  • Iluya
  • Iluya
  • Iluya ist eine friedvolle Insel im Norden der Föderation der Inselnationen und der Festung El-Eal am nahsten gelegen. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Insel von Graham Cray in 303 SY als Ziel für die Demnonstrations einer neuen Runenkanone, welche in El-Eal stationiert war, genutzt. Dadurch wurde die gesamte Insel zerstört und nur wenige Bewohner überlebten den Angriff. Noch einige Jahren waren die Nebeneffekte des Angriffs, nämlich viele Stürme und starker Regen, zu spüren, doch ungefähr seit 309 SY hat sich die Lage wieder beruhigt.
  • General Overview A peaceful island to the far north of the Island Nations region and the nearest settlement to El-Eal Fortress, Iluya was famed for its steamed buns as well as its picturesque streets over anything else. Due to its position, it was chosen by Graham Cray in 303 as the target for a demonstration of the Giant Rune Cannon which had been recently installed in Fort El-Eal. The entire island was decimated from the attack save for only a handful of survivors. For several years following the attack, the island had to endure constant storms and rainfall, a side-effect of the cannon. However, by 309, the weather in the area had returned to normal.
  • Iluya ist eine friedvolle Insel im Norden der Föderation der Inselnationen und der Festung El-Eal am nahsten gelegen. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Insel von Graham Cray in 303 SY als Ziel für die Demnonstrations einer neuen Runenkanone, welche in El-Eal stationiert war, genutzt. Dadurch wurde die gesamte Insel zerstört und nur wenige Bewohner überlebten den Angriff. Noch einige Jahren waren die Nebeneffekte des Angriffs, nämlich viele Stürme und starker Regen, zu spüren, doch ungefähr seit 309 SY hat sich die Lage wieder beruhigt.
  • General Overview A peaceful island to the far north of the Island Nations region and the nearest settlement to El-Eal Fortress, Iluya was famed for its steamed buns as well as its picturesque streets over anything else. Due to its position, it was chosen by Graham Cray in 303 as the target for a demonstration of the Giant Rune Cannon which had been recently installed in Fort El-Eal. The entire island was decimated from the attack save for only a handful of survivors. For several years following the attack, the island had to endure constant storms and rainfall, a side-effect of the cannon. However, by 309, the weather in the area had returned to normal. Iluya Town An island of medium size, Iluya town itself is located on the island's south east coast, being protected by a natural bay. Iluya was the first island to be attacked during the Island Liberation War, and it was literally cleaved in two by the giant Rune Cannon installed by the Kooluk Empire at Fort El-Eal. Following the war, the few survivors of the attack as well as those sympathetic to Iluya's plight from other islands, began reconstruction work. As of 309, reconstruction was ongoing with the crevasse dividing the island in two crossed by a wooden bridge. In the years following the attack on Iluya, the Iluya Island Vengeance Society was formed by those still outraged at the atrocity committed by the Kooluk Empire, their goal being to take revenge with an attack of some sort of their own, something that actually came to fruition in 309 with the help of Kyril's group. The people of Iluya often trade for southern spices.
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