  • Quest of Love
  • "Mountainclan attack!" The loud battle cry rang through the clearing as cats were launched into the air, claws unsheathed, teeth ready to slice. "Don't back down Oceanclan!" a black tom from the other side called as another pair of cats jumped in, ready to claw any cats that came in their way. The moon was shinning dimly, lighting the cats beneath it, under its pale and damp lighting; setting the ominous scene where yet another battle was preparing to take place.
  • "Mountainclan attack!" The loud battle cry rang through the clearing as cats were launched into the air, claws unsheathed, teeth ready to slice. "Don't back down Oceanclan!" a black tom from the other side called as another pair of cats jumped in, ready to claw any cats that came in their way. The moon was shinning dimly, lighting the cats beneath it, under its pale and damp lighting; setting the ominous scene where yet another battle was preparing to take place. The two groups of cats stood, aligned, pelts bristling, teeth pulled back into a menacing snarl, as they tried to show the other cats that they would fight to death to keep their land. Each cat dared the other to make the first move, to back down, to flinch first. But none did. They all remained silent, waiting... and waiting... and waiting... as the clouds turned and the stars shone, while cats from above them looked down in dismay, only hoping that their heroes could hurry to bring an end to the pain sweeping through the clans. And then, a cat leaped, breaking the silent snarls of the night and turning them into battle cries and the sounds of cats snarling in anger or shrieking in pain. Blood stained the peach colored sands and fur clotted the small paths which the water flowed through to reach the ocean, as tears and screams filled the clearing. The calm and happy cats who dwelled near the two battling groups, could only see the fighting cats from a distance but could clearly hear their cries from where they watched with dread, distraught by the constant battles they had been suffering from as well. The cats from the stars were intently focused on the battle, scared of which live they might lose that horrid night, one of many that had occurred since the journey-bound cats had left. And one of the many which were to follow until their finally returned from their dreaded journey. A loud cry of terror followed by a whimpering noise made all the cats stop dead, at the most horrifying noise that had reached their ears that night. They left the cats they had been fighting to the death and ran over to join the area where the shriek of terror had came from, and what they found were two limp bodies, wrapped around each others, claws unsheathed, cats barring into the other's neck. "Not Flowertail," Pikestar whispered in horror. "Bravescar will be so distressed when he gets back and learns that his mother was killed in his absence." Meanwhile, the Oceanclan cats had gathered around the warrior they lost, mourning him and his sacrifice. For a moment there was silence before the cats looked up at each other in dismay. As they glared at each other solemnly, hope flared in the hearts of all the cats on the ground and in the skies that the two clans might be able to make things right. But that hope was useless. "Your cat killed Flowertail!" Pikestar tried to choke back his rage. "We will sit vigil for him, but after that you must prepare to face the consequences of the life you took." Riverstar met his challenging gaze. "This is all your fault, Pikestar. This territory is rightfully ours. This conflict will be settled when we are done mourning." "You won't like the result," Pikestar warned the Oceanclan leader before turning around and walking away, his cats following him with bristling pelts, and claws ready to knock the life out of Oceanclan. "We'll see about that," Riverstar responded before turning around and walking as well, both clans mourning the lives lost and those that were yet to be lost until the cats returned. "Hey Tulipstem," the tom pulled himself out of the cold waters, long and confident strides carrying him to the beach, as he shook his pelt before sitting by the pretty she-cat. "Hello, Moonfern," she calmly responded licking her fur. "Today's battle really ruined the clans... two cats dead. It's even more tragic when one is close to one of the questing cats." The tom bristled in defense of his clan for a moment before calming down. "Yes it is..." he paused, "I remember how relived I was when there were hardly any cats dead after our quest." She nodded. "We had a quick quest, for which I was grateful. It still proved to be the most challenging thing I've ever experienced," she sighed. "Both of us. Do you remember the quest?" He smiled fondly and licked his Mountainclan mate. "How could I forget? We became mates on that quest, and it is the reason I am here with you tonight." She smiled at him fondly. "But there might not be any more quests if these cats don't hurry coming back," her eyes darkened, "because the clans are at the verge of destruction. And since we lack communication with Starclan it is only a matter of time before we fall."