wowinsider
  • blizzplanet
  • wowus
  • bnetwowus
  • woweu
  • Kobieta
  • 30
  • 33
  • File:Mag.gif Bohater
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: What exactly is up with women in Warcraft lore?
  •|desc=Jaina Proudmoore working book title: Tides of War
  •|desc=Major Characters in Icecrown Citadel: Lady Jaina Proudmoore
  •|desc=Major Characters in Icecrown Citadel: Lady Jaina Proudmoore
  •|desc=What if? … Jaina, Warchief of the Horde
  •|desc=The Characters of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The immeasurable sorrow of Jaina Proudmoore
  • Lady Jaina, Archmage Jaima
  • Practicing magic
  • Jaina
  • Ruler of Theramore
  • -Przywódca Kirin Tor
  • -Ruler of Theramore
  • Arcymag, Lady
  • Leader of the Kirin Tor
  • Specialny Agent Kirin Tor
  • Władczyni Theramore
  • Ruler of Dalaran, Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor, former Lady of Theramore, former Apprentice to Antonidas
  • Antonidas
  • Jaina.png
  • A Kirin Tor vezetője
  • Czarodziejka
  • Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor
  • Korábban: Theramore kormányzója
  • Leader of the Kirin Tor
  • Leider van Theramore, Tovenares
  • Ruler of Dalaran
  • Ruler of Theramore
  • former Ruler of Theramore
  • Jaina Proudmoore
  • Female
  • Vrouwelijk
  • 4.505000
  • 5.040000
  • 6.978000
  • 17.178000
  • 54.971000
  • 100.800000
  • 279.127000
  • 569.100000
  • 279127200
  • Human
  • HumanCzłowiek
  • Human
  • Human
  • [[#Helyszínek
  • Theramore, Pyłowe Bagnisko; Koloseum Krzyżowców, Lodowa Korona; Kuźnia Dusz, Dół Sarona i Halle Odbicia, Cytadela Lodowej Korony
  • Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh; Crusaders' Coliseum, Icecrown; Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection, Icecrown Citadel
  • Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh; Crusaders' Coliseum, Icecrown; Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection, Icecrown Citadel, Dalaran
  • 320
  • Standardowa
  • Darmowa
stworzenie złotej
  • 500
  • __TOC__
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore a Kirin Tor vezetője és Dalaran kormányzója, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore lánya, Derek Proudmoore húga és örökségéből fakadóan Kul Tiras királyságának hercegnője (habár maga sosem használja ezt a címet). Jaina a Kirin Tor egyik legígéretesebb varázslótanítványa volt, közvetlen Archmage Antonidas, a Kirin Tor korábbi vezetőjének kezei alatt tanult. A Third War kezdetén, Antonidas azzal a feladattal bízta meg, hogy egy különleges "követtel" együtt utazzon észak Lordaeron területeire és derítse ki, hogy a lakosságot sújtó pestisnek köze van-e a mágiához. Mint később kiderült, ez a követ gyermekkori barátja és szerelme, Arthas Menethil Herceg. A nyomozás során fény derült a pestis természetére, mely valóban mágikus, pontosabban nekromanta eredetű melynek forrása a Scourge és az őket irányító Burning Legion. Jaina első kézből látta Lordaeron elestét és Arthas bukását. A Burning Legion és a Scourge támadása alatt — a misztikus próféta tanácsára — összegyűjtötte a megmaradt Lordaeroni túlélőket, hogy a tengeren át együtt, Kalimdorra meneküljenek. Kalimdoron Jaina találkozott Tyrande Whisperwinddel, Malfurion Stormrage-el, Thrallal és Cairne Bloodhooffal. Medivh hatására a vezetők ideglenes szövetséget kötöttek egymással. Az egyesült Night Elf, Horde és Human erőknek sikerült legyőzniük a démon Archimonde-ot és száműzniük a légiót Azeroth földjéről. A győzelem után, Kalimdor keleti partjainál a túlélők megalapították Theramore Isle kikötővárosát, ahol Jaina kormányzóként uralkodott. Évekkel később, Deathwing halála után, a Horda, Warchief Garrosh Hellscream vezetése alatt, egy elsöprő támadást indított Theramore ellen, elpusztítva a várost. Jainanak sikerült megmenekülnie, Rhonin önzetlen áldozata miatt, de a tapasztalat átformálta korábbi pacifista jellemét és a Hordához való viszonyulását. Rhonin Halálának és a sárkány-mágus Korialstrasz próféciájának hatására az elesett mágus helyébe lép, mint a Kirin tor vezetője.
  • Jaina Proudmoore is a major character of the Warcraft franchise. Jaina was seen as a hero, who was filled with compassion, and always sought to ensure peace between The Alliance & the Horde, even siding against her fanatical father, who was launching unprovoked attacks on Orgrimmar. However, since the Bombing of Theramore during the events of Mists of Pandaria, she has become more of an anti-villain, becoming much more extremist and racist towards the Horde. After an attack led by Acting Warchief Garrosh Hellscream caused the destruction of Theramore, Jaina was driven temporily insane by the mana residue and shock. As a result she proceeds to try and use the Focusing Iris, the arcane artifact used to power Garrosh's mana-bomb, to flood Orgrimmar and kill everybody in the city. She is talked out of it at the last minute by Thrall and Kalecgos. But she still cuts off her friendship with Thrall, considering him partially responsible for the tragedy, as he didn't replace Garrosh despite knowing of his hatred for the Alliance. Her rage now contained and to make up for the atrocity she was about to commit, she rejoins the Kirin Tor as an apprentice, but is made its new leader, replacing the Rhonin. Soon thereafter, she finds herself forced to purge Dalaran of the Horde, as Dalaran's portals were used by the Blood Elves to by-pass her wards around Darnassus and acquire the Divine Bell. As such, she fully pledges Dalaran to the Alliance again, and has since then acquired a much harsher view on the Horde, even going as far as advising Varian to not "go soft on them". Once Garrosh is defeated by Adventurers and the Horde pick a new Warchief, Jaina came very close to crossing the Moral Event Horizon by suggesting to Varian that he kill the Horde leaders. Luckily in the novel, War Crimes Jaina regained much of her sanity and stated that Garrosh should not represent all orcs since most orcs tried their hardest to amend to their misdeeds. After being injured and nearly killed, Thrall, looks upon Jaina, hoping for her to be saved. Chi-Ji is able to rescue her and Jaina completely forgives Thrall. However, it is still shown in Warlords of Draenor that she still doesn't fully trust the Horde and says she'll keep her eyes on them.
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore is one of the main characters in the computer RPG known as World of Warcraft. She is an Archmage, who is now the current leader of the Kirin Tor and the Current ruler of Dalaran. She is the daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, the last Grand Admiral and Ruler of Theramoore isle. One of the most trustworthy members of the alliance and an accomplished sorceress, she leads their tropes against any threats that threaten the alliance and Azeroth itself. Recently, she has taken aggressive arms against the current Warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream for the destruction of Theramoore Isle.
  • Gdy w grę wchodzi zamiana punktów many na coś konkretniejszego – przykładowo kule ognia – Jaina nie ma sobie równych. W jej talii znajdziemy wiele zaklęć, które służą do zadawania obrażeń bezpośrednio, w tym Tajemną eksplozję oraz Falę płomieni – dwa potężne czary, które dosłownie wymiatają planszę. Dodajmy do tego jej moc specjalną, dzięki której Jaina radzi sobie doskonale z pomniejszymi stronnikami, oraz cały wachlarz Sekretów – i mamy przepis na wszechstronną i śmiertelnie niebezpieczną przeciwniczkę.
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore jest liderem niedobitków ludzi z upadłego Lordaeron i głównym władcą wysp Theramore. Jej ojcem był bohater wojny, Daelin Proudmoore, a braćmi Tandred i Derek Proudmoorowie. Jaina ma również przyrodnią siostrę, pół wysoką elfkę, Finnall Goldensword. Obecnie jest jedną z najpotężniejszych czarodziejek świata Azeroth. Jaina jest dubbingowana przez Brygidę Turowską w Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos oraz w Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
  • Name: Jaina Proudmoore Classification: Mage, Kirin Tor Leader Gender: Female Powers and Abilities: Magic (Spellcasting), Elemental Manipulation, Teleportation Stamina: Peak human conditioning Range: Unknown Standard Equipment: Staff of Antonidas Intelligence: Well-educated in the Art of Magic Weaknesses: Nothing notable, but is mentally unstable after the bombing of Theramore.
  • Jaina Proudmoore on Theramoren perustaja ja johtaja,suuramiraali Daelin Proudmooren tytär sekä yksi Azerothin voimallisimmista ihmisvelhoista. Jaina myös tunnettiin yhtenä Kirin Torin parhaimmista huorista. Luokka:Henkilöt
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore is de stichter en leider van Theramore Isle, de Alliance's grootste haven in zuidelijk Kalimdor. Zij is de dochter van Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, zus van Tandred Proudmoore en Derek Proudmoore en beweerde halfzus van Finnall Goldensword. Als zodanig is zij Prinses van het Koninkrijk van Kul'Tiras, hoewel ze die titel nooit gebruikt. Ze is ook de meest krachtige menselijke tovenaar op Azeroth.
  • Jaina Proudmoore is the founder and former Lady of Theramore Isle (as well as its only leader during its brief existence), the Alliance's major port in southern Kalimdor. After the destruction of Theramore, she took leadership of the Kirin Tor. She is the daughter of Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, sister of Tandred Proudmoore and Derek Proudmoore, and the alleged half-sister of Finnall Goldensword. She is also the most powerful human sorceress on Azeroth. Jaina was one of the most talented and trusted sorceresses of the Kirin Tor. She was dispatched by Antonidas to discover what was happening in the northlands of Lordaeron. She was escorted by her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest, Prince Arthas Menethil, to uncover if the plague had magical origins. Jaina saw the fall of Lordaeron firsthand and — guided by a mysterious prophet — rallied what survivors she could and fled across the sea to Kalimdor. Jaina swore to defeat the Burning Legion and its sinister agents any way she could. Joining forces with the night elves and even the orcish Horde, Jaina helped defeat the demon Archimonde and banish the Legion. She then gathered the human survivors in Kalimdor and founded the port city of Theramore. She ruled there over the tattered remnants of the Alliance of Lordaeron and hopes to reunite the distant human kingdoms once more. (WoWMan 170) In the aftermath of Theramore's utter destruction, Jaina soon became Grand Magus of the Kirin Tor and ruler of Dalaran until she declared war on the Horde and attacked Varok Saurfang during her attack on Orgrimmar. Jaina is voiced by Carrie Gordon-Lowrey[citation needed] in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft. She is voiced by an unknown actress in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade and by Laura Bailey[citation needed] in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.
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is Students of
is Ruler of
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